
1113 Words

Lerato's POV I have to get hold of my mother. I know she will not be glad that I am a stripper in a low-class club in Cape Town. I understand I have done awful things. However, I also understand that my mother will never leave me to be a stripper in a low-class club. I need Anita to help me. I need her to get me a cell phone. We got so high last night that we forgot about the cell phone. It is not the first time that I got high. When I was in Paris, I used to do a lot of drugs. I could only get some dagga at the mine when I was on a mine. Dagga is m*******a. I would smoke a few joints with the guys working on the mine. My parents never knew about my addictions, and I never told them. I also drank too much. Who cares? It's my life. I can do whatever I want with it, and I will not let anybo

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