Chapter 44

1106 Words
JOHN ANTHONY A year after that, they became really good friends with Selena. They tell everyone they’re dating, but it really doesn’t feel like it when they’re alone. They spend most of their free time at their house studying. That year Selena started taking all the subjects for the sophomore year. She’s a year older than him. TJ’s also in grade five and most of the time he’s out practicing volleyball. That’s one of the things he envies about TJ. He can go and spend time doing his hobbies or just playing around and still get top grades. But no matter how competitive he felt, he’s someone Anthony cherishes with all his heart. “Your brother’s not here” Selena said while looking around. “No, he’s practicing” he simply answered while drawing their assignment, a three-dimensional apple. “What about your mom?” she asked. “She’s out, buying our groceries” he answered again. “What did you tell her about me? Did she ask?” she continued asking. This time, Anthony looked at her. He put his pen down and rested his chin on his palm. “Why?” he asked her smiling. Selena, caught off guard by Anthony asking her, didn’t say anything for a few seconds. Her eyes went up and down. “Well, I’m just curious” she said. “About what?” he continued, grinning. “About” she paused. “About what your mom thinks of me always being here” she answered. Anthony smiled. “Don’t worry. My mom knows we’re just friends. I can’t lie to her. But I asked her not to tell my brother”, he said. “Why not?” she asked again. Anthony picked his pen and started drawing again. “My brother hates people. He’s young and there’s only so much he can tolerate. If he found out we lied. Whew!” he answered making Selena laugh. “You really like your brother that much?” “Of course. He’s my best friend” he answered. “What about me?” Selena frowned. Anthony chuckled. “You can always fit yourself in the girlfriend section” he joked. “I did try that, but you keep saying we’re just friends” she said. Anthony looked at her. “That’s because I didn’t really court you. I didn’t ask and you didn’t say yes. What does that mean?” “Come on. What an old school you are. We are already in the twenty first century! Women can make the first move now” she retorted. “What would be the difference if we became official now? We tell everyone we’re together” he told her. “Well, for starters, we can kiss. I mean I can kiss you as much as I want” she grinned. “What other benefits do you want to add?” she asked turning her grin wider. Anthony exhaled smiling. He shook his head. “No way! You’re making all the initiatives. It doesn’t feel right” he answered. “Oh! Am I being rejected right now? My heart!” she whimpered trying to hold her chest with both hands. Anthony laughed. They heard footsteps coming from the outside followed by the door opening. “Kuya!” TJ shouted. “We’re here” Anthony said as soon as he saw TJ enter. “You’re here?” TJ asked the moment he saw Selena. “Again?” he added. Selena tilted her head sideways. She doesn’t seem offended, but she won't stay quiet. “I can always take your brother with me at my house if you really don’t want to see me” she said. TJ stared at her for a while. “You’re making it really difficult for me to like you” he said without batting an eye. “TJ” Anthony said. TJ started running upstairs, halfway, he looked back at Selena and mouthed ‘I hate you’. They both silently laughed as soon as TJ’s out of sight. “Don’t be so mean” Anthony told Selena. Selena just shrugged. SELENA “Congratulations! You are officially cancer-free” the doctor said smiling. Selena felt her father hug her. “Does this mean, I can now live normally? Dance again and—” “You will still need to be careful. Don’t do tiring activities, don’t go to places with a lot of people. You’re still vulnerable. Continue doing precautions, but you can start doing simple exercises. Walk a few minutes a day, eat healthy foods” the doctor went on. Selena’s family have a long history of cervical cancer. That’s where she lost her mother and grandmother. At the age sixteen, she was diagnosed and was receiving chemotherapy. But as of today, she’s officially cancer-free. She’s in first year for two years now. She took half the units last year and half now. That’s where she met Anthony. “Can I enroll full time next year?” she asked. “There’s still almost a year before the next calendar year, you can come back here and have yourself check to be sure. But if you will continue living healthy, there’s a pretty good chance you will” the doctor smiled at her. Her eyes widened. She never felt so happy. A year later, she really did enroll full time. She continued seeing Anthony and she enjoys all the time she spent with him and his sassy brother. From time to time she feels a little dizzy, but the doctor said she might feel side effects from the treatments she received. At first, she wanted to have a boyfriend/girlfriend experience thinking that she might not survive her illness. But when she did, she started to look at things differently. She’s happy to take things slow with Anthony, and happier when she marked her territory on him when she thought she doesn’t have long to live. Now, no one’s been trying to make a move on him. She smirked watching him. He’s drawing an apple for their assignment. “Why? You look creepy, just now” Anthony told her. “Nothing” she answered. Anthony furrowed his eyebrows, now he’s starting to look like TJ. She laughed. “I’m just happy about myself” she said. “Why?” Anthony hesitated to ask. He doesn’t know what she’ll say. “Because I made you mine” she answered directly. Not batting an eye, and a wide grin on her face. Anthony looked flustered. His face red, eyes wide., but didn’t say anything. Instead, he continued drawing. So cute, she thought still smiling.
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