Putting our plan into action.

1322 Words

Charlie's POV We have figured out everything during the night. I cannot believe that Anna and I got along so well. I am glad we got along so well because I can no longer live without her. I do not know how I did it for the last five almost six years. She is a fascinating person. She has many conflicting emotions, but I understand where she comes from. I do not think I'd want any other woman. After all these years, I still do not know what will happen if I see Lerato. I do not know my feelings towards it or whether I like her anymore. I know I will not give up Anna and Antonio for Lerato. I have only known about them for about twenty-four hours now. This was like a wake-up call for me. I always thought it was Lerato I wanted. I could not understand why, over the years, when I think back to

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