Chapter 42

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JOHN ANTHONY “Kuya! Teach me receiving later” it’s TJ, his younger brother, asking to teach him receiving techniques. “We can do it tomorrow, TJ. I still need to review for my entrance exam” he replied. He’s in fourth year high school now and entrance exams are just around the corner. He applied for a few colleges, just in case. He’s not stupid, academic wise but he’s not too smart either. He needs to prepare for this. He looked at his younger brother. His super smart, talented younger brother. Sometimes, he wishes he’s the younger one. He doesn’t need to think about being strong and reliable all the time. Or that he's the less smart despite being older. “Aww” TJ pouted and continued eating dinner. Anthony ruffled his hair. He’s in grade four now. “How’s school?” he asked. “Same as always. I hate the people in it” he answered. Anthony chuckled. “You have to be nice to them” he told him. “Why?” TJ asked. “You don’t know when you’re going to need their help and—” “That’s where you come in, Kuya” he quickly interrupted. TJ, smiling at him, no matter how jealous he is, he is his younger brother. A precious person to him. “Anthony, another letter” his mother shouted from downstairs. He got out of his room but TJ ran past him and took the letter quickly from their mom. “This is the last one, Kuya! Right?” he shouted. He laughed while walking down the stairs. He’s holding three other letters from the schools he applied. He hasn’t opened any, yet. “Ready?” he smiled asking TJ. Eyes glimmering, TJ nodded. They opened the first letter, passed. “You passed!” TJ shouted, jumping. “Next! Next! Next!” Anthony chuckled. “Okay, calm down” he said and opened the next letter. Passed again. And the other two, all passed. TJ is so pleased he was jumping the whole time. “Mom, where do you think I should go?” he asked their mother, Flora. “Why are you asking me? Just go wherever you want” she answered him. “Can we afford it?” he asked. Their mother’s raising them alone. Their father died when he’s still TJ’s age. That might be the reason TJ looks up to him. “Of course,” his mother replied. “I’ve been preparing for this ever since you’re both young. It’s hard to survive out there when you don’t finish school. I don’t want you to experience that” she said. He felt so touched, he’s about to hug Flora when TJ sat between them after running around. “Of course, we can afford it. Mom has lots of money. I saw it!” he proudly said. “You saw it where?” Flora asked. TJ looked at her starting to sink in what he just said. “Your cabinet?” “Why were you looking there?” Flora asked him. TJ looked up and down. “I was looking for food, mom” he answered. “In the cabinet?” Flora asked. TJ nodded slowly. Flora pulled his ear. “You’re never allowed in my room again. Do you understand?” she asked TJ. TJ looked at their mother. “Answer me, Tristan” she added. “Yes, mom” he answered. Flora went to the kitchen. When she’s out of his sight, he looked at Anthony and whispered. “There are lots of zeros in it” he said. “Tristan James!” their mother shouted. TJ run upstairs. He laughed. It’s funny how TJ hates people outside but really loves to play with them. Anthony went inside the building for their first period. He remembered TJ being more excited than him. “First year? Are you also taking Architecture?” a girl with a short blond hair asked him. He nodded. “Nice! Come sit with me” she told him. They both went inside and sat together. “I’m Selena, who are you?” “My name’s Anthony” he answered. Selena nodded and took his schedule. “We have the same schedule for lectures and labs” she said. After that, they went together to their next subjects. “Do you want to eat something after class?” she asked him. “Maybe next time, my brother’s asking me to—” “Come on! It won’t take long” she said smiling. She took his hand and pulled him to the open area next to their school. There were people dancing, a lot of food stalls and the jeepneys and tricycle are parked on the side. “I don’t have money, so you treat me” she said. “You just wanted me to treat you” he said shaking his head. “Two lomi, please” he said to one of the food vendors. (*Lomi is a Filipino dish made of thick egg noodles) After a while, they were given their order. They walked to the nearest bench and ate in silence. After about fifteen minutes, they both finished their food. “Let’s go back here tomorrow, Anthony” Selena said. He looked at her. “My treat tomorrow” she smiled. “Okay” he answered. He walked to the tricycle lining up at the edge of the area. Selena stayed at the bench and waved at him. SELENA “Selena” a car pulled up in front of her. “Dad” she answered as she quickly stood up. “What are you doing here?” her father asked. “I was just watching the troupe dance” she lied. Her father sighed. “I know it’s hard not to pursue your old hobbies, but just being here already exposes you too much. You still have your treatment scheduled tomorrow. Let’s go” he said. Selena nodded. She saw Anthony through the window inside the tricycle. She smiled sadly. “Hi. Are you okay?” Anthony asked her. “Yeah, why?” she asked. “You told me we’ll go back for the Lomi yesterday and you look pale today” he answered. “How was your brother? What were you teaching him again?” she asked diverting the subject. “Oh, TJ” he suddenly beamed. She smiled. It must be nice, to have something that could light you up like that. Or someone. “I was teaching him volleyball. I will take him here sometime. He told me he also wants to study here” he continued. Selena listened to him talk about his brother for almost an hour. Laughing from time to time about how silly kids can be. “Aren’t we going to eat Lomi today?” he asked her. “Not today. I still don’t have the money” she answered smiling. “Come on. You don’t have to worry about it” Anthony said pulling her hand. “No, Anthony. I promised I will treat you the next time. So, the next time we eat, I will be paying it. You have to wait” she told him laughing. “Okay” Anthony agreed. A car parked in front of them. It’s not her father. It’s their driver. Anthony also looked at the car seeing how she looked at it. “Tomorrow, we’ll go eat somewhere else” she told Anthony. “Maybe we can go take your brother with us” she said. “Okay” Anthony smiled. She took Anthony’s hand and held it. Anthony looked at her holding him. She leaned and tiptoed and pecked his lips. Anthony’s eyes widened. Of course, they just knew each other for three days. “Tomorrow” she said to Anthony and waved. Anthony waved back but still speechless. She smiled. She likes this. No more restrictions. She wants to live her life the way she wanted. No more fear. Tomorrow.
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