A phone call.

1643 Words

Lerato's POV We know that the bouncer will get busy at the club later on. Especially during the rush hour, it is tough for them to keep an eye on us and the customers who are hooligans. It is not uncommon to see people pulling out knives and fighting inside the club. The bouncers will have their hands full to keep them out of each other's hair. And that is the time we will take to make the phone call. I know I might only have one shot at getting a hold of my mother. I have to cry and tell her everything that has happened to me. I have to say to her how Anna is humiliating me, and I have to cry because I know my mother won't believe a word I tell if I do not cry. My mother knows I cry easily when in a challenging position, and she will see if I am speaking the truth or lying. My mom allows

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