8 - Getting Ready

1693 Words

~~Raya’s PoV~~ In my dreams, I am back in the camp, hiding in the shelter that Mark and I built for ourselves. His eyes are wide with fear as we hear footsteps approaching, and we both hold our breaths, trying not to make a sound. We have covered our scent, we have done everything we can. Now, we can only hope it will be enough. A voice I have never heard before, a woman’s voice, speaks into the stillness of the air, just outside our hiding place. Her voice is full of frustration. “She is here. Find her now, before it’s too late.” The creatures begin to search for us, and Mark’s hand grips mine tightly. The noises grow closer and closer until, suddenly, the branches that were concealing us are torn away, and I see… Nothing. All I see is darkness as I shoot upright, my heart racing

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