I can kill you.

1067 Words

Anna's POV "If you move, you are dead. I want you to know one thing. I am not afraid of you. You have not been that long in the Mafia. You forgot something. I have been in the Mafia for at least three years. And I know how to kill you. You made one mistake tonight. You thought I would go home and add my security and won't come after you. Let me tell you one thing. I'm not afraid of you anymore. I'm not scared of anybody. In the past few days, your friends could have bullied me as much as you want to, but I am not the barefoot poor girl from the mine anymore. I can't kill you. I can kill you here and now. However, I will not do it. Have a good night, Mr. Pistone. You are not a Don yet, so I will not call you that. Please take this as a warning: I am not your playmate. It won't be that easy

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