Chapter 41

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“Mama? When’s Daddy coming home? Why didn’t he take me with him?” Kathara asked Dolores. Her voice sounded like she’s about to cry. Aro and Archi flew to Denmark after TJ called and told them Mira’s delivering that day. “Well, they will be at a hospital baby. You won’t enjoy visiting them yet” Dolores told her. Nicholai stared at her looking so sad. “You know what? Why don’t we also go out, do you want to go to Disneyland?” he asked her. Kathara’s eyes shined and she just stared at Nicholai. She clutched to his chest. “Papa Nicho” she whispered making him laugh. “Nicho” Dolores called him. She walked to the kitchen Nicholai followed her. “What are you telling her?” she scolded him. “What? It’s only two hours away” he defensively said. “We can’t take her out of the country without Aro’s consent” she told him. “Then let’s tell him. Come on. I am a former pilot, you’re a flight attendant. We can take care of her” he smiled mischievously. Dolores sighed. She looked at Ara who looked kind of down since Aro and Archi got back together. She can’t call Aro yet, they’re still on the plane. It’s a twelve-hour trip. She finally nodded. Nicholai hugged her so fast and went back to Kathara. “My baby, your Lolo will take you to Disneyland today!” he declared. Ara’s eyes are large, mouth opened and she started raising both her hands. She laughed. She looked at them and remembered how close she was with her Lolo. They went back to their house first to get their ID’s, passports and change clothes. Ara seemed lively after telling her they will go out to play. They went straight to the airport they booked a flight scheduled after an hour. They tried all things. They bought matching hairbands, they ate the churros. When Ara told them she wants to try the rides, they rode it. She didn’t know she’ll enjoy such things at her age. After almost two hours of going around taking pictures, Ara fell asleep in Nicholai’s arms. They sat on the bench first and watched families go around taking pictures with Goofy, Snow White’s Evil Stepmother, Peter Pan and other beloved character. She took a towel from her purse and wiped Ara’s face, neck and back. She got sweaty from all the running. She suddenly looked at Nicholai who’s staring at her. She saw the sweats running down his forehead and neck. She also wiped it. “I looked for you, that time. I was thinking, maybe we can make things work” he told her. She suddenly stopped wiping his neck and stared at him. “I was there, on your wedding day” she replied. “You look happy” she added. “Did I look happy too when we bumped to each other in the cakeshop?” he asked. She nodded. “Do you think we can make things work now?” she asked. “Are you asking me out?” he smirked. “If only you brought flowers with you, I would’ve said yes” he joked. She smiled and didn’t say anything. “I will say yes, still. Just ask me” he continued. She looked at him and about to scold him again. “I’m sorry. I was just joking” he apologized quickly. “I hope you can bear with all my corny jokes, because I really want to—” “Maybe we can work it out this time” she smiled at him. Nicholai leaned closer and kissed her lips. “After thirty years” he smiled at her. “Did you know this is only the second time we kissed?” he asked. “The first time, you drove me crazy. Now, you make me happy” he smiled. “Are we home?” Ara suddenly woke up. “Not yet, baby. We’re still waiting for the fireworks” he said as he hugged her closer. After four days “Mom?” Aro called as he opened the door. “Daddy!” Ara ran and jumped to him. Aro laughed and carried her. “Where’s Mama Dolly?” he asked Ara. “They’re outside, at the back” she answered. “We’re barbecuing” she whispered, creating a circle on his ears using both her hands. “Why?” he asked. He put his luggage beside the door and walked to the kitchen. “We went to Disneyland” she added. “What?” he quickly exclaimed. He looked at her and saw she’s so startled that she suddenly became quiet. He sighed. She thought he’s going to scold her. “Did you enjoy?” he asked her. She looked down and didn’t answer. “You didn’t take Daddy with you. Ah, I’m starting to get sad” he said trying to lighten the mood. “You love Mama Dolly now more than Daddy, don’t you?” he continued trying to soften his voice. She looked at him. “We went there with Papa Nicho” she whispered. “Oh, Daddy is really sad” he said. “I will just sit here and patch my broken heart” he told her. “I’m sorry, daddy. Next time I’ll take you with me” she said. He smiled. “Promise next time, you’ll take Daddy to Disneyland?” he asked. Ara nodded at him. She’s been down for the past few weeks ever since they learned about Mira’s pregnancy. She likes the idea of having a sister, but adjusting to their living arrangements made her a bit on edge. “Okay. You will have to keep that promise or my heart will break again” he said. “It’s healed already?” she asked. “Every time you hug daddy, it just magically gets better” he told her. Ara smiled and hugged him tighter. They walked outside and saw his mom and dad, and Tita Aya and Tito Arthur. “What’s the occasion?” he asked. The four of them looked at each other. “Nothing, we just want to get together. We don’t do it often” Dolores answered. He shrugged. “Mom, can you get Ara first, I’ll just take a bath” he said. He saw her mother’s ring, she’s wearing two. One with a diamond in it and the other a simple round ring. His mother quickly took Ara and he went upstairs. After almost thirty minutes, he went back outside and saw Alpha with the rest of them. He also already has taken his bath. He looked around and saw his dad carrying Ara. Her arms tightly hugging his dad. He smiled. “Hi” he called Ara. “Didn’t I tell you not to let anyone carry you like that except daddy?” he asked Kathara who just looked at him. “Come here” he said. He really missed her. It’s only five days but it felt like a long time already. His dad handed him Ara and he happened to glimpse at his hand. A simple, round ring. Like the one his mom is wearing. He looked at his mom who’s laughing with Alpha. His brows furrowed but kept quiet about it. “Do you still love daddy?” he asked his daughter. Ara nodded. “How much?” he asked. Ara spread her arms. He laughed. “Okay” he said and hugged her. “I miss you my beautiful mermaid” he told her and kissed her head. Ara ignored him. “You really do love daddy” he joked. They had dinner with their neighbors in their yard outside. Tita Aya asked Alpha all about his and Mira’s child. Alpha even showed them the pictures. “Her name’s Astoria” Alpha said. “Amelia Astoria” he added. “That’s so beautiful” Dolores said, her eyes began to be a bit teary. “Yeah. Who named her? Mira?” Tita Aya asked. “I think so” Alpha proudly answered. “Oh, coffee and tea. Wait, I’ll prepare it” his mother stood up. “I’ll help you, darling” his dad said and they both went in the kitchen. He looked at them. Darling? Seriously? “Baby, what happened while Daddy’s gone?” he tried to squeeze information from his daughter. Ara looked at him with so clueless. “We ate” she said. Ah, she’s a child after all. “It’s a small world after all” she sang. The Disneyland, he continued talking in his head. After dinner, Tita Aya and Tito Arthur also went home. Alpha went back to his apartment. They went to the living room and sat down again. “Can we talk?” he asked. Both of them looked at him and sat on the sofa opposite to him. “What’s happening with you two?” he asked them. “You’re hooking up, aren’t you” as awkward as it sounds, he just needs to ask it. He’s not opposed to it, but it feels weird for him. “We’re not” his mother answered, trying to gather her words. “We actually got married” his father confessed. “What?” without realizing it, his question sounded so sharp even Ara looked at him. “I’m not mad at you, baby” he quickly told her. “What, wh-, why?” he said. “Why not? We’re both single” Dolores defensively said. “Mom” he started. “We love each other” his father said. He didn’t respond. “And I would very much like to spend the rest of my life loving her” he continued. Wow, he thought. He smiled at both them. “Well, you could’ve invited me” he said rolling his eyes. “I told you he’s a drama queen” Dolores told Nicholai. “And you know all about this, and you never even thought about telling Dad? We’re growing apart, baby. Maybe you should just go and buy yourself another dad” he told Ara. Ara whimpered and started to hug him. He just felt his mother hit his head with her palm.
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