How dare she!

1075 Words

Charlie's POV How dare she come into my house and threaten me? I must admit, I am impressed. How did she get past my security? I call my men, but they do not answer me. I walk through the house. And when I get to the basin, I switch on the lights again. All my men are lying in a heap. At first, I think that they are dead. Then I saw them breathing heavily, and I knew that they had been shot with a tranquilizer gun. She must have turned off the power, and they were tranquilized when they came to look. Clever Anna, clever. I will give it to you this time. However, it will not be so easy the next time. I am first off as I call my uncle and tell him what happened. I thought he would be furious because she tried to kill me. Instead, my uncle burst out laughing. I do not find this amusing at al

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