Chapter 29

2061 Words
MIRA Mira went to Archi’s parent’s house. She went straight inside. She smiled, they got to this point where she can go inside as she wants. “Tita?” she called. Aya came out from the kitchen, “anak!” she exclaimed. (*anak is an endearment to address one’s child) “Where were you? We were so worried” she continued. “I moved out Tita” she confessed. Aya stared at her, sadness evident on her face. “Does it really need to come to this? I’ll talk to Archi—” “Tita” she interrupted. “Archi wants to get back together. This is my decision, I’m really sorry Tita” she explained. Aya looked defeated. “Then, still visit me” she said in a slight commanding tone. “Like how you always visit Dolores. I was so happy when Archi introduced you. I thought I’ll finally have my daughter” she said tears forming in her eyes. Arthur suddenly came from the outside and patted her back. Mira smiled at them. Touched. She never realized they treasured her like this. Mira went there to explain that it’s her decision. She doesn’t want them to blame Archi or Aro. Aya’s walking her out to the gate, arms crossing with hers. “Don’t forget, always visit” Aya reminded her. She nodded. She looked at Dolores’ house. No one seemed to be home, since ever since Aro arrived, Ara’s always playing outside. She waved them goodbye after Arthur called a cab for her. ARCHI Mira’s gone. He tried calling her from time to time, she still answers her phone but kept reminding him that they’ve already broken up. He just got back from work, a week after their two-week vacation to Sagada. He cleaned the house as soon as he got back. He didn’t cook food, he knows he can’t eat alone. He misses Mira, but she’s right. He doesn’t really realize he’s doing things that makes her feel like a second choice. After taking a shower, he went straight to bed. He looked at the spot Mira used to sleep in. That’s also Aro’s spot. He needs to think about it. So, this is what a normal break up feels like. He’d rather have this. Break up and know she can still be happy somewhere. Unlike—, he stopped. He’s thinking about Aro again. Mira read him like an open book. She’s right, in every thing he’s going through, there’s Aro always on the back on his head. If you will not be happy, what’s the point of all this? This is your second chance with Aro, don’t waste it Mira’s words flashed in his head. He closed his eyes. THREE WEEKS LATER ARO Aro’s arranging his notes in his table. He doesn’t feel good these days. His mom’s been extremely sad and guilty the last time Mira visited their house. Tita Aya and Tito Arthur’s very worried about Alpha and Mira. No one’s saying anything, but he felt responsible about everything that’s happened. “Are you okay?” William asked him. “Yeah, why do you ask?” he replied. “You’ve been arranging that for almost half an hour now” he told him. He stopped arranging his notes. “I’m okay” he said. William nodded. “Okay. But if you need anything or someone to talk to, I’m just there” he pointed her table two tables away from him. He nodded. He’s starting to get ready to go home when they heard a phone ring. “Is that yours?” William asked. “No” he answered. Although the rings seemed to be closer to him than any one else. He opened her bag and saw Mira’s keypad phone. He looked at the screen and read the name of the caller, Archi. He sighed. “Hello?” he answered the phone. “Hello?” Alpha from the other line. “Why do you have this phone?” he asked. “Mira gave this to me” he answered. The other line is quiet for a few moments. “Do you still have class?” Alpha asked. “No” Aro answered him. “Can you fetch me? I’m at the car repair shop just outside my working place” Why call me? he thought. “Sure” he agreed anyway. “Ready to go?” William asked him. “Please tell me you’re not coming with him” he heard Alpha say on the other line. “Yeah” he answered William. “And no, I’m not” he answered to the phone before cutting the call. He took his bag and started to went to his car. He drove for about twenty minutes before reaching the repair shop Alpha’s talking about. He saw him sitting at the bench outside the shop. He pulled in front him, “get in” he said as soon as he opened the window. Alpha stood and quickly get in. “Nice car” he commented. “I know” he answered. “It’s fancy” Alpha added. “Just the way I like it” he grinned. “It will be nice to drive Kathara around now” he looked at Alpha who’s just looking out the window. “You’ve always been careful. What happened to the truck?” he asked him. “It’s just the regular tune up. I just had some parts replaced after we had our trip to the mountain province” Alpha explained. “Really? Then, you’re together again?” his sudden burst of questions. Alpha looked at him and smiled, sadly. “No. We broke up” And then, there’s silence. “I’m sorry, Alpha. I think it’s my fault” he apologized. “It’s not” Alpha told him. They didn’t talk until they arrived at his apartment. “Wanna come inside? Have coffee, or tea for you, I guess” he offered. “No, Alpha” he declined. “Ara might be waiting for me—” “There’s no one inside. It’s just me, so, I’ll appreciate a company” Alpha urged him. He scratched the back of his head. How can I refuse that? “Okay, I guess I can have tea” They walked inside and he went straight to the kitchen and prepared to make his tea. There’s lemon in the fridge, he looked at the cupboards, no cinnamon, no honey. He just put the lemon and picked the black tea. Alpha went straight to his bedroom and showered. Aro knows it takes him more or less five minutes. He’s making him coffee. After he made it, he took them in the living room and sat. Not long after, Alpha came back wearing a shirt and shorts. “Smells good” he smiled. “Thanks” He nodded. “So, what happened? You went on a vacation and broke up after? Where did you go? I should avoid those places” he told him while taking a sip to his tea. “We broke up even before the vacation” he answered. He stared at him. He looked thinner. “It’s because of me, isn’t it?” he started. Alpha’s staring at him. “What are you staring at?” he asked. Alpha laughed. “You know, if we broke up like how Mira and I did, it might’ve been like this. I would also let you go.” he paused. “I begged her to stay. But she gave me a perfectly reasonable explanation why she can’t. and I let her go” “Why did she left?” he asked. “She doesn’t want me to choose her out of pity, or guilt. She doesn’t want to be a second option” Alpha explained. “How can that be? It’s not like I made you choose. I told her nothing’s between us anymore—” “We both know that’s not true, Aro” he interrupted, almost a whisper. “But we didn’t—” he tried. “And yet, she still felt it. I love you still” he gulped and looked at him. Aro drank his tea quickly and put the cup on the table. He stood up, “Thanks for the tea, Alpha. I have to get going” “I know you know it too. You feel it—” “It doesn’t matter. I will not have this on my conscience, Alpha. Mom’s sad, I’m not sure if she blames me for it—” “That’s okay. It’s not like you’re going anywhere any time soon. I can wait” Alpha told him. “You just broke up” he exhaled. “I know it’s only been a month, but even Mira knew we’ll get back together when we broke up” He looked at him one last time before walking out of the apartment. He drove home, conflicted about what they talked about. He arrived at their house and parked the car at the garage. He saw her mom folding their clothes in the living room. “Mom” he called. “You’re here? Did you have dinner yet?” his mother asked. “No” he answered. “Where’s Kathara?” “She’s upstairs, asleep. Aya told me Mira swung by. They broke up” Dolores told him. She looked at him. “You knew already?” she asked. He nodded. “Alpha told me, just now” he answered. “Just now? You were together just now?” Dolores’ voice is full of worry. “We’re not getting back together, mom. If that’s what you’re thinking” his mother continued folding the clothes. “I know you’re thinking it’s because of me—” “Darling, no one’s thinking that” his mother in a small voice. “I’m just sad for Mira. More than Archi, she craved for a family. Archi never stayed long in their house, or here. But he did when Mira came. She even sleeps with me when they visited me here” she stopped and stared at him. “But now, even she realized Archi will never love anyone as much as he loves you” she paused again. “And being such a beautiful child doesn’t help in situations like this” she sighed. “I’m sorry, mom” he mumbled. Dolores touched his cheek and kissed the top of his head. He stood and went to his room. He showered and was startled when he saw Kathara just standing in front of the door of the bathroom. This child, he thought. “Baby, next time you will knock or call daddy if you’re here so I’ll know. Okay?” he told her. The little girl nodded. “Okay, we don’t want you to grow up creepy” he can feel his cheeks stretch. “Daddy” he called. “Yes?” he answered. He sat at the edge of the bed wiping his hair with a towel. “Do you like Tito Alpha?” she asked. It took him a while to answer. “Maybe” he answered staring at her reaction. “Why?” she continued asking. “Why not?” he asked back. “But, you’re both boys” she said still in questioning tone. “I know. Does that bother you?” he asked again. The little girl tilted her head and shrugged. “I don’t know” the little girl said yawning. He reached his head and kissed him in the cheek. “Goodnight, daddy” she said before walking out of the room. “Good night” he whispered. He’s about to sleep when he heard his phone beeped twice. There are two messages. One from Archi and one from Mira. From Archi: I know how we left things earlier but you know my truck’s still in the shop. So, you’ll have to drive me to work tomorrow. I don’t want to commute. Good night. This guy! He massaged his head. From Mira: Can we talk? Anytime you’re available, just text me. He replied a thumbs up to Archi and his available time to Mira. He also chose the coffee shop they talked to before, since it seemed closer to her. He shut his eyes and forced himself to sleep.
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