Chapter 9

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Playlist- Invisible strings by Taylor Swift Astoria Youth. The absolute joy of teenage days came attached with youthful moments and each and every memories of these precious moments would go on to build an adulthood landscape. Earlier on my thirteenth birthday, I had received 'the talk' from my grandparents. They told me to be wise and act anything, but reckless. My mother had lost her way the moment adolescence hit her like an iceberg. She turned rebellious, stepped her entire foot out of line, and ended up ruining her life for good. Your teenage years shape your future life, they said. But, then why did I find it absolutely enthralling and felt the utmost amount of joy to break the rules my grandparents had set for me. I was fourteen going fifteen, summer break was at its peak and so was my absolute carefree, reckless attitude at its peak too. I should blame my even more careless, moody, hyperactive boyfriend for it. Heck, I had started to think that he was a best bad influence on me. He made my plain, mundane life exciting. I went to bed with a thousand megawatts grin on my face and of course, with my boyfriend right beside me. This summer was turning out to be the summer of life. We did everything together. I had lost the count of the number of ground rules I had broken since Axel became my boyfriend. We caused havoc together and the best part was; no one suspected it to be us. The secretive glances we exchanged everytime we were in company of either his parents or my grandparents, amped the level of serotonin in my body. On top of that, Axel chose the most riskiest time to lock his lips with mine. I swear, he was trying to give me a heart attack. Last time, he snuck a kiss on my lips when I was helping my grandpa with his gardening tool. The guy isn't even cocky about it, there's surety in his movements. Frenching. He called it. And we frenched at every possible moment. I made a habit of applying a good chunk of lip mask on my mouth which helped keep my lips supple and soft. Everytime we kissed, our hormones acted on a different level. His was threatening to jump straight out. I knew it well. I was trying to act like the voice of sensibility for the both of us. "My cousins will be coming here for the week." My baby pouted, staring at the stucco style ceiling. The dim bedtime light that emitted from the chandelier illuminated the entire bedroom. I felt as if I was sleeping under a starry sky. "And?" I flung a leg on top of his stomach and clung to his side. "They can't be anymore of a terror than you are," I joked, earning a tiny pinch of his fingers on my butt. "Ouch." "You deserved it," he said playfully. "And I was not afraid of them. Gia and Ried are sweethearts, only five." "I suspect there's a but to your sentence." I grabbed both his cheeks. "You can tell me anything. I'll keep it a secret." I stretched my pinky finger out. "Girlfriend swear." He sighed. "There's Ace too. He's older than us and I don't get along with him." I frowned. "You get along with everyone." It was true. Axel was really friendly and approachable to the kids at school. "Not with him. I don't like him." I caressed his cheek. "I am sure the week will just swoosh in a heartbeat," I assured him. Besides, you have me by your side and I can't wait to meet your cousins." He stayed quiet and spoke after a beat. "Yeah, about that... the younger ones are little snitches so we are not telling them that you're my girlfriend." "Even Ace?" I asked. "To him? I'll make it known openly." *** "Why are you so dressed up?" Grandma scanned my appearance from head to toe. "I told you mama will be busy today. Sir Trent's sister will be coming for a short visit." "I know, mama." I rolled my eyes. "I just felt like wearing this dress . The last time I wore it was for my fourteen birthday party at uncle Joseph' farm. It wasn't even appropriate for a farm." I feigned nonchalance. I didn't need my grandma to grow a suspicious eye on me. Thankfully, grandpa was in Missouri taking care of some farm business. It gave me free reign to do things. It even gave me enough guts to stay the night in Axel' bedroom. "I guess, I'll just find something to do in this lovely palace." I ran away before she could stop me. Her faint warning to stay away from trouble slid right off my back. Little did she know, I was in love with trouble. One taste of trouble and I was addicted and there was no turning back. My choice of outfit was my favourite plaid dress which went really well with a jumper my grandma had knitted for me as a birthday present. I was also wearing the shoes Axel had gifted me on my birthday. I think I looked really good. My glasses were the only thing that didn't go well with my outfit. I had begged grandpa to let me get contacts, but he wouldn't relent. Still, I was sure Axel would love me just the way I was. Not that I was trying to make an impression, still, I wanted his cousins to like me. It would be a kind of an approval. If they liked me enough to come to terms that Axel was dating a girl who didn't match him in wealth, then that would mean someday his parents will accept me. I went to the sun room which was our meet up spot. Axel had stashed his manga copies for me to read in case I felt bored waiting for him. I decided on a volume, sank down on the plush armchair and began reading it. Engrossed, I soaked every word and fell deep into the world where reality didn't make an appearance. "That must be interesting." A voice, unfamiliar, broke me from my trance. Startled and disoriented, I sat up straight. I tucked the manga away and stared ahead at the owner of the voice. My thoughts were scattered and so was my appearance. I needed a moment to gather myself which was comfortably lounging on the plush armchair with legs propped up. "Don't stop reading on my account, please." I coated my lips with moisture as they had turned cold. s**t. I felt awkward. Righting my glasses, I finally found the courage to address the elephant in the room. "Umh," I swallowed. "I would appreciate if y-you don't tell Mrs. Trent on." Why did I have to stammer? I must look and sound like a nervous wreck. For the first time, I stared, properly, at the person who had caught me. Tall, masculine and intimidating. He had on a fine dark suit on him which screamed expensive. Designer shoes and gold studded watch on him. Despite his eloquent, dressy attire and merchandise, he couldn't have been more than sixteen years old. His loose blond waves fell effortlessly on his forehead, the boyish features of his face, physique like that of a basketball player-I had seen at my school-were the only thing that could give away his age. They stood out. Now, this boy; I don't think it was the proper term to describe him, was watching me closely. A hand on his jaw, he bit his lip. I bet girls must swoon at this display. "That depends. Tell me what makes you so comfortable to come and go as you wish. This place was a code to it. Only family and authorised personnel are allowed here. Too young to work here, so answer me, girl." Where was Axel when I needed him. I swear if something bad happens, he will not hear the end of it. I wracked my brain for an answer. I couldn't simply give away the fact that this was mine and my boyfriend's meet up place because I didn't know whether this person was trustable. Was this Ace, Axel's cousin whom he disliked a lot. Well, if he was indeed Ace, then I can see the reason behind Axel's distaste. There was something very unfriendly about this person, but I shouldn't judge him. I just met him for starters. "My grandparents work here." I muttered. "Uhm, they don't know I am here neither did they gave me access to enter the sun room." "Solarium," he corrected me. "Besides, that doesn't answer my question. Who gave you the code, honey?" His sparkling amber eyes scanned me from head to toe and stayed planted on my shoes before landing back on my face. "So your grandparents work here? Some money they make because that's an expensive pair of shoes. Should probably cost them a fortune, am I right?" He smirked. Speechless and kind of sweating, I stared wide eyed at him. It's on even been five minutes since he showed up and he was already outdoing King Bradley. "Please excuse me, I have to help my grandma with some errand." I prayed to get out of here unscathed, but he wouldn't let me. He caught my wrist when I tried to move past him. "I'll accompany you." He smiled, wickedly. Wow. He made bully Axel look like a saint. There was no doubt he was indeed Wallace 'Ace' Knight. The original havoc maker. My attempt to snatch back my hand failed. He led the way for me. "Stop, please. You've got everything wrong," I protested. "This is manhandling. You can't do it to a fourteen year old girl. I am much younger than you." He stopped in his tracks. "Well, that explains why you're not ready to spill the beans to me. Should you do it or I'll ask your grandparents about it." He let go of my wrist. I rubbed my wrist. "I know the code because Axel gave it to me. I am his best friend." I finally revealed the partial truth. Axel should be the one to reveal the girlfriend part to him. "Oh, my little cousin is sneaky." He sounded amused. "Fine, you win. I'll keep the little incident to myself, but in return I might just wait for my cousin at your place. The little cottage is for your family, isn't it?" I nodded, unsure where this was going. "Why do you want to see him at my place?" "Let's just say, the little s**t has a bad habit of avoiding me whenever I am around. Too embarrassed to show his pretty boy face to me." He slipped his hands in the pocket of his suit pants. "Is that necessary?" I pull on the sleeves of my jumper. Axel must be avoiding him for a reason that I'll fetch out of him later. I didn't want to be bad girlfriend to him by letting Ace-who is yet to introduce himself-at my cottage. "Yes." His reply left no room for argument. He wouldn't leave me much choice. "Lead the way or shall I do it?" "No, no. Please, follow me." Shit. *** "Would you like some refreshments, sir?" I added 'sir' to the sentence in hope that he'll finally introduce himself. He waved me off and unbuttoned a button on his suit. "No, nothing." He sat on the loveseat which was the only seating we had kept from the abundant furniture this cottage had before we moved in. Rest all were tucked in a storage. He eyed the seating room with a critical eye. I didn't blame him. He was used to luxury and we had kept the cottage a little like our Missouri home. I didn't know whether I should stand here awkwardly or leave him and go warn Axel. He'll just get tired and go if Axel didn't show up. He looked out of place and I felt as if I was in a very miserable dream. "I am Astoria Emerson." I broke the silence. "You must be Ace." I bit my tongue when his eyebrow arched up. I forgot, only friends and family called Ace and to the rest-Wallace. "Sorry. Axel called you Ace so I-" "Thought you could address me informally," he said. "It's Wallace, to you, girl." "Yes, sure." I averted my eyes. The nervous energy in the room was thankfully broken when the cottage intercom rang. I raced to get it. Anything to get away from Wallace. I answered, gleefully. "Hello, yeah?" I sounded like a kid on christmas morning, excited to open gifts. "It's me, biscuit." It was grandma. "Listen, I forgot today your cousin Winter was supposed to come. Your papa is furious that I forgot to remind him about it and now we both are busy to welcome her. I want you too to pick her up at the gate and show her the guest room and accompany her." Oh, disaster. An absolute villain was sitting in our living room and now the sweetest girl on the planet will have to be in the same breathing air as him. *** Playlist - Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex Astoria "I think you should head back. It's not necessary for you..." The words are lost from my mouth with one look from the enigmatic gentleman who had insisted on accompanying me. I swallow back whatever mundane excuse I had made to get him off my case, literally. He had already proved to be more insufferable than any of the popular girls at my school. On top of everything, there was still no sign of my boyfriend. He really was good at avoiding people. The long walk to the staff's entry gate was eliminated, thanks to the golf cart we had taken. I couldn't bear the torture of jarring silence between us. I had already been embarrassed enough for today. Not a single atom in me could fathom what on earth compelled Wallace Knight to go along with me to fetch my cousin? I sighed in relief when we reached the gate. I left Wallace seated and went to get my cousin who was chatting with a security guard. One thing about Arwen Winter Emerson was that she was one of the kindest, affable, jovial people in the room. Her charisma never diminished despite the struggles she goes through daily. She was a high school senior with a sharp brain. All my life I'd admired her never give up attitude. She really was the most special person I'd known in my life. "Winter," I yelled and waved my arms around to get her attention. Although Arwen was her first name, no one referred to her by that name and I never asked. Her smile lit up when she saw me. I walked to her and she embraced me in a tight hug. "Oh, look at you, lil biscuit." She arched her eyebrow wickedly. "Or should I say, lil toots?" She whispered and broke into a chuckle at my mortified expression. Winter ruffled my hair, playfully. "That's mean of you, sis." I pouted. "And besides, you need to lower your tone, because no one here knows about it." "Alright, alright." She waved a 'bye' at the security guards and bent down to pick her duffel bag. We held each other's hand, but came to a standstill. Recognition engulfed Winter's face. "Wait... who's that?" "Oh, him, a nuisance." My gaze moved from Winter to Wallace, then back to her. "Do you know him?" I asked, disbelief evident in my tone. "Yes," she replied, nonchalantly. "I know him. He's a friend of my friend. It'll only be polite to exchange pleasantries. Don't you think so?" Her question was rhetoric. I was dragged over to the golf cart. Winter led the way for me. "Oh, my God. What are you doing here?" The smile on her face, thrilled. "I swear I thought you were still following me." "That's not my style. It's usually the other way around, but I am glad you're flattered." "Hey, didn't say I was flattered." Dumbfounded, my head went back and forth as I watched them talk so casually with each other. Especially Wallace. He had a strict don't come near me aura to him and to see him... c***k a smile- without any innuendo-just pure genuine was even more unsettling than before. I study Wallace. There wasn't any significant change in his behaviour or attitude, but he seemed a little approachable than before. I frowned. Maybe I judged him too soon. Winter linked her arm into mine. "I see you've met my cute little cousin here." She ruffled my hair and I scorned. "He didn't bother you, did he? I'll gladly kick his ass," she joked. Her tone would seem playful to a third person, but I knew she meant them. I could feel Wallace' eyes on me. I shook my head and just for a mere moment, I witnessed him physically relax. It was sudden and if I had blinked, then I might've never seen it. The guy was full of surprise, because he even unloaded whatever luggage Winter was carrying with her. Wasn't he just a friend of Winter's friend? Then, why was he so damn comfortable around her? I wanted to prod Winter for answers, but it wasn't the time nor the situation for it. "Arwen, you can sit next to me and your cousin and sit behind." My eyes widened, not because Wallace eyed me as if I was an inconvenience, but because he called my cousin Arwen. No one, I mean, not even her own mother called her Arwen. It was Winter for everyone. Arwen held deep emotional scars for her and she didn't allow anyone to call her by that name. Winter noticed my stunned expression and offered a dim smile. "It's a long story. I gave up trying to get him to stop calling Arwen. Now I don't even notice." I don't say anything, because I noticed a tick at Wallace's jaw. He had put up a façade in front of Winter. I could tell that much. He was bad news. Terrible. I slumped down on my seat until we made it back to the cottage. Where was Axel? I was beginning to drain in the presence of Wallace. He was clearly smitten by Winter. She was no doubt oblivious to his attention. Her hair resembled autumn leaves and caramel orbs of hers glimmered in sunlight. No wonder, Wallace couldn't take his eyes off her. Winter was in awe of the palace. She soaked in every detail of the exterior. I was the same as her when I had first seen this place, actually, I was still in awe. I rested my head on my fisted hand and tried to zone out all the talking that was going on. When the cottage came into view, I saw a figure that I immediately recognised. Axel stood in a suit which was not much different from what Wallace had worn, then again my knowledge when it came to suits was still developing. The moment the cart stopped, I jumped out and went straight to him. If anything, he looked even more attractive than he already was. The scent of his expensive bath gel and perfume surrounded my senses in a delicious aroma. It was so uniquely him and radiant. I was obsessed with it. I crashed into him. He chuckled and tried to steady me. "Hey, easy there, toots." I withdrew, only to slap his arm. "Where were you this entire time? You have no idea what I endured." He laughed and wrapped me in his hold. "First, I can't help, but I admire you, Astoria. Did you put in an extra effort to look good for me?" He whistled. "I like what I see." He leaned to kiss me, but I stopped it before it could meet my lips. "We have company with us, Axel." Axel's eyes didn't leave my face. "When did that ever stop?" Our lips met. I melted at the touch of his soft lips. Axel was goofing around with the kiss and it was definitely more of a statement than anything. My legs shook when we pulled apart. I blushed and he stole another kiss from me before letting his eyes fall to our company. "You have definitely grown since the last time I saw you, cousin." "So have you, Ace." He appeared relaxed with his hands tucked in his pockets. "I see you brought your girlfriend." Before any of us could clear the misunderstanding, Ace spoke. "I can see yours too." Without letting the error fuel, Winter smacked Wallace, playfully. "I am not his girlfriend. He's just pulling your leg." "She's my cousin Winter. I told you about her," I added. Axel looked at me, then straight ahead at his cousin. It would appear as though we were facing each other on a battlefield. There was an unspoken tension between both the cousins that stirred uneasiness in the atmosphere. It was better to leave them to sort... talk whatever they needed to. "I'll show Winter to her room and see you later?" I asked and he nodded. "Alright, bye." I kissed his cheek. "Don't cause any trouble." *** Axel Wallace Knight was a devil wrapped in a saint's clothing. He had a way of wrapping his claw around anyone that teetered his line of sight. I have learnt a lot over the years from him. He was calm before the storm. The storm was set to make his debut in the world where shrewd businessmen, much like our fathers, lived. A black-tie ball kept to honour the newest member of the wealthy society we were both born in. He was the sole attention of his parents and even mine. The ball was an upscale event that was planned months in advance. Two days later, it will finally take place. I had already had enough of its s**t. I suppose, I'll also go through the same nuptials as Ace, so I shouldn't act like a moody teenage girl. I had left my moody teenage girlfriend at her cottage after promising to meet her as soon as I was done with Ace. "What were you doing with my girlfriend?" I asked him. "The big bad wolf can't get prey of his own age?" He flicked me off and went to the golf cart. "C'mon, cinderella. Don't make me come and get you." My fingers raked through my hair. I walked to the cart and sat next to him. It was still afternoon. My plans to spend time with Astoria were foiled to say the least. With the arrival of Ace, it was safe to keep her out of his sight as much as possible. He could be really difficult at times. I had seen him make plenty cry at his mercy. Although, there was one thing that piqued my interest. "You didn't correct me when I mistook that chick for your girlfriend, did you?" The words rolled off my tongue. He smirked. "I know where you're going, cousin." "Going where?" I feigned being clueless. "I am just thinking about what an amazing lineup of events this week has. First, the date of your debut ball shifts two week prior to its original date, then Astoria's cousin shows up." I tapped my forefinger and middle finger on my lips. "Hmm... interesting." The stern look of his face should shut me up. Yet I continued. "All I am saying, what an interesting turn of events." "You don't have me by my balls, Axel. I know you'd love it more than anything to play with strings, but let me remind you, I am older, smarter and I invented the game you think you're playing." "Ha- who says I am trying to play games with you. Of course, you're better than me." For now. "After all, you're still the teacher." ***
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