Chapter 22

340 Words

Chapter 22 “Lorenzo?” “Yeah?” The younger man lounged on the sofa and drank alien alcohol. He looked like he had a light buzz and just stared down from the spaceship over an exotic island. “When the daughters that divide are gone, the universe will cease carrying on,” Guillermo recited. He was surprised to find out that he could recall the words perfectly. “Getting superstitious now?” Lorenzo smiled. He propped his legs up on the sofa. “Oh this booze is good.” “Come on, tell me.” “Yeah, it’s a silly thing they believe. But it’s all megalomaniacal.” “Megalomaniacal how?” Lorenzo sat straight and put his glass on the table. “Look, the universe is expanding, right?” “If you say so.” “It’s a fact, even we knew that before we met the Involved races. The universe is expanding all the

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