Getting Married?

1307 Words

Anna's POV Standing in the shower, I am unsure I will have to get married. Perhaps we can figure something else out. I guess I cannot go back on my word, but I have to figure out how we will live together. Knowing he loves another woman, I do not know if I can cope living with Charlie for the rest of my life. At what point is my heart going to be broken so badly that I cannot continue? I will make sure that we do not sleep together and do not have another child together. I will ask Charlie for her divorce as soon as Antonio is old enough to protect himself. I don't know if Charlie will allow it, but he will have to if he is still in love with Lerato. As I walked out of the shower, I still had my doubts. I'm still thinking of other ways. I know I have to stop being so insecure in my life.

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