Chapter 7

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It’s Saturday, and it’s been a week since Mira and Archi became official. Its 8:02 in the morning, it’s so rare for her to sleep-in these days since her schedule is always with Archi. She took her phone to play music, three missed calls. She sat in her bed when her phone rang. “Hi Archi. I’m sorry, I slept in” she greeted. “Yes, it’s okay. I am outside your apartment, I brought breakfast” he answered from the other line. “Okay, I’ll be down in a minute” she replied. She opened the door and Archi came in with a paper bag. After opening the door, Mira went directly to the comfort room to wash her face and brush her teeth; Archi on the other hand started to open the paper and took out food containers. One contains garlic fried rice; the other is fried fish and boiled egg. And the tiny container contained sliced tomatoes with salt and onions. Archi knows she loves it. Mira just came out of the bathroom when she saw Archi arranging the plates, he looked at her for a while and smiled, she smiled back. “It’s so rare for you to sleep-in these days”, he started. “Yeah, last night was fun” she said laughing. She was talking about their volleyball practice. The team just teased them a lot, but it was funny. She went near the table and to Archi; she looked at the food while Archi just kissed her head. “Coffee” they said in unison and laughed. Mira poured water on the electric kettle while Archi took two mugs and prepared their coffee. He took one of the towels hanging on the bathroom and gave it to Mira; after she wiped her face and neck she gave it back to Archi who hung it back in the bathroom. He wrapped his hand in her waist and kissed her shoulder while she pours water in the mugs. He immediately took the kettle and beside the oven. He pulled a chair for her and made her sit. When he put a plate in front of her and started putting rice in her plate she can’t help herself but smile. “Archi” she started with a restraining tone. “Oh, yes” he laughed. “Sorry love, I will just” he continued putting rice in her plate in a hurry, put fish and sat near her. “Love, you don’t have to do that every single time” she said with so much softness in her voice. She truly appreciates Archi’s gentleness. She took one of the plates and put it in front of Archi. Archi’s habit of putting foods in her plate is something she thinks he can’t break. He would even take off the bones in fishes or chicken for her, she just got used to it eventually. After breakfast, she started cleaning the table, “love, I got this. Go and take a bath, we have to go somewhere” he told her. “Okay”, she said and went to her room. She took a bath and realized she didn’t bring her clothes with her. It’s not like she’s very conservative, it’s more like he is. She doesn’t have any problem going out of the bathroom in her towel, but surely, he will scold her. He already did for more than five times now; anyway, she doesn’t have a choice. She wiped her hair and body and wrapped her body with the towel. She heard him say something but she didn’t hear it clearly. “What?” she shouted as she went outside the bathroom. “I said, Mom was─” he paused and stared at her head to toe. She smiled sweetly, like a child who was caught stealing a cookie. He let out a long deep sigh, slowly nodded twice and slowly shook his head thrice. He was about to say something when Mira cut him off. “I’m sorry, I really, really am! I’m sorry, I just forgot” she said very quickly. He sighed again but he looked like he will let it go this time so she smiled again the sweet smile. “This will be the last time, you hear me?” “Yes Sir!” she replied. “But this should be okay. I mean, we’re together now, right?” she said which she automatically regretted saying. He looked at her and about to say something when she cut him off again, “Okay, okay! I’m sorry. This will be the last time!” and she hurried up to her room. After she put her clothes, applied lotion, and cologne, and everything, she immediately went down the kitchen. She saw Archi wiping the sink, looks like he just finished wiping the table since it’s still wet. “What were you saying a while ago?” she asked. She didn’t hear it and he didn’t repeat it since he’s about to scold her again. “Mom wants us to spend the long weekend next weekend at my grandparent’s house, she asked me to ask you” he said. His back is turned and his voice sounds monotonic. Mira felt the need to apologize, she waited him to finish washing his hands and wipe it with the towel hanging near the cupboard. She hugged him from behind, “are you angry?” She asked. “No, I mean,” he paused. He took her hands and faced her. “I’m happy you trust me, l just keep remembering that time you first went to my apartment” he said as he touched her hair and put some behind her ear. “Without regard for your safety. Where are you at now, do you still feel that way?” he asked. “What? No” she answered. “I just trust you and I don’t even think like that anymore. If I could even talk to my old self, I would tell her to hang in there, and don’t give up. Good people will come” she paused. “I just sure hope they’ll stay” she said smiling at him. He kissed her and smiled at her. “They’ll stay” he assured her. “But you shouldn’t just walk in front of me just wearing a towel” he said laughing. “Why?” she laughed. “Why?” he imitated her. “You’re asking me why? I’m still a man, you don’t know what I am thinking” he explained. “You don’t have to worry about that” she gleamed. “If you ask me of it, I’ll give it to you” she said trying not to burst into laughing. His forehead suddenly wrinkled at her statements. “What? What will you give me?” he looked amused. She started laughing at him, “Well, whatever you want” she answered laughing. He started laughing too, he tried to push her away while she tries to pull him closer. They were both laughing so hard, “What, no, no” he said laughing. “I’m not, no, no” he’s still laughing so hard he can’t even construct his sentences. “What?” she asked laughing. It is so rare for him to be caught off guard, “I will take full responsibility whatever happen between us” she said reassuring him. “I mean, I even have a stable job, and if it comes to it, I will marry you” she said laughing. “Love, no, I know.” He said, “It’s just, I’m not ready yet” he said when he composed himself. “Okay” she said. “Just, when you think you’re ready, remember I will always say yes” she laughed. “Besides, I still can’t, love” he said. “You will have to marry me first, before consummating anything” he said laughing. “I thought you love me” she asked him. “Yeah, that’s why I’m asking you to─” she interrupted her. “Well, if you really love me, you will trust me that I will take responsibility” she said laughing. “Okay, okay. That’s enough, we’re going” he said restraining her to say more. He slightly carried her two steps and they started walking to the front door. “Okay, but just so you know, I’m quite serious with some parts I said” she told him smiling brightly. “Which part? The ‘you’ll marry me part’?” he cheerfully asked. She slightly moved closer to him and whispered, “The part where I told you to just ask, I will definitely say ye─” he immediately covered her mouth with his hand. “Alright, let’s go” he interrupted. Mira wrapped her hand in his waist, “where are we going by the way” “Grocery, I’m out of some stuff. You can also go and buy your stuffs” he told her. “Okay” she replied. After buying their groceries they went to Dolores’ house and had their lunch there. It was always good to talk to her; she’s a very jolly person. There’s always warmth in her. After having lunch with Dolores, they stayed a while. Archi showed her the part of the fence he used to climb when he and Aro were playing. There was a mulberry in the back yard; he told her he used to climb that tree. At three in the afternoon, Dolores took her afternoon nap, while they went to the neighboring house, Archi’s house to nap. They nap in the sofa bed in their terrace. This is a feeling she’s starting to love, the warmth of his hug, while sleeping, being able to hug him. This will always make her feel so happy. Mira woke up with the sunset light. It’s five thirty, Archi isn’t there. Suddenly, the door opened and Archi’s mother came out holding a white tray, with coffee and two slices of cake. “Hi, Tita” she embarrassedly said. “Thanks for the coffee” “Don’t mention it sweetheart” she told her off. She put the mug in the table in front of her and put one slice of cake in a saucer plate and put it next to the mug. “You know” she started. “I am very happy that my son met you” she said. She felt her blood running in her face, “I am very happy that I met your son too” she replied. The middle-aged lady just smiled warmly. “He did love Aro, it was a shock to us. We thought they’re both straights, and then they came out and we thought maybe they aren’t after all” she reminisces. “Then Aro suddenly got lost, for a while. That boy is a very silly boy. He’s a son to me” she smiled. Mira smiled gently at Aya’s statement, which was also what Dolores said about Archi. “When he suddenly got lost, there were part of us that was lost too, but we can only imagine how it was for Dolores, or for Archi. They’ve been together even before they learned how to walk. I thought when Archi will bring someone again in our house, that someone will not meet my expectations. You see, Aro is a very good child, good at studying; he’s everything a young girl would dream. But I was very, very wrong, I thought my baby boy would bring a ‘he’ again, you know? But no. He brought a ‘she’, a really beautiful, sweet ‘she’. I could never be happier” she told her touching her cheek. Her eyes were watering at her statements. “Why are you crying?” she asked her. “No, it’s nothing Tita. It’s just” she paused. “I’m just so happy to have meet every one, Archi, you and Tito Arthur, and Tita Dolly. I am very, very lucky” she said while tears were rolling down her cheeks. Aya just let out a small ‘oh’ and laughed while she wiped some of her tears. “What do you want for dinner?” she asked Mira. “You can decide Tita, I’ll eat whatever you’ll cook” she gleamed. “Alright, I will just invite Dolly, sweetheart. You know lately I notice her lights were open so early in the morning. I don’t think she’s getting sleep these days. One morning when I was about to use the bathroom and I saw her lights open, I went outside to, you know, ask her if something’s wrong. Then I heard her calling Aro’s name. It’s only natural for a parent to be so broken over a child’s loss no matter how long time passes by.” she tapped Mira’s head and went to the fence near Dolores’ window. Suddenly the latter came out and they were talking. She can’t hear what they’re talking. She can only hear their distinct voices. She felt so touched by how they address Aro’s absence, loss not death, and brokenness not mourning. They all still believed that Aro’s out there. They are such beautiful families. “You’re already having your coffee” it was Archi leaning on the door. He walked towards her and kissed the top of her head. After he sat beside her, he took a sip on her cup. “What were you talking about?” he asked. She just looked at him, “I saw you and mom talking. Looks serious” he told her. “Oh, nothing” she said. “I was just telling her how blessed I felt that I met you all” she continued. Archi stared at her for a while. “Well, she told me she was very happy that you met me, so I told her I am very happy too” she explained because Archi looked slightly worried. Archi took another sip in her coffee, which she already noticed. “Why don’t you just make your own coffee? Mine is already less than half already” she complained. “I will make my coffee later and I will share it with you” he offered. “Oh, okay” she quickly replied. He chuckled at how easily he can get away with it. He combed her hair with his fingers. “Is it still fine when we talk about Aro?” he suddenly asked. “Of course, I still think I might just fall in love with him if he’s here” she told him. Normally, Archi would joke about it but this time he just smiled. “My parents loved Aro too, like how Tita Dolores loves me. They didn’t judge us, my parents and his. But I can see that my parents, especially mom looked really happy that we are officially together now. You see, she has this dream of having a grandchild, or children. She gave up that dream when we came out” he was talking about Aro. “But ever since I introduced you to them, even before we fell in love, that dream of hers is resurfacing again” he laughed. “And you?” she asked. “Me, what?” he asked back. “Do you like to have children any time soon?” she elaborated. “It’ll be not so bad to have kids running around the house. But I’m not rushing either. We’ll have them when we have them and if not, we’ll have each other, I guess” he said. “I’d like that” she smiled warmly at him. he touched his face and kissed him then his neck, and shoulder and his hands. He smiled at her and held her hand up and kissed it and rested his head in her neck. She could feel his breathing in her neck. She took her cup and drank it, while Archi’s watching the movement of her throat as she gulped her coffee. Her coffee’s just one sip before it’s gone, she took the last sip and as she swallows the coffee, Archi quickly kissed her neck. She coughed out the coffee, some went through her nose. “What are you doing?!” she exclaimed while still coughing. She was holding her nose which is still wet with coffee when Archi stood up near her and wiped her nose with his shirt. “Love, I’m so sorry. Sorry, sorry” he apologized countless times while wiping her face with his shirt. “It’s okay, but why would you do that? I was drinking” she scolded. “I know, it’s so cute, your neck. That’s why I kissed it” and then he laughed. After hearing him, she immediately hit him many, many times until she was satisfied. Archi was just laughing the entire time. Aya just finished talking with Dolores when she saw the two of them laughing. “Can you just sleep here tonight?” his mother asked. “Ma, we can’t. We don’t have spare clothes. We will go to mass tomorrow morning then practice─” he was trying explaining to his mother when she interrupted him. “Okay, I just thought, you know. It’s been a long time since you spend your weekend here, and I just thought spending more time with Mira is a good idea. But no worries, we still have next weekend at grandpa’s place” she said obviously trying to hide her disappointment. “I think it’s a good idea” Mira cut in. “Right, Mira? Come on baby, I just miss you these days” she requested to Archi. “Alright, Ma. Just stop calling me ‘baby’ already. I’m 26!” he replied making Mira and Aya laugh. After eating the cake, Mira went inside and washed the mug and the plate. They went back to her apartment and Archi’s to get their stuffs for their weekend stay with his family. “Are you sure it’s okay?” it was Archi while driving on their way back. “Are you kidding, I love it. You’re so lucky Archi. You have so many homes to go to, like your parents’, Dolores’, your apartment. Or mine” she told him. “But you also have so many homes to go to now” he quickly replied. “Three of which is yours” she said. “But I like it, coming home. And finding you there” she continued. He took her hand and kissed it. “I love the fact that they are still there, but you’ll see later what I am apologizing for” he told her laughing. When they arrived, dinner is almost ready. She helped Archi’s mother, Aya, preparing dinner. During dinner, Aya kept on asking them if they already have plans marrying. This was what Archi was talking about. After dinner, they just stayed a while in the kitchen. She insisted that she wash the dishes while Archi is making coffee. Archi’s right, his parents were already getting ready for bed. They stayed in the living room watching weekend shows. She was holding Archi’s mug, she loved holding it feeling its warmth. On the way to the comfort room, Aya saw the two of them, “is it alright to drink coffee all the time?” she asked. “It might lessen the chance of pregnancy.” “Ma!” Archi exclaimed. “Okay, okay! Just a worried old woman here” she said as she continued walking to the bathroom. “Where did she even get that?” he mumbled. Mira just giggled. “What is your dream proposal?” he suddenly asked. “Wedding proposal?” she asked and he just nodded looking at her. “I don’t know, I don’t think I have any particular dream wedding proposal” she said. “You don’t?” he asked puzzled. “I don’t, it could just be anywhere. Like, in a night like this while we’re drinking coffee, or after working hours when we’re walking in the park, those were just okay.” She explained. “Wow, that’s rare. You don’t meet a lot of girls without those kinds of dreams” he said. “I have a dream wedding, though” she continued. “Yeah? What is it?” he asked. “Traditional. Church wedding, with red carpet on the aisle but I am wondering how the rose petals can be noticeable since it has to be red too. The dress code is traditional too, and instead of flowers, the bridesmaids will carry a fan.” He made an ‘hmm’ sound, “that’s a nice idea” he said. “I know” she told him. They talk for a while and started getting ready for bed. She just finished brushing her teeth when she saw Archi arranging the pillows. She sat in bed and took her phone, it’s quarter to ten in the evening. “I will just be in the living room if you need anything” it was Archi taking one of the pillows. “What?” she asked. “Can’t you just stay here, sleep with me?” He chuckled and pinched her cheek, “You can’t just ask a man to sleep with you” he said laughing. “Come on, we’re both grownups now. If you really don’t want to do it then we won’t. Just stay” she’s talking faster than usual. There was a long silence between them; Archi was obviously thinking about it. “I promise not to violate you in any way” she said. He laughed again. It’s starting to annoy her. “Is that really okay with you?” he asked. Ugh! This one is dumb for someone who got a Latin award in college. “Yes! Is that okay with you too?” she sarcastically asked. When it took him long to answer again, she automatically crawled in bed and just lied in her side and hugged a pillow. She heard his footsteps to the door. That jerk! She thought. He turned off the light. No! I don’t want to sleep with the lights off. When she heard the door closed she shut her eyes hard and hugged the pillow harder. She suddenly felt Archi kissed her head, and lied beside her. Oh, he’s here. She thought Archi will sleep in the living room. He pulled her closer and kissed her nose. She could feel and smell his breath, scent of the toothpaste. It’s so sexy. No! Stop it! She needs to stop thinking about it; otherwise, he’s right about not wanting to sleep with her. Goodnight, Archi” she said as she cuddled him. He combed her hair with his fingers then kissed it Mira woke up quarter to four, Archi’s still asleep. He’s so quiet sleeping, but she can hear his breathing. She pulled closer to him and rubbed her face in his neck, she felt Archi woke a little. He pulled her closer and rubbed her back until he fell asleep again. She tried not to laugh, she’s not sure whether Archi just tend to treat her like a child or he’s just a grandpa inside. She hugged him tighter; sleeping with the lights off doesn’t seem all bad, she thought. At five thirty-seven in the morning, Mira woke up and sat in her bed. She stared at the door in the bathroom, suddenly the door opened and Archi came out. He already took a bath, he’s wearing a knee length beach shorts and topless. She looked at him; this is her first time seeing him after a bath. “Do you need to use the toilet now?” he asked her. “Uh, yes” she went to the bathroom, washed her face and brushed her teeth. When she opened the door Archi handed her the towel. He’s still topless, she smirked at him. “What?” he asked, then he realized what she’s smirking about. He laughed, “No, no, no! You’re not getting this” he said covering his chest. “Why not?” she asked laughing. “If you really love me, you’ll give me that” she said laughing so hard. Archi was backing away while looking for a shirt. After he grabbed one, he started running out of the room, “I love you so much, but I wanted to stay pure until our wedding day” he said running away. She followed him running downstairs, while both laughing. Aya came out from the kitchen cooking, “Quiet you two, your dad’s still asleep” she said smiling. “Who’s asleep?” it was Arthur coming from outside. He has tomatoes and eggplants in a bowl he’s holding. Apparently, they have a mini garden in their backyard. “Oh, I thought you were still asleep.” She saw the tomatoes he’s holding, “Oh, good! Mira loves tomatoes” she said. Mira paused from chasing Archi as she stares to his family. Archi walked pass his mom to the kitchen while Arthur went up back to their room. In her mind, she can still hear Aya’s voice echoing, dad’s still asleep, like he is her dad too, and how they both remember that she loves tomatoes. She felt warmth in her heart. Mira went back to Archi’s room to wash her face and brush her teeth and went back down in the kitchen. She went to get mugs while Archi took it and put coffee his mother brewed. He added sugar and creamer in Mira’s cup and took it outside, “where are you going?” she asked. “I thought we can have this coffee in Tita Dolly’s porch” he said. “Ah, okay” she replied. They went outside but it seems like the door is still locked. They went to the porch and stayed there, they even watched the sunrise together. It’s almost six thirty when Dolores opened the door. “Oh, dear, you’re here” she said. “It’s very unusual for you to miss your morning routines, Tita” Archi was talking about Dolores’ habit of sweeping the backyard early every morning. “Ah, you’re right” the middle-aged woman noticed. “I was up till late last night; I was getting weird calls these days” she said. “By the way Mira, how was your stay here?” she asked her. “You wouldn’t believe this, Tita. I was almost defiled, thanks to this lovely maiden here” it was Archi before bursting into laughter. “Stop it! I was just joking!” she defended herself but Archi just laughed she couldn’t help but hit while laughing. After breakfast they got ready for the mass. The day went by quickly. Aya didn’t want to let them go yet but Archi had enough reasons to refuse this time. They drove for ten minutes before they stopped in a fast food chain where they had their dinner. “We totally skipped practice this time” he remembered. She just laughed. “Let’s just bring foods tomorrow to compensate” she said. Then she realized they didn’t bring their laundry to the laundry shop. “What about our laundry?” she asked. “Ah, s**t!” he cursed. It looks like he also forgot about it. “Let’s just go tomorrow before practice.” After they ate dinner, he drove her home and stayed in her apartment for a while. They watched a weekend show like they always do and then he headed home.
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