Chapter 64

1808 Words

“So, sweetheart, your contract’s only six years, right?” Aya asked her. “Yes, Tita” she answered. They were having tea in the porch of their house for their yearly holiday visit. “What are your plans after your contract? Are you moving back here?” Aya asked as they watch Archi carry Ara and Aro carry Astoria. “I don’t have a plan for that yet, Tita” she whispered. “Hmm” she nodded. “I hope you move back, so you know, we can still watch Astoria grow and we can visit her anytime we want” Aya said. Astoria’s four years old and in a year or two, she’ll be starting school. Mira nodded. “I will consider that, Tita. I’ll tell you as soon as I already planned our living arrangements after my contract” she told her. Aya smiled and nodded at her. “Can I ask you about something, sweetheart?”

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