Taking her side this once

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ASHER There was only a little that did not annoy the f**k out of me. I had been vexed all day, and all that because she showed up. Now, don’t get me wrong. I was glad we found her. She was our mate after all, but the timing was not only wrong, but also the fact that she was not what I had expected at all. Revenge was the only thing that should be what Merrick and I were focused on and only after was it going to be a good time to be with our mate like we were supposed to. Not before the f*****g revenge. And especially not the way that he was beginning to act, since he had us bring her over to the castle. Life was better without her around. And instead of focusing on the man who killed us, and to make sure he didn’t succeed a second time, we were not seated in the f*****g car driving to wherever the f**k Avalon decided she was going to be. “Are you going to tell me how the f**k you knew where she was and how she got in trouble?” I refused to drive. And the only reason I was in this car was because he had pleaded with me to come with him to save our mate. “I have some of our men looking out for her. One of them called and told me that she was being held up in one of the boutiques.” He answered with a frown on his face. He was f*****g worried about her, wasn’t he? “She’s been here one day, and she’s already causing problems for us...” I muttered in a low growl, but loud enough for him to hear me. When I overhead her talking to Merrick and asking for some money, all of my dislike for her switched into a full-blown hate. She was a gold digger. I was grateful to have been given another chance at life after being killed, and the opportunity to put the one responsible in jail and a gold digger for a mate was simply unacceptable. This shouldn’t have had to involve us. Maybe Merrick, but not me, yet here I was, angered and pissed that my work was cut short for a woman undeserving of the attention we were giving her. “Avalon is our mate, Ash. Can you be a little nicer to her instead of staring all the time like she was the one who killed us? She’s a f*****g victim too.” What was he mad at me for? If revenge was what she wanted, then she should have been focused on that instead of wasting our money. “And f**k no. She’s not a gold digger man. She left everything behind to come with us. Did you ever think of what she would wear if she were to stay at the Castle?” he f*****g read my thoughts. He snapped at me, but I said nothing to him. So what if what he just said made perfect sense as to why she went shopping? It didn’t mean she was not a gold digger, and it definitely didn’t mean that I had to come along with him to rescue her as he put it. I had my hands clenched to my side in annoyance. The things I could have uncovered today could have taken us a step closer to exposing Lance. But no, leave it to Avalon to ruin everything. Earlier today, I saw Lance excuse himself to make a phone call. He was a loud man. Proud and he didn’t care who heard what. This was, however, different. The man locked himself up in his office to speak to whoever was on the line and from the looks of it, he was not pleased at all. “I want those documents at once!” He yelled at the time. If it had been our past life, I would have wondered what documents he was talking about and what the documents contained. Now I f*****g knew better. Merrick and I did and we knew where to search. We should have been doing the search right now to get the papers in our hands and either have them hidden or destroyed. But instead, for a woman, that had to wait. I was beyond pissed. This was the beginning of Lance’s plot we didn’t know about in our past. This should have been the time to mess it all up for the man but no. And maybe Avalon wasn’t the only thing pissing me the f**k off. Maybe it had to do with the changes I noticed was happening due to the decisions Merrick and I were beginning to make. For each one that we changed, the result and the past as we knew it would change as well, which meant that even the future was affected. I wanted things to be the same. If they were, victory was sure to be ours and Lance would be gone. But now, he could come up with a f*****g plan that could be entirely different from the past knew. How were we going to defeat him then? Merrick hissed, and turned the wheels into the parking space available by the boutique. We had arrived just in time to see Avalon being dragged out and far behind was Renee and another woman holding a smile that angered me even more. “How did she even get here?” was my thought. Merrick and I shared the same concerned look for our mate. I didn’t like the woman but my wolf was angered at the fact that she was being man-handled. Did they not know who she was mated to? Surely she would have informed them. But then again, maybe they didn’t believe her. Maybe Renee made sure no one did. My eyes were glued to the males attacking my mate. I was so focused I could not move, not until Merrick’s raging voice snapped me out of the trance I fell into. I was already imagining their heads in my hands with my body covered in their blood. The sheer fear from everyone that gathered to watch yet no one to confront us about destroying this men. If anything, they were glad that we had found our mate. “What the f**k happened here?” I heard myself speak but I was not the one in control. My wolf was. And he was not happy. By now, whatever Merrick has said to them had made the men release Avalon and they stood steps away from here. This didn’t mean they would go unpunished. I thought to myself in a huff when the entire place fell silent. “I believe my brother asked you a f*****g question...” this time Merrick spoke. See between the both of us, Merrick was the chill one. He always had a smile on, even in our past, he was more outgoing than I was. But where he became like me was when he was angered and right now, he f*****g was. And so was I even though it was because she had been disrespected. The receptionist or whoever the f**k she was scurried over to where we stood bumping into Avalon, deliberately might I add. “This woman is a thief Alpha. She came to the store with a card belonging to the royal house and I did what I had to do.” She spoke, turning back to give Avalon one more glare. I was barely holding onto the control I had over my wolf. Avalon was humiliated because of a f*****g card? The woman handed Merrick the card and he stared at it as though it was not his but that it was filthy. He then walked past her and approached Avalon who stood shaken and angered from what happened. “I know exactly what happened...” He started to say, as he pulled off his jacket and he draped it over Avalon. “It’s not that you think the card was stolen...” he pulled Avalon towards me and he let her stand by my side. My fingers itched to grab a hold of her and secure her safety against my sides but I refrained from doing so. And if she didn’t notice it, I slanted my body slightly away from her. I didn’t need her to f*****g have me whipped and distracted like she had made my brother. One of my brothers that is... One of us was missing. He simply didn’t wake up with us. For some reason he was left to remain dead. My thoughts had slipped again. “....Renee was the one who told you to humiliate her when she showed up, wasn’t she?” It was a question directed at the receptionist but one that was also not a question but the answer itself. My eyes moved to where said woman was. She had her chin raised in defiance. She too was beginning to annoy the f**k out of me and I was sure that Merrick was fed up with her too. For two year she paraded herself like she was Queen and our mate. And two years later we were blessed with a mate and now she felt threatened. As though the position had ever been hers. Wanting to move away from Avalon, I spoke this time. “Whatever Avalon wants from now on will be free to her. You seem to f*****g forget that we own not only this building from the rest as well.” My voice was hard and daring. I waited for someone, anyone to defy me and as expected, Renee just had to open her big mouth. “That’s fair Ashie. Why does she get all the benefits when I’m your fiancé? You’re giving her all of my rights.” She argued and I scoffed while Merrick chuckled disdainfully. “It would never be yours. You’re our ex Fiancé. The moment she arrived, this,” he twirled his finger his finger pointing at me, Renee and himself. “...fucking lie ended. You never had any rights to us.” And he was right. She was the one who made herself believe that we would accept her, when even though we had been taken a year back in life, we made sure that the two years she lived with us, to remind her that we didn’t want her and that we never would. She was the one who decided to live in a fantasy, hoping things would change. And the f*****g did. It just got worse for her. Not to mention she was part of the f*****g reason we were killed in the first place. I watched my brother take Avalon’s hand and he cleared the crowd and then started to match towards the boutique. I frowned, angered that we had not only wasted time here, he was going to make us waste more. I stomped towards him, grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to help her shop...”
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