
1284 Words
Kenzie I am currently sitting in my living room eating a giant tub of my favorite ice cream, cookies n' cream. I'm not little at the moment. I actually got out my headspace as soon as we pulled up to the store, lucky for me my mom still bought me ice cream anyway. "What're you watching?" I looked up from my ice cream with my spoon sticking out my mouth, my mom walked in and sat next to me with a small bowl of the same ice cream as me in her hands "dunno, I wasn't really paying attention" She nodded her head, looking to the TV as she took a scoop of ice cream into her mouth. It was quiet for awhile, both of us were just staring at the TV and eating, not really paying much attention to what was on, "You okay, Kenz?" I looked to her for a sec before looking down to my feet, "Can I be honest?" I mumbled out. She went quiet, "...of course" she answered. Mom grabbed the remote and started to flip through the channels, occasionally glancing at me. waiting for my answer. I sat criss-crossed on the sofa playing with my ice cream, "I-i think there's something wrong with me..." I said with a cracking voice. From the corner of my eye I see her set down the remote and put her full attention on me, "Honey, is this about what happened during the game?" she questioned. I silently nodded my head. "Makenzie, look at me." she said while lifting my head up "There is absoulty nothing wrong with being a little, you know that." "Yeah I know there's nothing wrong with little's, I'm not saying there is. I was just think there's something wrong with me being one." I looked away again at the last part, not wanting to see her reaction. "Kenzie..." she started to say. "I mean look at me Mom." I said cutting her off "I'm not small or petite or anything like-" "The littles in those books you read?" she says finishing my sentence. "Kenzie there are lots of different littles and caregivers. Not all littles are small and petite, just like not all caregivers go for littles who are small and petite." I remained silent. "I know it might be hard to believe me since I'm not a caregiver but... Just trust me, okay?" I slowly nodded my head. She's right. As much as I hate it, she's not a caregiver and that simple fact makes it that much harder to believe what she says is the truth. I guess I was silent for too long because my mom takes the tub of ice cream out my hand and gets up off the couch. "How about we go and do your nails with those new pastel colors we bought?" she said as she set the tub of ice cream and her bowl on the counter. "We can even use those new teddy bear stickers." she said. Though I tried not to a small smile started to spread across my lips, "Would you like that?" she asked, I slowly nodded my head in a yes motion. She leaned her head down towards me and put her ear close to my face, "What was that? I don't think I heard you." She said again with a smile. I nodded my head again this time saying "yes please!" with a loud giggle, mommy grabbed my hand and I skipped as she walked beside me to my playroom. **** "Kenzie! Are you up?" "Yeah, just putting on my shoes." I yelled back down to my mom who was busy making breakfast in the kitchen. I tied my shoes before grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs, "Morning mom." I said sitting down to eat. She came and set down a plate that had eggs, bacon, and a biscuit on it, "Morning sweetie." she replied kissing my forehead. I thanked her for the food with a big smile before immediately digging in. Once I finished my food I went into the kitchen and put my dirty dish in the sink. When I turned around my mom was staring at me with a big smile, "What's up?" I questioned with a confused look. She then pulled her hands from behind her back and revealed what she had been hiding. In her hands was a small teddy bear the looked so incredibly cute and soft. I gasped and held my hand out towards my mom, signaling that I wanted to hold it. She pulled her hand back and gave me a stern look, "Kenzie..." she said I pouted out of confusion for a bit before I realized what I had done wrong, "May I please hold him." I said making sure to use the cutest puppy dog eyes I could muster. She smiled and rubbed my head messing up my newly brushed hair and I giggled too focused on the tiny teddy bear in her hands to care. "Yes you may." she finally said handing me the tiny bear, I stared in awe at the bear. "He kind of looks like Mr. Snugglebug." I said referring to my giant human sized teddy bear. After a few seconds of analyzation I gasped and looked up to my mommy, "How did you get him so small?" I whispered in awe, slowly sinking into my headspace without noticing. Mommy laughed, "Do you wanna know a secret Mr. Snugglebug told me?" she whispered back not answering my question. I vigorously shook my head up and down, "Mr. Snugglebug has two bodies." she whispered while holding up two fingers, I gasped and looked down to the mini Snugglebug I was holding. "How is that possible?" I whispered back not looking away from him. "I don't know but he told me that he wants you to hook this one to your backpack." she whispered. I looked at her with a confused exspression, "Why?" I asked in my normal inside voice (mommy tells me not to yell inside). "He said that as long as you have this one attached to your backpack he'll be able to switch to you whenever you need him." My eyes widened and I looked up to my mommy. "Really?" I asked excitingly and she nodded her head. I looked between Mr. Snugglebug and mommy before holding him out to her, "Mommy can you please put him on my backpack for me?" I asked. "Since you asked nicely, I will." she said carfully grabbing Mr. Snugglebug from me and turning me around. I excitedly bounced side to side unable to contain my excitment as she hooked him up to my backpack, "Done." she said a couple of seconds later. I hurriedly took off my backpack and looked at the mini Mr.Snugglebug attached to it. I rubbed his head and giggled before turning and hugging my mommy, "Tank you mommy." I said with a big toothy grin. she cupped both my cheeks with her hands and squeezed my face while planting small kisses everywhere. I giggled and tried to get out her grip before she eventually let go, "C'mon sweetie, It's time for me to drop you off at big girl school." she said reaching her hand out to me. I looked down to the ground, "Do I have to be a big girl now?" I asked sadly. She sighed then smiled and grabbed my hand, "Not until you get to the school." I squeezed my hand around hers. "Otay." I said putting my backpack back on. Once I had everything mommy looked over me and fixed my clothes before guiding me out to the car and buckling me in.
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