Chapter 48

1036 Words
KATHAROS “Shh, Mama Dolly” Ara said to Dolores at the kitchen. Aro is walking down the stairs. “It’s a surprise” she said Ah, his birthday’s coming up. “Good morning” he greeted. “Good morning, daddy” Ara greeted smiling. “Good morning, mermaid” he said and kissed the top of her head. “What time you’re coming home?” she asked. “I haven’t even been out yet and you’re asking me that already?” he joked. “Just answer me” she demanded. “Okay, when the small hand pointed to six, I’ll be home” he answered. “Six PM! Okay! I’ll wait for you daddy!” she beamed. “Okay” he smiled. He ate his breakfast and went to school. It’s a regular day. He’s just been teaching there for a few months. “Happy birthday” William greeted him. “Thank you, William” he smiled at him. “Is this from you?” he asked about the bouquet of flowers on his table. “No” William simply answered and went back to his table. “By the way, dinner later with our officemates. You in?” he asked. “I don’t think so. I’m sorry, but my daughter will be—” “Come on, Aro” one of their officemates said. “It’s your birthday and we didn’t even have a welcoming dinner for you” he persuaded him. “It won’t take long” he added. He sighed. “Fine, I just need to be home early, or my daughter will kick me out of the house” he said making everyone laugh. He went to his table and picked the bouquet. He saw a card inside the flowers and opened it. Happy birthday, DumbAro! I thank the mermaids for seeing through your obsession of them and kicking you out of the oceans. That way, you came back to me. I love you. -Alpha He smiled. He wished the mermaids won’t see through him, though. After work, they did go out to have dinner. He tried to sneak out but they didn’t let him go until before eight. He drove home and arrived nearly at nine. “Mom” he called. Dolores came out of the kitchen staring at him. “I know. I’m sorry” he said before his mom could say anything. “Where is she?” he asked. “In her room. She waited until eight. She fell asleep on the couch, I just carried her to her room” Dolores answered. “She baked cupcakes for you” she showed him the eighteen cupcakes on the table with a letter frosting on each that read ‘Happy Birthday Daddy’ He walked inside her room and saw Ara peacefully sleeping. He sighed. He felt guilty that he’s not spending as much time with her anymore. He touched her hair, then her face. He’s startled. She’s hot. He touched her neck and it is hot. She’s having a fever. “Mom” he called from outside Ara’s room. The house is not so big, but it’s quiet. His mom peeked from the kitchen and looked at him. “Ara’s having a fever. Should we take him to the hospital?” he asked. His mother went upstairs and to her room. “Don’t worry, all kid gets fever at some point. Even when they’re teething, they get fever. Or when they got their shots. Go out and buy her a paracetamol syrup for kids” she instructed him. He nodded. He never handled Ara being sick alone. There’s always nurses inside their house, since Ella needed constant care. He drove and went out to buy medicine and fruits. Good thing there’s still vendors selling beside the pharmacy. His mom and him took care of Ara, taking her temperature constantly. It’s at 38˚C but didn’t went higher. His mom told him they’ll take her to the hospital if it gets higher or didn’t go down for the next twenty-four hours. Fortunately, it didn’t rise anymore, but the temperature going down is so slow. “Daddy” she called. Aro woke up and saw Ara hugging him. He fell asleep beside her. “Good morning, baby mermaid. How are you feeling now?” he asked. “I fell asleep. I’m sorry daddy” she said sadly. “No. Daddy’s sorry. I should have been back home earlier” he said. He looked at her smiling sadly at him. There’s not a hint of grudge on her face. His baby girl, doesn’t even know how to get mad at him or sulk. He felt even guiltier. “You know what, Daddy’s not going out today. I’ll stay and we can have a tea party. Oh, so we can eat the cupcakes with the tea” he said smiling. Ara’s face suddenly brightened and she beamed nodding at him. She hugged him, and he carried her down the kitchen. “How’s our baby doing?” Dolores asked as soon as she saw them enter the kitchen. “I was sick” she started. “And we’re having a tea party. My daddy’s the best” she proudly said. Ah, really guilty. He thought. “Is he?” Dolores asked and glared at Aro. He mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ “Yeah. The best in the whole, whole world” she added. Aro’s heart felt like it’s being pinched. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “Baby, Daddy’s really sorry” he said continuing to hug and kiss her. “Why don’t we call Mama Nessie? I think it’s been so long since we last talked to her” he said. “Okay” she answered. “Who’s Mama Nessie?” she asked. Aro suddenly froze and stared at Ara. “Mama Nessie is Mommy’s mom. Do you remember?” he asked. “Mommy who?” she continued asking while playing her fishtail-braided hair. “You know. Mommy Ella” he said. His heart beating fast. “Okay” she answered. “Who’s Mommy Ella again?” Aro didn’t speak. He can feel a cold air on his back.
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