Chapter 6

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Mira It was Monday again, and Mira didn’t receive any message from Archi. They didn’t have breakfast together, no texts, nothing. Now that she’s alone, again, she’s fighting her tears back in her eyes. She doesn’t want a single tear to drop, because if even one drop sneaks by, that won’t stop. She knows it. After she went to the biometrics to time out, she heard her officemates teasing her again, “Uh, Ms. Mira, your boyfriend is here”, her hands froze and her eyes were starting to wet. “Yeah, thanks” she just replied as she started to walk out of the office and approach Archie who was leaning in his pick-up truck as usual. “Hey” she started. “Hey” he replied. “You’re here” she said back. She has an odd talent of making a situation more awkward than it already is. “Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t text you this morning, and we didn’t have breakfast together, I’m sorry about that too” he said with a sincere apologetic look. “You don’t have to apologize. I mean, you’re not even obliged to begin with. So, yeah, it’s okay” she said still standing a meter away from him. She looked at him and thought how she could even try to make something that would risk their friendship. She tried to look away three times every thirty seconds to keep her tears from falling. “Can he we have dinner together? I want to tell you something” he sounds unsure. “Can we have dinner tomorrow night instead?” he stared at her. “I mean, there’s also something I want to tell you, but I can’t construct it in my head good enough, and I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, so, yes. Can we have dinner tomorrow instead?” She asked him while he was intently staring at her the whole time. “Uhm, yeah. I suppose we could have dinner tomorrow night instead. Can I drive you home today?” he asked her while not cutting his gaze at her. When she nodded he automatically followed her on the other side of his SUV and opened the door for her. The whole drive to her apartment they were both quiet. Sometimes he would ask her about her day, or the other way around until they reached her apartment. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he asked. “Yeah, see you tomorrow Archie” She replied. After he nodded she told him goodnight and waved. After Archie was gone he sat in her chair and stared blankly for a while. She needs to distract herself for two hours; she shook her head, took the broom and started sweeping the floor. She swept the floor from the kitchen to the living and the floor in the terrace. She was brushing off the dust on the rug when her neighbor Linda saw her in their window. She calls her Manang Linda, the ‘manang’ is used when people address an older woman. “Miranda, sweetheart! Did you eat your dinner already?” before she could even reply Manang Linda disappeared in her sight and after a while she was walking towards her with two food containers. “Here,” she said. “You may want to share this with your boyfriend. It is my Leo’s birthday, you see. There was a huge crowd here just this afternoon, I couldn’t even manage to stop for a moment” she handed her the two Tupperware with fried noodles, spaghetti and gelatin on one and macaroni soup on the other. “Thank you Manang Linda but I can’t eat all this” she said because truthfully the food might even feed five people. “Oh, you can share it with your boyfriend; you know that boy is really good looking. I took a good look at him just this morning? I always see him fetch you and drop you here from the window but I couldn’t see his face clearly” she said excitedly. “What do you mean you had a good look at him this morning, Manang? You mean he was here this morning?” she asked. “Yes, didn’t he tell you? He was here waiting for like less than an hour; if I didn’t tell him you already went to work, he might have waited longer. Didn’t he tell you?” she asked curiously. “Uh, no” is all she managed to say. “Oh well, now you know. Enjoy your dinner dear. I’ll just take the containers tomorrow” the middle-aged woman said and waved to her. “Thanks for the food, Manang” she said as she waved back. She placed the foods on the table and stared at it for a while. Its 7:47, has Archi already ate his dinner? She took his phone and dialed Archi, after less than a minute of ringing she heard the call was put to voice mail. She cut the call and went to the bathroom and took a bath. After roughly twenty-five has finished and went back to the kitchen. Five miscalls, okay. Her phone vibrates and an incoming call from Archie was displayed, after she answered the phone she heard his truck’s horn beeping outside. “Hello, Archi?” she said over the phone. “Mira, I’m just outside your apartment” she heard him say as she walks to the living room. “Yeah, I can hear you blowing your horns” she said. As soon as she got to the main door he opened it and ended the call. “Hey” she said as she walked outside to Archi. “Hey, uh, Mira, I shouldn’t do this, I know”, he stopped. “But I just thought you might not eat your dinner, so” he paused again. “Uh, I brought you dinner” he said slightly unsure about his words. “Thanks, uh actually I called you to ask if you already ate. You see, my neighbor also gave me foods, and she gave me a lot. Like a lot, there was a birthday party, just this afternoon” she explained. When she saw him smile, she invited him inside “Come in, what are we going to do with all these foods? Maybe we could share it with your mom and dad or Tita Dolores, maybe?” she asked. “I don’t know, you know at this time the oldies may be getting ready for bed” he said. “Oh yeah? How are you here, then?” she joked as they both walk in the kitchen. He started rubbing his temple to look like annoyed but still looking like keeping himself from laughing. “Are we really going to talk about this, seriously?” She was laughing so hard. The age-jokes really are their ground, no matter how many times they exchange those silly jokes, it’s still very funny. “But really, they might have had their dinner already, but the team might not have yet. Maybe they’re still at the gym, do you want to go?” “Yeah, sure. You should call them first, Harold or Mathew, so we’ll know, what’s what.” She said. “Okay” he replied and started dialing while she went to find a paper bag big enough to fit all the food containers. She was near the refrigerator when Archie approached her and told her the team is still there. She took the bag and started to walk in the living room when he suddenly grabbed her elbow. “Hey, where are you going?” “Out? We’re going to the gym, right?” she answered a little confused. “Yeah, but maybe you should change your clothes” he said. And then she realized, she is wearing a pink pajama and an oversized shirt. And she is not wearing any b*a! She suddenly handed the paper bag to Archie and started running upstairs. “Just give me five minutes!” she yelled. “Yeah, sure! I am never falling for that!” he yelled back. She even laughed at his answer. But wait, did she just run in front of him to go upstairs in her white shirt b*a-less? Were her breasts obvious in her shirt? Is that why he told her to change clothes? As soon as she got in her room she went in front of the cabinet. She chose to wear a black-leggings and a slightly long white V-neck blouse. After she changed her clothes she braided her hair, put powder, sprayed her cologne and went downstairs. She saw Archie sitting in the sofa who looked up at her as soon as she got down. “Five minutes?” she asked while Archie just shook his head. “Ten minutes?” Archie just shook his head again and stood up. “It’s okay, let’s go” he said with a slight laugh in his voice. “Oh, I’m sorry Archie, how much time did I took, twelve? Fifteen?” she persistently asked. He chuckled, “it’s okay. Besides I didn’t even believe you when you said it would only take you five minutes” he said laughing. When he saw her looking really guilty, he added, “we’ve been together for months. I know how long you’re gonna take to get ready” he said as he guided her to the passenger’s seat. Together for months, she thought. They drove to the sports complex where the team practice, they didn’t park in the inner part of the complex because they already saw them sitting on the bench just in the entrance. Harold saw the two of them first, “Guys! Daddy’s here, with some food. Mommy’s here too!” Mathew laughed at Harold’s comment while Yuan, Andrei and TJ just smiled at them. They always tease Archi and call him Daddy Archi; sometimes they call him Papa Archi. First it was just Mathew and Harold, then Yuan and Andrei sometimes get in, but never TJ. That guy is very salty. “Ah, finally! We’re starving,” said Yuan. “You really looked so cool in my eyes now” he added as he put fried noodles in one of the container’s lids “Like a real Mommy and Daddy” he said with a really straight face. “Just eat food Yuan” she commanded him to stop from saying any more. “And you too TJ, Harold and Mathew can finish this in five minutes” she automatically said as soon as she saw TJ just standing there without realizing it was TJ she’s talking too. “Alright Mom” he said smirking. That’s it. She rolled her eyes; she knew she shouldn’t confront him so openly. “Quit it guys” it was Archie telling them off as he went back to the truck to get something. “Yeah guys don’t provoke Daddy” it was Mathew. She threw them a very sharp glance and miraculously, they stopped. Archi came back with another plastic container. He handed it to Mira; there is rice and chicken adobo in it. “You should eat rice” he said to her. She can see the boys in her peripheral vision smiling meaningful smiles with each other, but at least they didn’t add anymore unnecessary jokes. “Is there any more rice?” it was Andrei. She divided her rice in half and put in Andrei’s container, “Thanks Mom–” she glanced at him, “Mira! I mean Mira, thanks!” he took back his words while smiling at her. As they were eating they were talking about their works, their officemates and the coming tournament. TJ mentioned about his brother that was working in the company she’s working but she is not familiar with the name. After dinner they cleaned up and started getting ready to go home. They drive with Yuan and dropped him in his house. After dropping Yuan, they drove back to Mira’s apartment. He got out first and guided Mira down. “You don’t have to that every single time” she told him. “I know I just can’t help it” he said smiling. He walked with her to the door; after she opened it and got inside he still followed her inside. She is confused why he’s still following her, it is often she got in front of the door; they would wave good bye and goodnight with each other but he just followed her and of course she lets him in. “Sit, I’ll just wash the containers” she told him. “Can I make us some coffee?” he asked but after a long while after she didn’t reply, “Mira? Can I stay for a while and have some coffee?” he asked again. “You know you can stay Archie, as long as you like” she answered. She started washing the containers. Meanwhile, Archie put water in the electric kettle and started to put three-in-one instant coffee in their cups. “Why didn’t you text me this morning?” she asked. “What?” he answered although she is one hundred percent sure he heard it alright. “Why didn’t you text me, that you will go here this morning” she said. “Manang Linda told me you were waiting here for a while, if you just texted me, I should’ve told you I already went to work” she added. “I didn’t know I should’ve texted you first” he simply answered. “I thought it is an unspoken routine, I fetch you every morning, if you slept in, which is very often, we would go straight to the office. If you woke up early, which is very rarely, then we could have grab breakfast first before we go, I thought you knew it. I guess it’s just me.” “First of all, Archie, I wake up early every morning. I’m just very slow. And next, you didn’t text me good morning after what happened last night, so I don’t know. Maybe you’re mad, so I won’t get any ride, I will have to go out early and wait for a jeepney, otherwise I’ll be late” she said. “You know I would still wait for you” he said as he turned his back and took the electric kettle near the table. “Because that’s what you would do if it’s Aro?” she asked. “What do you mean? What would I do if it’s Aro?” his expression is soft and he doesn’t sound angry, more of a question of curiosity. “You know, still fetch him and drive him to office even though you just had a fight that night. Or help him climb your truck every single time without fail? Is that why you do it with me?” she asked. Her eyes were shimmering from the tears she’s trying to hold in. “Hey” he started as he holds her arms, “I don’t help him in my truck, he’s almost as strong as me. And, you’re different from him. You don’t have to compare yourself with him. I love him as he is and,” he paused for a while. His hands reached his shoulders and to her face, “I love you as you are” he said trying his best to say the words. “I know. And I understand that you might be scared to try again, but Archi, without realising it, we're already there” she insinuated. There was a sudden silence between them. Mira took one of the mugs and sat in one of the chairs in the kitchen. Archie, on the other hand, just follow her in his gaze and took the containers Mira didn’t finish to wash. He washed it and put it in the cupboard, took one of the small rags and wiped the sink. “I don’t want to demand anything Archi” she started. “You never do” he quickly replied. After drying his hands with the cloth hanging in her refrigerator he sat in the chair near her. He took her hands, held it and smiled at her. She smiled back. “You are right, about almost everything” he chuckled. “I love you and I still love him too. And if he came back” he stared at her. “If he came back, then I would let you go to him, if you love him more than me, I would set you free. I love you, what would matter more than seeing you happy? But if you realize that, just in case you do, you love me more, I will accept you again. Because how can I not? I love you” she stated with a sad smile. He didn’t respond for a while and just stared at her. His smile is so soft and warm it made her laugh softly. “What?” he asked with his smile still in his face. “Nothing” she laughed for like five seconds. “It really is inappropriate” she added. “What is it? Tell me” he demanded. “Did I have a stupid face just now?” he asked. “No” she really can’t stop laughing so hard. He just chuckled and stared at her laughing to death. “Okay” she started, “I just thought, your smile was so bright and majestic it could cure cancer” and she burst again into loud laughter. He took a deep breath and slowly shook his head. His smile is still on his face as he watches her laugh. “I don’t find it very funny” he said which makes her laugh a little more. She just laughed for five minutes which erased their romantic moment and made him laugh from time to time. “I want to be really flattered by what you just said, but the way you laughed, I just felt I shouldn't” he laughed which made her giggle for another minute. Then silence again, they stared at each other and smiled. Archie moved closer to her and kissed his forehead. “The coffee is getting cold” she muttered. Archie nodded. “Do you want to drink our coffee outside?” she asked. “I was waiting for you to ask” he responded. They stood up; she took her coffee and started walking to the living room. Halfway there Archie held her hand, when they reached the front door he put his cup on the nearest chair and opened. He took the cup again and then went to the back of the truck. Mira sat first; Archie took his jacket first and wrapped it to Mira before he sat beside her. They sat almost in complete silence just gazing in the sky. After minutes of silence, Archie took Mira’s hand squeezed it. She look at him with a smile, he smiled back and raised her hand and kissed it. “You have to forgive me Mira, for being this selfish. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met, how could I drag you into something that might just hurt you in the end? You deserve so much more, so much more than me” “And yet I like you more, not that’ so much more’ you are talking about” she answered. He took one deep breath and stood in front of her, “Mira, I don’t know what will happen in the future. I don’t even know what I did to deserve someone like you, but right at this moment, I am ready. I am ready to take the risk and love you openly. This will not always feel right for me; I should have courted you first. No, I should have asked you if I can court you, and then courted you and then wait for you to say yes. That’s what should’ve happened, but because I am a coward, I can only ask you to forgive him” he lovingly said. Mira was just listening intently, one or two of her tears escaped her eyes, and she could only thank it is a little dark outside. “The only thing I could promise you is that I will make everything up for you. From now on, I will do my best to at least not be a disappointing boyfriend” he added. Another couple of tears are escaping her eyes while he wiped it. “If you would allow me, of course” he laughed. “Of course I would” she answered. “I would even ask you if I can court you if you didn’t ask me tonight” she joked. He chuckled. He kissed her cheek and her forehead then her lips. Of all the nights she spent in her life, this is might just be the happiest.
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