Chapter 4 : Freshman Future Alpha's

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Chapter 4 Patricia POV My father eventually arrived in my room. He had spent time yelling at the Elder who speared me and was incredibly angry that the Elders had conspired behind his back to put me in danger. He told his Alpha that he did not want me to participate in any more testing because he feared for my safety. He asked Alpha Patrick to support his decision, which he did. The Elders were informed that there would be no further testing on me at this time. The Elders tried to argue but eventually understood my fathers’ distrust of them and left our pack to take their findings back to the Elder Council. After everything calmed down, Vin asked my father if he would allow me to be moved to the Alpha floor and take the room next to his. He promised my father that his intentions were only to protect me and not to bed me. Vin was afraid that I would not have enough eyes on me through the day while both my father and brother were in extended warrior exercises. He worried another pack may try to sneak onto the territory and kidnap me. My father thought it over for several days. He did not want to offend his Alpha by voicing his concern about his son trying to take advantage of me. He told Vin that he would agree on one condition, that I would have a warrior of his choosing assigned as my bodyguard and that the bodyguard would be housed in the room on the other side of mine. Vin agreed and had the omegas move my things into my new room that was next to his. A few weeks passed by without incident. Vin and my young bodyguard, Daman, were becoming friends and we were all getting ready to return to school. Daman was our same age of 14, so he would be able to guard me even in class. He was also my father's ward but I didn't know if Vin knew that or not. The high school, Three Rivers High School, was built on neutral territory where the rivers from our pack and two neighboring packs came together in a kind of triangle. Our pack, Dark Night Pack as wells as the Full Moon Pack and the New Moon Pack all attended this high school together. We all got along for the most part; however, the occasional fight would break out. There were even a few half-wolf humans who went to our high school because their wolf parent was mated with a human. It sometimes happened with Omega wolves of lower rank. I already had my class schedule. Alpha Vincent had called the school ahead of time to have my classes synched up with Vin and Damon’s classes. Also, our 3 lockers were assigned together. After I put my belongings inside my locker, I made my way to the restroom. Vin and Damon stood guard outside of the restroom and waited for me to come out. Seeing them outside of the restroom gained them a lot of sideways glances and I heard a lot of giggles as girls came into the room. I rolled my eyes as I heard the giggles. Once I came out of the restroom, the three of us walked to our first class together. We could not find 3 seats together, so Vin made a few students move. Once they begrudgingly vacated their seats, we sat down. This went on for 3 more classes until it was finally lunchtime. We three walked into the cafeteria to a table. I was asked to sit down while Vin and Daman took turns getting food for all three of us. While Vin was standing in line at the buffet, I could not help but stare at him. He was so handsome that I could not look anywhere else. His dark brown hair had auburn highlights in it whenever he was in a bright atmosphere and his bright green eyes could hypnotize you if you started too long at them. However, my favorite thing to look at was his broad shoulders and large arms. “Yummy,” :my wolf , Morgan, said. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. I was pulled out of my reverie when I heard a deep voice come from behind me. I turned around to see who it was and gasped out loud when I saw an equally handsome boy looking at me. “This boy is delicious,” I heard Morgan say in my head. I hummed in agreement. He was very tall and broad for his age. I could not help but stare at his bulging biceps. He had black curly hair that sat on top of his head in a mess of curls and bright blue eyes. I must have been drooling or something because I saw an amused smirk take over his face. He knew he was handsome. “Hi Patricia,” he said. “I just wanted to introduce myself to you,” he continued. “My name is Derrick Drake.” I am the future Alpha of the Full Moon Pack. My father is Alpha Deidrick Drake. It I nice to meet you.“ he said. “ Mrs. Derrick Drake, “ my wolf sighed while putting her paw to her forehead like she might faint. I rolled my eyes at her. “Now who is falling for a boy’s charms?” I said. “Nice to meet you as well future Alpha Derrick,” I replied and shook his outstretched hand. I heard two growls from behind me and saw Derrick’s eyes darken. “Do not touch her,” Vin growled possessively. I turned around to see that Damon was standing next to Vin and both of their eyes had turned black meaning their wolves were at the surface. The three of them stood there, eyes black, starring and growling at each other. I did not know what to do. Eventually a security officer came over to break it up. “I will catch up with you next time Patricia,” I heard him say as I watched Derrick turn and walk away. “MINE,” Vin’s wolf, Maximus, growled out. Then I felt Vin grab me by my elbow and begin to lead me in the other direction. His wolf was still growling lowly, so I did not say anything and just stared at the floor while he led me to our fifth period class. “Wow, that was intense, someone is possessive,” Morgan scoffed in my head. I hummed in response. Damon POV I heard a voice from behind us say hello to Patricia. I was getting ready to stand up but when I noticed that it was Future Alpha Derrick Drake that was speaking to her I decided to sit back down. I didn’t want to accidentally start a war. She didn’t seem to be in any danger since they were just talking. Then I saw him reach his hand out for her to shake and take a step closer to her; that is when I sent a mind-link to Vin. He could threaten another Alpha but I didn’t want to if I could help it. I didn’t want Future Alpha Vin to think I was not watching her. I watched as his face scrunched into a scowl and immediately began charging towards us. Oh boy, here we go. VIN POV I was beyond pissed off. I bet he was waiting for the right opportunity to approach her. How dare he touch her! She belongs to MY pack. Not his! I bet he thinks he can charm her and get her to want to transfer to his pack. Well that is definitely NOT happening! I’m putting a stop to this right now! I stormed over to him. My wolf, Maximus, was starting to fight me to take over. He wanted to hurt him for trying to make a move on Patricia. “ Don’t start a war, Alpha,” I heard Damon in my head. “ Shut up, “ I tell him. “DO NOT TOUGH HER!” I roar at Derrick. When I saw his eyes darken and his wolf come to the surface, I readied myself for a fight. Unfortunately, we were broken up by a Security Officer. I did not want word to get back to my father that I was fighting in school so I decided to walk away. “This isn’t over.” I thought to myself. I grabbed Patricia by her elbow and rushed her off in the opposite direction towards our fifth period class. DERRICK POV WOW! She is so beautiful and has so much hair. I have never seen a woman with that much hair before. I don’t know how she keeps up with it all? Her dark, wavy. thick, brown hair fell clear down to below her waist. She had bright blue eyes and ivory skin that looked like it was glowing. I wonder if it was? I had heard that she glows when she uses her powers. I couldn’t help myself. I was so drawn to her, I just had to talk to her. I hope I didn’t just start a war by talking to her but; on the other hand, I don’t really care. There is nothing saying that I can’t speak to her. If Alpha Vin thinks that he has her on lock down just because she was born into his pack; well, he has another thing coming. I like her and I’m not giving up on trying to get to know her. Nobody knows who her mate is yet. She is too young still. So until she is old enough to discover her mate, she is fair game! They say, “All is fair in love and war.” So…GAME ON…Alpha Vin. May the best Alpha win! PATRICIA POV So here is yet another boy who has never even noticed me before trying to charm me now that I am a gifted wolf. While I am glad to finally be getting noticed by handsome, quality boys I can’t help but wonder if it is all fake. I would really like to fit in and be popular but I just don’t know who I can trust. I can feel all of the jealous stare from the other girls boring a hole in my head. I hope it doesn’t make it more difficult for me to have female friends. I’m also worried that females may just befriend me to get to the two Alpha’s. I am becoming stressed out now. How will I ever be able to know who like me for me or for my powers and what I can do for them and their packs? “ You can always count on me!” my wolf, Morgan, chimes in. “ I am forever grateful, Morgan.” I tell her in a loving tone. I hope she is a much better judge of character than I am. "Don't worry girl. I am a FANTASTIC judge of character. I can smell a liar from a mile away. I've got your back." she assured me. " I will hold you to that," I tell her.
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