Chapter 61

2554 Words
“Are we there yet?” Astoria asked on the car. “Not yet” Mira answered. “How about now?” she asked again. “Not yet” Archi answered this time. “What’s taking you so long?” she asked her father. “Astoria” Mira said in a warning voice. “I’m sorry, Papa” she apologized to Archi. “It’s okay, baby. Why? Who do you miss? Do you want to play with Ate Ara already?” he asked. “No, I want to see Papa Arthur. I miss him so much” she answered with extra long ‘so’ in her so much. Archi chuckled. “I bet you miss him the most” he said looking straight at the road. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous” Mira teased her. “What? I’m not!” he laughed. “If anything, I’m happy my baby girl loves her grandpa so much” he said and quickly pinched Astoria’s arm. “Tatay told me I have sausage arms” she said proudly and watched the road. “What? Your arms are beautiful, baby” Archi said. “I know. Imagine if we get stuck in the elevator and I get hungry, I can just bite, bite, bite” she said demonstrating how she’ll bite her arm. “Wow” Archi said. “The ‘TJ’ rubbed on you” he whispered. “Big time” she replied whispering. Astoria didn’t talk again for the duration of the trip until they arrived at their house. Astoria looked at the house, eyes big and inquiring. “Why are we here?” she asked. “This is our house, where else should we go?” she asked her. One of the things she learned from watching TJ talk to her, is that he talks to her as if she’s a grown up. “I thought we’re staying with Papa?” she asked again. “Oh, uhm, we are” she stammered. “We’re staying there on Christmas” she said. “Then where’s Tatay?” she asked like she’s about to throw tantrums again. “Uhm, baby, can we just have this time to be together? You and me, since I miss you so much?” Archi asked her. Astoria stared at him and then nodded. “Okay. Nanay, can we go to Papa Arthur?” she asked. “Okay. Let’s just drop our bags and we can go there” she answered. “Yay!” Astoria beamed raising both her arms. Mira had their stuff arranged in their room. The same staffs Andrei’s assigning at their house are there assisting them. She prepared a bag for the both of them, and the gifts they wrapped for everyone. “Archi” she called as she walked down the stairs. “Oh, let me carry that” he said taking the bags she’s carrying. “I thought you’ll drop the bags. What’s this?” he asked. “I thought maybe we could stay over” she said looking at Astoria waiting for them. “Really?” he lights up with the idea of it. “That will be so nice. Mama and Papa will be so happy” he said carrying the two bags. “Let’s go, baby” he also carried Astoria like it was nothing. Sometimes she forgets how buffy Archi is. “Papa!” Astoria ran and jumped at her grandfather the moment they step foot at their place. “Hello, baby!” Arthur greeted with the same energy as Astoria. “I miss you very much” she told him with large, pitiful eyes. Arthur chuckled. “Your Papa also misses you so much” he told the little girl as he hugs her tighter. “I told everyone about you and Mama Aya. I miss you, Mama” she told Aya who’s watching them. “I miss you too, baby girl” she said and kissed her cheek. “I miss the tomatoes you make” she told Arthur. “I told everyone my Papa is the best Papa. He can grow tomatoes and eggplants” she continued making everyone laugh. “Wow, that never made me jealous. Even one bit” Archi whispered in passing. Mira shook her head, laughing silently. “I already put your bags in my room, you and Astoria can stay there” he whispered at Mira. “I like your smell Papa” Astoria said as she rests her head on her grandfather’s shoulder. “Really? What do I smell like?” he asked. “Coffee, and—” she paused sniffing the collars of his shirt. “Why do you smell like grass?” she asked Arthur with furrowed eyebrows. Mira never heard Arthur laugh that hard. “It’s because your Papa likes to plant. That’s how farmers smell” he said laughing. “Come on, your Mama Aya cooked rice cakes” he told her. “Did you cook Maha, Mama Aya?” she asked her grandmother. (*Maha is a violet rice cake) “Oh, sweetheart. No, I cooked Biko instead” she said trying to compromise. “Your Maha is the best, Mama” she said. “Astoria” Mira tried to interrupt. “How about we eat the Biko now and tomorrow, Mama promise I’ll cook Maha?” she asked. “Okay!” she agreed quickly. They all went to the kitchen. “Mira, sweetheart? Do you want coffee or tea?” Aya asked her. “Uhm, Tita. Can I lie down first? It was a long trip” she said. “Oh, of course. Archi” Aya pointed upstairs, telling Archi to come with her. “It’s okay Archi. I know the way around your room” she said when they entered his room. It’s only five thirty in the afternoon. “Okay. I’ll go take Ara here. She’ll be so pleased to play with Astoria” he said and quickly stepped out of the room. Mira took a quick shower and laid in bed. She didn’t mean to, but tears started to drop from her eyes again. Watching Aya and Arthur handle Astoria, she really doesn’t know anything about being a mother. Mira woke up at seven in the evening. She slept for two hours. She went to the bathroom, washed her face and brushed her teeth. After that, she went downstairs. She saw Ara playing with Astoria. She’s trying to have her wear a pink tutu dress that looks like a ballerina dress. “You see, now we’re matching” she smiled at Astoria. “I don’t like it” she told Ara. Archi, Aro, Arthur and Aya are all sitting in the sofa watching the two of them play. “Hi, Nanay. Look at me. I don’t feel good” she said referring to the dress Ara made her wear. “Hi, sweetheart. We already ate dinner. Do you want to eat now?” Aya asked her. “Yes, Tita. Thank you” she said. “I’m actually hungry” she added. Aya stood and started to walk to the kitchen. “No, it’s beautiful. Now we both look like a fairy” Ara told Astoria. “I don’t like to be a fairy” she said. “I’m a baby monster” she whispered. Ara looked at her and then to Aro, who snorted at what Astoria said. “You’re not a monster” Ara said, looking distraught at everything Astoria’s saying. “Yes, I am. I am Tatay’s most favorite monster that ever crawled the planet” she said smiling widely. Aro then continued laughing. Archi looked at her daughter, just as baffled as Ara. “We are both beautiful but what matters most is that we are beautiful on the inside” Ara said and then looked at Aro who smiled and nodded at her. He even made two thumbs up at her. Ara smiled proudly. “That’s what ugly people say” Astoria replied dryly to Ara. “Oh” Aro snorted and laughed loudly. Even Arthur started laughing, listening to the little girls’ conversation. “Baby, what are you talking about? Of course, beauty on the inside is important” Archi said to her daughter. “That’s also what Nanay said” she told Archi. “And it is true” Archi continued trying to make her understand. “I know. Tatay told me”, she quickly answered. “When you’re not beautiful on the outside, be beautiful on the inside” and Aro’s laughter can be heard from across the room. Astoria looked at Aro and Archi and somehow felt like she said something fun. “Tatay told me, I’m lucky I’m beautiful on the outside. I don’t have to try hard for the inside” “Astoria” Archi called her. The little girl looked at her father and went quickly to him. “But he told me I’m beautiful on the outside and on the inside” she continued. “He did?” Archi asked. Astoria nodded and went to Arthur. “No, you play with your Ate Ara” Arthur told her. “I don’t wanna play” she complained. “Come here, I’ll pour you tea” Ara pulled her at the center of the living room again. “Ugh!” she grunted but still let Ara pulled her. “Oh, that’s too much TJ on her face” Aro teased Archi who just looked at him and shook his head. “Hey” Archi broke Mira’s thoughts as she sat on the porch of their house. Mira looked at him and then to the window of their living room. She can see Arthur dancing around, carrying Astoria. Looking at how he moves his lips, he might be singing too. She smiled calmly. Her daughter really is spoiled by people around her. Even Ara. She gave Astoria clothes and hair accessories she’ll wear on their future tea parties. “Can I join you?” Archi asked her. “Sure” she answered and moved a bit so they sit side by side. “I was listening to how Astoria talked earlier” he started. “And?” she asked. “Nothing. She’s more TJ than me” he smiled sadly. Mira felt Archi’s sadness. “If it’s any consolation to you, she’s more TJ than me” she replied. Archi laughed silently. “She’s so happy to have sausage arms. How is that even possible?” he asked. Mira laughed. “Yeah, you should’ve heard how proud she is for being the prettiest monster in the world” she told him. “Oh, yeah. That I heard” he said nodding. “I’m also new to being a mother, Archi. I also get insecure. Especially when I don’t know how to handle Astoria’s tantrums” she tried to console him. “You do?” he asked. Mira nodded. “Well, you don’t have to feel so insecure. You know when we were kids, I really don’t like Mama. You know, she’s not fun. She always nags and she doesn’t want us to play around. I like Papa, though. He takes me town, we eat ice cream there, we grabbed pizza. Even Aro enjoyed Papa’s company” he continued. “That’s just how kids are, they appreciate fathers because we tolerate them. Mothers on the other hand teaches us to be responsible, organized human being. They teach us how to handle ourselves. When our daughter grew older, she’ll appreciate what a wonderful mom you are” he said wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “Really?” she asked. Her eyes teared up, and before she knew it, she’s crying again. This time, it’s because she felt relieved with what Archi said. “You think she’ll appreciate me when she grew up?” she asked sobbing. “Of course! Look how smart she is right now. She will see it sooner” he said hugging her. “Thank you, Archi” she said taking comfort on his arms. “I don’t want to call him daddy” Mira heard Astoria say while she’s walking downstairs. “You have to” Ara told her. “Why?” Astoria trying to refuse. “Because” Ara exhaled a few times, looking like she’s trying to find to correct words. Astoria just looked at her waiting what she’ll say next. “Because he’s your daddy” she settled to that sentence. “No, he’s not” Astoria denied. “Then, don’t call your Tatay, Tatay” Ara challenged her. “Why not?” she asked. “Because she’s also not your Tatay. Your Tatay is Papa Alpha” Ara explained to the little girl. Astoria didn’t answer for a while. “Fine” she finally agreed. Mira shook her head watching them. Ara can be a bit pushy, especially when establishing her ‘big-sister’ role on Astoria. She walked outside and sat on the porch. Her gaze went to the house next door and saw Aro jumping over the fence. He then took the two cups of tea from his mother before joining her in the porch. “Good morning” he greeted. “Good morning” she replied and took the cup he handed her. Christmas’ just two days ago and they will be flying back to Denmark in a few days. “Archi’s still asleep?” she asked. “No, he never sleeps in. I think he went grocery shopping with Tita Aya” he sat with crossed legs beside her. “I heard Ara just finished her therapy sessions. How was it?” she asked. “She’s doing better now” Aro looked at the window behind them and watched Astoria and Ara play, with Arthur watching them in the living room. “Too much stress is not a joke” he added. “You tell me about it” she agreed. “Don’t you think it’s weird how we’re so close but we dated the same person? I mean you still date him” “All the weird stopped the moment me and Alpha came out of the closet. Whatever happened afterwards’ just piece of cake” he answered grinning. Mira laughed. “Still, I feel envious how you handle Ara. It seems to just come naturally to you” she told him. “Are you kidding me? I’m so impressed how you raise your daughter. She’s so smart and eloquent at such a young age. Not to mention her confidence. Not every kid can handle being a monster, she’s even proud of it” he said chuckling. “TJ’s got more to do with it than me” she smiled. “No, I’m telling you. Even me as a father, there’s only so much we can do. I always ask help from mom. To raise a confident, beautiful young lady, surrounded by an entity called TJ” he laughed silently. “You did a pretty good job raising her” he tapped her shoulder. “Thank you” she squealed with teary eyes and threw herself to Aro. “What’s happening?” Archi suddenly appeared from the living room. “Oh, you’re there” she said. “Sorry” she grinned at him.
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