Chapter 28

1784 Words
TRISTAN JAMES “It’s her, isn’t she?” Andrei asked him as soon as they dropped Yuan. They just came from visiting Mira at Andrei’s place. He didn’t answer. He just looked at him, poker face. There’s no use denying it to Andrei. He knows he can trick every one, but not him. “When did you know?” he asked. “Last year, a few months before the holidays” Andrei answered. “How? Am I becoming too obvious?” he asked again “That time you postponed our meeting to nine o’clock. It’s so unlike you to postpone anything without a valid reason. You’re lucky my brother saved our asses. A bit more poking, I think Archi will notice it too” he continued. “I think he already did. He saw us that time, he knows I don’t care about other people. But there I was, driving his girlfriend” he said. “You never wanted to put yourself anywhere near trouble, but look at what you’ve gotten yourself into” Andrei teased him. He sighed. “There’s no chance for us and I’ll be leaving soon, what’s wrong with helping her get through it?” he asked. “That’s how I’ve got myself into mess. Been there, done that” Andrei laughed with matching thumbs up to him. “I will not involve myself any more than this” he declared. “You’ll just hover. Is that what you’re saying?” Andrei continuing to interrogate him. He nodded. “Taking that advice you gave her, on a third person’s point of view, you are starting to involve yourself. You look like a moth flying around fire” TJ didn’t reply. “So, when I tell you, you stop. It’s because I see, you’ll just hurt yourself more” Andrei continued smiling. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. He’s telling him exactly what he told Mira. He’s so gentle and sweet towards her, but he’s still the same, old senior who always teases and annoys him. “It’s not like I’m trying to take her for myself” he defended himself. “So, what are you doing exactly?” Andrei continued teasing him. “I was just” he paused. “I was helping her get through what she’s going through” he answered. “You know, Mira’s not blind. Or stupid. She’s just going crazy right now, but soon when she gets through it, I’m telling you she’ll realize it. That she’s your mystery girl. What are you gonna do when that happens?” he asked. “Nothing, whatever happens, it’s her decision” he replied. “Oooh” Andrei continued, with an almost permanent smile plastered on his face. “That’s partly manipulating” he said smirking at him. TJ looked at him squinted eyes. He didn’t answer. Andrei saw how he looks and burst into laughter. “Now you know?” he asked, TJ didn’t respond. “Is it tight wearing my shoe?” he continued laughing. He massaged his temple to stop himself from further digging his own grave. He felt the car stopped and saw they’re in front of his house. “You helped her get back with his boyfriend, didn’t you?” he's referring to the girl Andrei likes. He looked at him. “How did you feel when they got back together? Did you” he stopped. “You know, felt happy?” he asked. It’s so cliché he didn’t even want to say the words. “No” Andrei simply answered. “Then why did you do it? If you’re not going to be happy, what’s the point?” he asked. “I will never be happy unless I get her back. But she loves him. I wasn’t happy when I helped them, but I felt less miserable” he smiled. “For now, maybe it’s enough” he tapped his shoulders and squeezed it. TJ nodded at him and got off the car. Andrei beeped twice before driving away. He went inside their house and saw his mother cooking. She’s been raising them alone since he can remember. “Mom” he called and went straight to bed. It’s what they say to let the people at home know they’re home, just calling them. He sat on his bed and laid straight on his back, arms covering his eyes. He took it off, and spread across his bed, staring at the ceiling, “Mira” he mumbled. MIRA Mira cleaned the house. Andrei’s right, she needs to move around. After cleaning, she washed her laundry. She hanged her clothes, took a bath and prepared to go out. She stared at about three minutes at their apartment. She took her keys and went inside. “Archi?” she called. Their room opened quickly and Archi appeared. “Mira?” he asked trying to make sure it’s her. He almost ran to her and hugged her tight. His head sneaking in her neck. “You’re back” he said. “Archi” she tried to pushed him so they can face each other but Archi tightened his grip on her. “It’s okay, we can talk” she told her. Archi slowly moved apart, staring at her. “I will not do anything that will hurt you. I promise” he said trying to convince her. “You have to go back to work—” “I will” he quickly said. “Tomorrow, I will go to work” he assured her. “I am breaking up with you” she told him. Archi stared at her. He reached her hand and kissed it. Pulled it to his cheek. She can feel his tears in her palm. “Archi” she started. “What do you want me to do?” he asked again, voice cracking. “You still owe me a vacation” she smiled. “Didn’t we agreed we’ll go to Sagada?” she asked. “We’ll go. When do you want to go?” he asked. “Next week” she answered. “Okay” he exhaled. “We can go next week, and we’ll work things out” Archi told her. She looked at him. “Archi, as soon as you accept the truth, the easier this will be” she continued. “You still love him” “It’s different” he tried to explain. “It’s not. That’s the truth” she stared at him. “Do you remember when I told you, you were too drunk and you said some things?” she asked. He nodded, tears still falling. “You told him you’re happy. You’re happy that he’s back and that you missed him the entire time” her voice also getting a pitch higher. Tears are beginning to form in her eyes. “I think, if he didn’t stop it, you will even kiss him. I was there the whole time” she told him. “I’m—” it's Archi digesting what she just said. “It’s not something to apologize for” she said wiping her tears. “But I can’t let you go. I love you” he told her. “I know” she answered. “I can’t” he continued. He rested his head on her shoulder, snuggled to her neck. “You healed me” “I know” she also started sobbing. She pushed her slightly away. “But we don’t always end up with people who healed us” “You told me if he came back and I still chose you, you will accept me” he cupped her cheeks still persuading her. “I know. I remember. You can do that. You can choose me. But I’m begging you” she said trying to control her sobs. “Please, please don’t choose me out of pity” she cried. “Don’t let me live a life like that” she pleaded. Archi didn’t say anything. “You don’t have to worry about me. I will always think fondly of you. Loving you made me love myself. You made me want something more” she said in between her sobs. “I want more than just being a second choice” she said with a slight nod. They stayed like that for a little while. “So, you’re leaving me?” he asked. “Not until you gave me that vacation” she smiled. “We can call it quits after that” Mira stayed at Andrei’s place while coming to Archi’s place to start pack her things. She feels sad but she doesn’t feel the need to blame anyone. She might be born lacking energy for such things. “Is this everything?” Archi asked her when he loaded the last bag on the bed of the truck. “That’s it. We’ll drop this at Andrei’s and we can go to Sagada” she excitedly said. They drove to Andrei’s apartment and then they started to drive north. They went to buy groceries and vegetables at Baguio City on their way to Sagada. After twelve hours of travel, they arrived. They already booked a transient they’ll stay for the next two weeks. As soon as they arrive, Mira put their clothes in the room. She sorted the clothes in the cabinet. Archi went straight to the kitchen and put their supplies in the tray. He opened the refrigerator and the windows and started cleaning after. “See, we make a good team” he smiled to Mira who’s also cleaning their room. She just smiled and made an ‘hmm’ sound. They did all sorts of things. They went hiking, camping, they even joined a bonfire with the locals. Of all the things they tried, she did enjoy the free coffee. “I’ll miss this” she exhaled. “Maybe we can just stay here, start a new life” he laughed. “We can even change our names” he added. She looked at Archi, reached his face, from his eyes, cheeks and lips. She smiled. “Can you do something for me?” she asked. “Yes” Archi responded quickly despite not knowing her request. “Since I am letting you go, will you at least be happy?” she said staring at him. “I’ve already cried, and gave way for you. So, if you will not be happy, what’s the point of all this? This is your second chance with Aro, don’t waste it” Archi held her hand on his face and kissed it, then her lips. He looked straight in her eyes and nodded.
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