Chapter 23

157 Words

Chapter 23 “You need to come back,” the King said on the holoscreen. “I don’t wanna,” Kyveli whined. “It’s for your own protection, my child. The Catastrophists are after you.” “They’re always after me.” She covered herself with the softest pillows in the world. “Not like this. I don’t mean to scare you, Kyveli, but it’s bad. They’ve never been this daring before. They’re insane! Attacking us on all fronts. Your cousin was almost killed last week, did you know? They managed to get close to him in the theatre.” Father’s face looked worried. “Teddy can protect me, daddy. He always has.” “I don’t question that. But there’s only so much one Mind can do against a concerted effort like this.” “I’ll think about it.” “No, you’ll come back right now.” “No! Daddy, no, there’s still so much

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