Chapter 7: The New Girl

2017 Words
"So, Miles, do you have a girlfriend?" my mother asked, not even looking up at him as she stuffed a piece of chicken into her mouth. "Mom," I snapped. My mother sighed as she dropped her fork, "Jade, I'm just trying to get to know your new friend." Miles cleared his throat, "Actually no, I don't," he answered before taking a sip of his water. I nodded, shoving a piece of bread into my mouth. "Table manners, please, Jade," my mother said as she rolled her eyes. I ignored her, taking a spoonful of beans. I looked up at Miles, who seemed to be enjoying his meal in silence. "Hey, mom," Josh said, "I want to sign up for football next year. You know, in grade ten," he looked at Miles, as if waiting for him to say something. Miles smiled as he turned to my brother, "We could use some muscle like you on the team." Josh grinned from ear to ear, and Miles continued, "I could even put in a good word for you. You'll make it for sure, even without my help." Josh nodded, "Thanks, Miles." My mother smiled, and Miles and I stood up. "Thank you," Miles said to my mother before we made our way to the living room. I handed Miles his coat, raising an eyebrow as a metallic ring echoed into the room. Miles took his jacket from my hands as he looked over his phone. "Oh, Jade," he looked up at me. I crossed my arms over my chest as I waited for him to continue, "What?" "Just got a text from Flynn. There's a party tonight at his place," Miles smiled. I licked my lips, "Tonight?" "Yea. He said to bring whoever, you should come," he said. I wrinkled my nose, "I don't know. Flynn's party? He already hates my guts. Besides, I'm the new girl. I don't even know anyone." He rolled his eyes, "Jade, it's already been a couple weeks. You're not going to make friends if you don't try. The party will be a great way for you to talk with the other students. Everyone will be at Flynn’s party." Miles shoved his phone into his pocket, his eyes begging me with anticipation. I sighed, "Fine. Let me tell my mother." Within two minutes I found myself in Miles's car on the way to Flynn's. I felt nervous. Actually, in all honesty, nervous didn't even begin to describe how I felt. If Miles left my side for even a minute, I would be all alone and look like a total i***t. My eyes stared at the large house we had stopped in front of. I cursed to myself as I stepped out of the car. Flynn's house had to be at least four times larger than mine. Music was blaring from the house, and I could barely hear the car door as I slammed it shut. "Come on," Miles shouted over the music as he grabbed my hand. We pushed through all the dancing people on the lawn, most of which who were trying to sober up in the night air just so they could get drunk all over again. I followed Miles into the house where Flynn jumped to his side. "Hey, bro," he said, fist pumping Miles. It amazed me that they had fixed their friendship even though they had punched each other in the face only hours before. Boys were odd creatures. "I want to show you something," Flynn said, pulling Miles further into the party. "But--" I tried, sighing as I stood by myself in the middle of all these people. Great, already alone. "Hey!" I turned around to find a girl striding towards me. I knew her. She was in my chemistry class. I fought to remember her name, digging into my skull to figure it out as to not look stupid. She was beside me now, her long black hair was curled naturally, and her bright green eyes were slightly glazed from the alcohol she had been consuming. "You're Jade! The new girl," she said with a smile. I nodded. She was more or less sober, and I was hoping she would remember me tomorrow. "I'm in your chemistry class," I said with a grin. "Oh yea!" she said with a giggle, "I'm Lindsay," she grinned. Lindsay. I had to remember that. I nodded as I brushed the thought away, "Nice to finally be introduced," I said over the music, a grin growing on my lips. "I saw Miles over there with Flynn. Come on, you can hang with me," she said with a grin, grabbing my hand to lead me over to the living room. I smiled, gladly following her. "Come on!" Lindsay screamed over the music and joined the others dancing to the beat in the large room. I swallowed, feeling slightly out of my comfort zone to be dancing with a bunch of teenagers I didn’t know at a party in a stranger’s house. I followed her lead, however, not wanting to be singled out at my first party at my new high school. She laughed, "Here, have a drink." I took the beer bottle from her hand and took a long sip. Everyone around gave a cheer, and suddenly I felt someone put their hands on my arms. I looked behind me to find a tall, good looking guy standing behind me. I recognized him from the football team, remembering him wearing a jersey to practice. He turned me to him and we danced together. I shook my hips back and forth, laughing as Lindsay nodded at me in approval. The jock put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I raised my hands in the air and began singing along to the music. After a few drinks, and after mystery guy lost interest, Peyton was now taking his turn. Peyton, I knew, was one of Flynn's little minions. Peyton grabbed my hand and twirled me around, beckoning cheers from the nearby students. "May I cut in?" I didn't even get a chance to respond before I was being dragged from the dance floor. I was led outside into the backyard, getting pulled through the clumps of teenagers trying to sober up. "What's your problem, Miles?" I grumbled. "Listen to me, Jade," Miles said sternly. I giggled, "Why you so uptight? Have fun!" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You're drunk, great. Come on, we're going home," he grabbed my hand. I yanked my arm back, "No. I'm having fun! You should try it some time," I frowned, pulling my hand out of his grasp. He raised an eyebrow, "Jade," he stopped to sigh, "No, I'm not even dealing with this. Sit down. I'll talk to you when you're sober." I mimicked his words, plopping down onto the grass. Miles kneeled down in front of me, "Can you listen to me? Please?" I bit my lip, and the part of me that was sober knew I should listen, so I nodded. He swallowed, "Jade. This is everyone's first impression of what you're like outside of the classroom. So you need to watch what you do." "I was just following Lindsay," I mumbled. Miles shook his head, "Exactly. Lindsay is a straight-A student, a total sweetheart, and every guy’s go-to booty call. She's slept with every guy in the school." "Including you?" I asked. Miles ignored my question, "Jade, you just need to watch what you do so guys don't think you’re easy. They’ll take advantage of the new girl.” I wrinkled my nose, "I wouldn't let that happen." "You say that, Jade, but you're vulnerable," Miles said with a shrug. I narrowed my eyes, "I wouldn't let anyone do anything to me, Miles. I'm smarter than that." "Jade, it doesn't matter!" Miles yelled, "Just be careful, please," he ran his hands down his face. I swallowed, nodding my head. He sighed, "Promise me you'll think before you act? And that you won't have any more beers," he said with a smile, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ears. I nodded slowly. "Now, come on," Miles whispered, leading me back into the party. I avoided the dance floor and waltzed into the kitchen, which was practically empty except for a few people. "Hey, Jade. Have you gotten a tour of the house yet?" I turned around to find Flynn walking towards me, a glass of vodka in his hand. It was obvious he was plowed. I raised an eyebrow at him as I shook my head, "No. But I don't want to interrupt your party." "Nonsense," he said with a laugh, nearly toppling over. "Come on, I'll show you," he grabbed my hand as he began to pull me down the hall. I swallowed, following Flynn deeper into his house away from the crowd. "This is my room," he said with a grin, shoving open the door before leading me inside. I nodded, "Nice place." "Quite the chick magenet,” he said with a smirk. He took a sip of his drink and stepped towards me. I backed up a step only for my back to slam against the wall. He leaned over me and rested his hand against the wall behind me. “I just want you to know that I forgive you, but that I think you owe me,” he whispered, his breath reeking of alcohol. I tried to break from his grasp, "I don't think this is the best idea," I said, every sober part of my brain screaming in panic. "Come on," he said with a smirk, brushing his finger against my chin. "Flynn," I tried again, trying to slip out from under his arm. "Jade?” I opened my eyes to find Flynn pulled off of me. Miles gave him a small shove, sending the imbalanced Flynn onto his bed. "Come on, we're getting out of here now," Miles said softly, grabbing my hand as he dragged me through the party. This time, I let him take me. He pulled me through the front door and back out to his car. I yanked my hand away once we reached his vehicle. I leaned on the roof, feeling embarrassed and fooled. “How'd you find me?" I whispered. Miles sighed, "I noticed you were gone, and so was Flynn. That isn't a good sign." "Don't be mad," I said softly, feeling completely ashamed that he had to rescue me from Flynn's bedroom. Miles swallowed, his mouth opening to speak, then closing it again. I stepped towards him and slowly placed my head against his chest. He straightened me back up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I feel really light headed," I breathed, "He was going to try and sleep with me.” I stumbled backwards, off-balance in my drunken state. Miles grabbed my arm and steadied me. "Flynn wouldn't hurt you. He’s just an asshole,” Miles said softly, lowering me into the front seat of his car, "Let's get you home, Jade." I pulled off my shoe as I waited for Miles to get into the car. "They make shoes so weirdly," I muttered as I examined the shoe laces of my converse Miles nodded, "They sure do, just relax until I get you home," Miles fiddled with the key. I grinned as I leaned against the back of the seat. "I made a friend," I giggled. I frowned as I fought to remember her name. Miles glanced at me, rolling his eyes as he saw the confused expression on my drunken face, "Lindsay," he supplied. I snapped my fingers, "Right! That's it!" I smiled as I leaned my head on the window, my eyes glancing over the dark sky. "You're a good friend, Miles," I said through a yawn. I stared forwards as Miles rolled down the window, keen on sobering me up. I gave Miles a slight smile just as the car pulled forwards.
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