Hazel Eyes

1404 Words
“Yoh, Griff, dude, what took you so long?” At his best friend’s question, a memory of furious hazel eyes hit Griffin’s mind and sent his blood rushing as he slipped into his car. Damn! He’d never been so taken by a stranger before and definitely not at a grocery store. Double damn! Midburn was hotter than usual and his quick stop at the convinient store had only been meant for him to slip in, grab a water and be on his way, but he’d been met by something else in his way. A beautiful something. “Oh babe, is this all me?” Familiar hands touched once he was comfortably seated and he instantly noted the stark difference between his girlfriend’s and one unintentional touch from a total stranger. And before the thirst that had hit him with one look at the stranger in the store burned his resolve to not head back and search for her, he stuck his car keys in the ignition and started his car. “Had to fight one crazy customer to get this.” He held up the bottle of water that was almost empty, but had done nothing for his thirst. Well, it had done something. The little encounter he’d had to fight for it had made him forget the actual reason he’d stopped at the store in the first place. His patched throat was long forgotten. “Was she at least hot?” his best friend grinned. Crazy and insanely hot. “Don’t be a jerk, Michael.” Becca, his girlfriend whined. “She was not my type.” Griffin answered as he hit Midburn's main street while the truth of his words sank in. Girls needed taking care of. The stranger on the other hand needed none of that. Not after the way she’d brought him down so easily. And if she wasn't a girl he'd have mistaken her for some sports pro. Her tackle had to have been calculated. That was the only reason he hadn't had a bad fall. One that would have ruined his career…his life. And now that he was thinking clearly, he realized just how badly this whole thing could have gone south. Anger prickled. With such an injury, his football career would have gone down the drain. Hell, his life would have been over. Yep, so not his type. But then, why did he find that particular package insanely hot right now? “Your face says otherwise.” Michael pointed out while a mischievious grin danced on his best friend’s face. “There is no face, dummy.” Griffin stepped on the gas, sending Michael flying back in the back seat. “Of course there is a face. I’ve known you long enough. And what the hell, dude?" Michael glared, rubbing the back of his head that had hit the seat first. “There is no face!” “Wait, there is a face? What face?” Becca suddenly peeked at him and Griffin couldn’t help glare at his best friend for getting his girlfriend on his case too. She wasn’t the clingy type. Probably one of the reasons he was with her, but she still had her moments. “There is no face, babe.” To shut her up, Griffin pulled her in and kissed her. The whole thing fell flat, surprising him. “I can’t believe you checked her out, babe.” As if feeling the difference too, Becca suddenly pulled back and accused. He’d done more than check his stranger out, but he was not admitting any of that. "You know I only have eyes for you, babe." Liar. His mind retorted as he brushed his lips lightly over his girlfriend's once more. “You are distracted.” Holy hell! How had she noticed that? “I am not.” Griffin denied even when the truth was staring him in the face. He’d liked their kiss this time around, but only because for a moment, for one freaking moment, he’d imagined that his girfriend’s lips had been hazel eyes’. Wait, Hazel eyes? Where had that even come from? Griffin fought to keep a straight face in front of his pouting girlfriend. “There was definitely a face.” Michael mumbled in the back. “Not helping, Mike. And if you don’t want to hit a thousand press ups on the pitch, I suggest you shut up.” Griffin growled. “Now that’s just abuse of power.” His best friend huffed. “Yeah, tell it to someone who actually cares.” Griffin grinned as he turned the car when Midburn High came into view. “And…no. There was no face.” He turned to Becca and pulled her in for a more convincing kiss once he hit the brakes. A moan later and he knew he had her right where he wanted. “How about we pick up later from here once try outs are done, hmmm?” I wish I could stay and taste the real thing. His own words blanked out his girlfriend’s response to his invite and he was left wondering how he'd even noticed the stranger’s lips in that short space of time. Hard to notice those full things if you ask me. His mind retorted. "Well, no one's asking." Griffin snapped back, wanting to keep his head in the now. "Who's asking what?" Becca frowned at him. "Nothing. I’ll walk you." He offered and only the surprise on her face made him realize what he’d just said. Crap! In the back seat, Michael stared at him, amused and Griffin couldn’t help but glare at his best friend for getting him in the situation in the first place. “You’ll walk me? Without me actually asking?” Surprise had morphed into pleasure and before Griffin could take his words back, Becca slipped out of his car, rounded to his side and waited. Albeit impatiently. Hands tightened on his steering wheel. “This is all your fault.” “Me?” Michael feigned innocence. “How’s any of it my fault when you are the one going about offering your not so serious girlfriend the forbidden privileges meant for a serious relationship?” Instead of getting pissed off at that, Griffin only arched a brow. “Forbidden privileges, really?” His best friend only shrugged, making them break out into fits of laughter. “It kind of fits perfectly, don’t you think?” Michael grinned and as dumb as it sounded, in Griffin’s world, ‘forbidden privileges’ sounded about right. Stuff like walking his girlfriend were the most mundane of things that one expected in any kind of relationship, but for Griffin, such stuff screamed ‘serious’ and he had no intentions of doing serious. Ever. The times he’d actually done anything of the sort was when Becca or one of his previous girlfriends had insisted. Mostly with tears in their eyes, in a crowded place and he’d not wanted to be labelled a crappy boyfriend. Or when it actually served his own purposes. Something that came with a worthy time between the sheets. Except, he wasn’t craving any of that at the moment. At least not with his own girlfriend. Thanks to a certain stranger, whose body had fit perfectly with his when he’d made her trip and fall over him. “It’s not like you’ll be seeing her again anyway.” Griffin mumbled to himself. And was that regret in his tone? “So there was a face?!” Someone bumped him from behind. Michael was grinning from ear to ear and if his best friend was not a prized center back that he couldn’t do away with now that their football season was beginning, Griffin would have probably knocked a few of those pearly whites he was flashing him. “For the last time, there was no face.” Griffin was still not admitting anything. “Yeah, and you are not about to take a walk with your girlfriend.” Finally giving up, Michael jumped out of his car. “You know where to find me once your intimate stroll is done. “Nothing about this is intimate.” Griffin hissed. "Yeah, tell that to her.” Michael gestured towards Becca and when Griffin looked at the girl gathering unnecesary attention to herself, he cursed himself for being so distracted and ending up in the regrettable situation.
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