Chapter 35

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“Hi” Aro greeted. “I asked Andrei to let me drive you to the airport” he told her. All her luggage are already on the way. “Thank you, Aro” she said. She walked to the passenger’s seat. Aro followed her and opened the door for her and helped her sit. “Thanks, you don’t have to do that though” she smiled before Aro closed the door. Not long after, Aro got in and started driving. “This is a nice car” she commented. “I know” he said. He looked at her three times before asking her. “What did you and mom talk about? She was so happy when I fetch her. Until now, actually, she’s always smiling” Aro asked her. She laughed. “I can’t tell you”, she answered. He looked in agony. She laughed. “Fine. Your mom told me who your real parents are” she joked. “I knew I was adopted” Aro answered making her laugh. After a while, “thank you for not hating me, Mira” he told her. “I know it’s hard breaking up with Alpha” he added. “It is hard. But it’s also easy” she heard herself and wanted to smack her own head. “You know how Archi is, he’s” she’s looking for the right words. “He’s too good to be true. He is that person to me. He’s too perfect. He never even once raised his voice on me. He never hurt me” she paused. “You know when something’s so perfect, you begin to ask yourself if you’re just dreaming. Deep inside myself, I know I’ll have to wake up someday” she looked at him. “Don’t worry, I gained more when I loved Archi. I had friends, families. I don’t hate you” she smiled at him. “I really thought you’ll end up with him. Alpha really did love you. Still do” Aro said. “I know. That’s one of the things I gained from loving him. I didn’t want to settle for anything less. He loves me, but for him, it’ll always be you. And that’s okay” she added. “I hope for your happiness, Mira. I hope you find that person. Come what may, it will always be you” Aro told her. “I know that will come someday” she replied. “Soon” he smiled. They arrived at the airport and saw Harold, Mathew, Archi, Yuan and Andrei. She really hoped TJ will be there too. She can’t believe the grudge he held over coffee. She and Aro walked towards them. “It’s okay, we understand. We’re not a bit hurt” it was Harold guilt tripping her about not telling them about the flight. “I already told Archi to tell you”, she told him. “No, you didn’t. This is how Archi invited us, ‘are you going to see Mira off?’ of course we asked him, ‘off where?’ where in that conversation, you telling Archi to invite us, falls?” it was Mathew. “Come on, I’m already leaving. Can’t you just let me off this once?” she asked. “Fine, mom” they both replied. “Did you pack everything? Sweaters? Coats? I hear it’s cold there” Archi told her. “I’m all packed. Andrei gave me some of her sister’s coats. Is that really okay?” she asked Andrei. “She won’t miss it. Someone will fetch you at the airport there and drive you to your lodging” Andrei started. “Yes, you told me that already” she said smiling. “We’ll visit you when you’re settled” it was Aro. “I know you will” she replied and looked at Andrei knowing what she meant. “Do you really not need me there? I can help you unpack—” “Archi, it’s okay. There will be a lot of help for me there” she assured him. “Please apologize to Tita Aya and Tito Arthur for me. I didn’t get the chance to properly say goodbye” she told him. Archi nodded. “Take care of yourself there. If you ever feel homesick, just call me and I’ll come visit you” Aro told her reaching her hand. “Thanks, Aro” she hugged him. “Visit me anyway if you ever get tired of Archi” she told him. “I will” he replied hugging her back. “I am right here” Archi said making them laugh. “Regular boarding’s starting, Mira” Andrei called her. “Andrei” she called. That’s where tears started to fall. “No” he said when he saw her about to cry. He hugged her. “I’ll visit as soon as I can” he told her. She nodded while hugging. “Thank you” she told him. She wiped her tears and waved them all goodbye. She’s already sitting at her chair. Almost thirty minutes passed since the plane took off. A few hours more and she’ll be starting a new life. It is nice to leave her relationship with Archi on a good note since she won’t entirely be leaving it. They’ll be meeting again. She touched her tummy. Her baby. How’s Archi going to react when she told him they had a baby and didn’t tell him sooner. He won’t get mad, at least not too long. She rubbed her tummy. They’ll be okay. She’ll see to it that they’ll always be together. She’ll live a happy life, she’ll make sure of that. With her baby. EPILOGUE Mira landed at the Copenhagen Airport after more than twelve hours of travel. She followed the instructions of the stewardess and went to find the person Andrei said will be waiting for her. She found him as soon as she scanned the area. He was holding a board with ‘Welcome, Mira’ written on it. “Hi” she greeted the man who looks like in his late 40s to early 50s. “Ms. Mira?” the man asked. She smiled and nodded. “Hi. Welcome to Denmark. Your luggage are all being taken right now, we can go to your place” he said guiding her out. They drove for almost thirty minutes before arriving at Nordvest, Copenhagen. The man introduced himself as Carlos, also a Filipino working as a driver at the Luna Hotel. “Were you friends with Sir Luna? He specifically asked that you be fetched from the airport, and help you with everything” Carlos asked her. She nodded. “You know, they are all really kind employers, even that eldest son, Sir Santino. They told me he is the strictest. He is, but they still take care of their employees” she was just listening to him, nodding and smiling. They arrived at the hotel and went to the receptionist first. Carlos talked to her and after a while she gave him a card. He guided her to the elevator. “Why are we here, Kuya Carlos?” she asked. “This is where you’ll stay” Carlos replied. “At the hotel?” she cannot believe it. Why would Andrei put her exactly at the hotel? It’s clearly favoritism. “Don’t worry, you will be sharing the unit with a fellow Filipino” he said handing her the card the receptionist gave him. “That’s your key” he said. She sighed, relieved. At least she won’t be using it alone. She knows she’s getting special treatment just by being there, but she doesn’t want other employees knowing about it. They arrived at the room looking like the one Andrei lent her. She opened it and looked around. “I’ll be going ahead” Carlos told her. She looked around and Carlos is gone. She didn’t even got to ask where her room is. There are four doors. She started opening it from the right. First door is bathroom. Second door locked, third locked. The fourth isn’t. she smiled. She opened it, there’s light but it’s dim. She went straight inside and almost jumped in surprise. There’s someone on the bed. She started to walk back, silently when the man felt her presence and quickly look at her. She gasped. “TJ” she called him. TJ looked at her, forehead creased. “What are you doing here? Don’t you know how to knock?” Wow. Their first meeting after so long. “I didn’t know you’re here. I didn’t know which is my room” she answered. TJ got up from bed and went to the living room. She followed him. There’s a key holder and he took the one with number two in it. He went and opened the room next to his and looked at her. “Thank you” she told him. He didn’t answer, she just heard him ‘hmm’ as he went back to his room. She sighed. It is beautiful. Completely furnished. She saw a card on the bed. She took and read it. Dear Mira, I had your room prepared for you. I also had them put some things you might need but not have the time to buy. Like the maternity dresses. Those were Kathlyn’s gift. You’ll live there for six years. I hope I prepared everything to your comfort. Love, Andrei She’ll be living with TJ for six years? AUTHORS NOTE: Hello guys! Thank you for your continued support to my story Someday Soon, With You. Please continue supporting me and my other stories, 1. The Pursuit of a Luna This is the story of Andrei and Kathlyn 2. Today, Together This is a sequel to Someday Soon, With You. This is Mira's life in Denmark. 3. Once Mine, Mine Forever This is the story of Santi and Estelle These are all romance stories but a fantasy novel is on the way! Also, please visit my profile Alisa Lei, and follow me. Thank you, thank you so much! PS I will continue promoting my stories so please bear with me. Love, love, love! -A.L.
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