Chapter 34

1652 Words
“Andrei, is there any way you can give me a job? I know it’s too much but—” “I will give you a job Mira” he quickly replied. “Don’t go around applying here and there, you have to be careful of your body now” he said. “I was thinking, maybe I can work far away. If you have any branch in Mindanao, or Visayas. Just far from here” she requested. “Are you sure?” Andrei asked. “Yeah. The doctor told me to avoid negative emotions as much as possible. I can do that. Toxic positivity. Been there, done that. It’s just, I don’t think it’s possible for me to do it here” she explained. Andrei thought about it for a while. “Okay” he agreed. She started walking down the building at 1:20 in the afternoon. Their meeting is at two but Aro’s always early. She walked inside the café and saw the woman who always talks to her. “Hi” she greeted. “Hi, how are you feeling now?” she asked. “I’m better now. Thank you for calling my friend” she told her. The girl smiled at her. “Yeah, I was really surprised when you just collapsed on your seat” she replied. She reached her hand, “thank you” she’s really thankful of what she did. The girl smiled softly at her. “You’re welcome” she answered. “So, the usual?” she asked. “Actually, I want hot chamomile tea, with cinnamon and lemon, please. And custard cake. Two of both. Thank you” she said and then walked to the usual spot. After a few minutes, Aro walked inside with Dolores. She glimpsed at the crew, and saw her slightly blushing. She smiled. Aro found her quickly, since they’ve talked at that same spot twice. The female crew went to her table and put her order. “Wow, I couldn’t feel more welcomed” Aro sarcastically commented when he saw she ordered only for two. “Mira” Dolores called her. Her voice is cracking and eyes teary. Even Aro noticed it. “See?” he said to Mira referring about what he said last night. “Someday, please tell me who my real parents are, Mom” he said before waving to both of them. “Tita” she called her. She reached her hand and Dolores took it. They both sat. “How are you?” she asked. “I’m fine” she looked at what she ordered. “You’re drinking tea now?” she asked her. That’s right, she knows she’ll always have coffee. “Yeah, I am meeting you and I suddenly crave for it” she answered. Actually, the doctor didn’t allow her too much caffeine. “I didn’t get to properly apologize to what I said before—” “No, no, no. There’s nothing you need to apologize for” Dolores interrupted her. “I’m really sorry for what I said” she still apologized. Dolores squeezed her hand and nodded at her. “I thought I won’t ever see you again” she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. She smiled at her. After their emotional talks, they started to sip their tea and eat the cake she ordered. “This is good” Dolores commented. “Yeah. Their chocolate cake is better” she replied. “Hmm, I was just thinking why you didn’t order chocolate” she said as she ate a spoon of cake. She thinks for a reason. “I want it better with coffee” she answered. Dolores nodded. They finished the cake and now just drinking their tea. “Tita” she started. “Can I ask you something?” “What is it?” “How did it feel when you finally introduced Aro to his father?” she asked. “Well, its—” Dolores stopped and stared at her. “I was just curious” she softly, defensively said. Dolores nodded and was still staring at her. Then at the food she ordered. She knows, she thought. “Please don’t tell them, Tita” she asked her and a few tears started running down her cheeks. “Oh no, don’t cry” Dolores suddenly told her. “Oh, yeah” she slightly laughed. “Please don’t tell them, Tita” she asked again. “I won’t. But don’t wait too long to tell them, and keep in touch. I can help you with anything you need” she offered. “I am actually moving, Tita” she said. “That’s why I asked you to talk. So, you know” she told her. The woman looked sad, but seemed the respect her decision. “How long will you be gone?” she asked. “I don’t have the details yet, Tita. But I promise I’ll keep in touch” she assured her. “She’ll be a beautiful child” Dolores said smiling. “She?” she asked. “Yeah, they said expecting mothers are beautiful when the child they carry is a girl” Dolores said smiling. “Plus, Ara’s really looking forward to a baby sister” She smiled at Dolores. If anything, she thought it will be a boy. She already talked with Dolores. She wants everything sorted out before leaving. She dialed TJ’s number, once, twice and thrice. Number busy. She walked back to the apartment. Andrei is already there when she arrived drinking coffee. She rushed in front of him and started sniffing his cup. “No! Coffee’s not allowed!” Andrei scolded her. “I know that! I was just smelling it” she said and continued sniffing the smoke from the cup. “Wow” Andrei said looking at what she’s doing. “That is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen” he said and quickly put the cup down on the table. Mira continued smelling the cup. “Satisfied now?” “Not yet” she smelled it for three more minutes. “Yeah, okay, now” she smiled at him. Andrei handed her an envelope. “That’s the contract of service. We are currently establishing our hotel in Denmark. You will be assigned at the marketing division since you have the experience. It’s a six-year project, food and lodging included. Do you want it?” he asked. “I want it” she smiled. “I don’t how I could ever repay you” she said. “If you can work to make a happy life for yourself, consider it repaid” he answered. Mira hugged him. “By the way, TJ’s not answering my call” “I think he already left” Andrei answered. “What? Without saying goodbye?” she sadly asked. “Yeah, I think he said something about the dinner and the coffee just behind you” he said. “What is he—” she stopped. She looked at the kitchen and saw the jars of coffee and creamer and sugar beside the stove. Just a meter away. “Oh” she said. “I told him there’s no coffee” she felt guilty. “But still, how can he hold a grudge over a coffee?” she asked. “I’m holding a grudge right now” he said and looked at the coffee beside her. “Oh, he-he” she awkwardly laughed. “When did he left?” she asked. “Yesterday” Andrei replied. She nodded. “You didn’t tell him—” “Not a thing” he answered. She nodded. After a few days, she started packing her things. From time-to-time Andrei visits her. Yuan also helps her packing. “You know, I had too much of TJ these past few years, but you, I’ll really miss you, mom” Yuan told her while packing the last batch of books and notebooks. “I’ll miss you too Yuan. But I’ll be back, from time-to-time. We’ll always visit” she told him. “You and who?” Yuan asked. She’s sorting her IDs in her wallet. “You and what?” she asked not sinking what Yuan is asking. Yuan doesn’t also seem to mind. “You said ‘we’ll visit from time to time’, you and who?” he asked again. She finished sorting her IDs first before facing him. “Can you keep a secret?” she asked. “Only every full moon” Yuan answered. “Oh, please don’t hate me. I can’t tell you”, she told him. Yuan stared at him and shrugged. “Okay” and then he continued until he finished what he’s doing. “Take care of yourself, Yuan” she told him. “You also take care, mom. And don’t forget me” he said. He hugged him. She’s all packed and the day after tomorrow is her flight. The next day she went to her parents’ grave. She lit them candles and put flowers on their grave. Mom, Dad, You’re having your first grandchild. I’m sorry I had him out of wedlock. You were both gone without telling me if that’s okay to you or not. When you left, I tried my best to live a nice life so you’ll not worry about me. I am okay. I met a lot of nice people. The next time I visit you, it will be with my baby. She stood after saying everything she wants to tell them and went home. As soon as he came back, she showered and prepared to sleep. She needs rest since tomorrow is a long travel. Before sleeping, she took her phone and started typing. Please see me off at the airport. My flight is nine in the morning. NAIA1 Sent to Archi and Aro. Yuan and Andrei already know.
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