Disrespecting their Mate?

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AVALON I tried. For days, I did, but there seemed to be something against me, or someone. I had Merrick’s card, one he gave me to get myself anything and everything that I wanted. And I planned to. I planned to buy most of the things I was going to need – I had a feeling that I was going to bump into Sebastian or his mistress and I, for one, didn’t want, under any circumstances, to be addressed as anything less than. That was a life I lived before, and I didn’t plan on doing so now. I already knew what their words were going to sound like, and I wasn’t going to let them do to me the things they had in my past life. This time, I wasn’t going to let them get away with anything. But each store that I went to simply either had the rudest staff or they plainly denied every request that I made. For a moment I questioned if Livia had anything to do with it, or maybe it was Asher, since it was clear that the man hated me for whatever reason, but that was not it at all. The last store I got into – I was ready to give up but seeing the smile on the receptionists face, I relaxed a bit. The store had everything I could possibly need. From clothes to shoes, to underwear and even toiletries. It was as though it was compensation for all the horrible things I had to experience earlier on, and I was glad with it. I even made a mental note of the sum total as to what I was going to be paying Merrick back once I got a job that started to pay. But as I got ready to pay for the items, even after everything had been packaged, the same receptionist that had welcomed me approached where I was seated with two men following behind. “Excuse me miss, I’m afraid we cannot serve you any longer…” she said with a cold expression on her face. Her smile was gone like it was never even there. I stared at this woman in confusion, wondering what she meant by they could not serve me any longer. “I’m sorry what?” I asked back with brows furrowed and eyes darting towards the buff-looking men behind her. She flashed one of the fakest smiles I had ever seen anyone pull off before she started to reach for the bags of clothes I had picked out. “We cannot serve you any longer. You will have to leave, madam.” In a speed, I grabbed the bag, this was about to become a nightmare I didn’t want to be a part of. If she took them away, I would have nothing to change into tonight and I could not have that. “Please. I have already picked out everything. I need them. How about I pay and never return?” I pulled the card out of my pocket and handed it to her. At the back of my mind, I had my fingers crossed that she would agree. And I almost leaped for joy when she did. “Very well…” she spoke, snatching the card from me. I could feel and sense the relief that washed over me. I was glad I wouldn’t be stranded with no clothes at the Alpha King’s Castle. The receptionist left, only to return a second later with two more men, adding to the two that were already watching me like a hawk as I waited for her. “Where did you get this card from?” she asked with an attitude rotten enough to turn a person’s mood sideways. Now I was beginning to get annoyed, not to mention the frustration that was already etched at the back of my mind from what I had to experience today. “This is a black card that belongs to the Royal Family. You look nothing close to being a Royal, so I ask again where or who did you steal this from?” This was it. This was the very thing that set me off and had me fuming red like a volcano ready to erupt. “This is not a stolen card. And it is not your business where I got it from.” I snapped back at her, standing up and letting the bags I held ever, so tightly a few minutes ago fall to the ground like they meant nothing to me. A doormat I was before. I allowed myself to be looked down upon and people treated me like the worst criminal, even though the only record of a crime I ever did was getting married to a man like Sebastian and allowing him to treat me like trash. No more, Avalon. I thought to myself. This woman’s attitude had me raging like a bull, and I was ready to snatch her by the hair if necessary. She had the audacity to smirk like she knew something that I didn’t. And in that moment, I was tempted to call Merrick over, and to tell the receptionist that I was the Alpha Princes' mate and soon to be her Queen. And I should have known that the one I thought was behind my present misfortune and that of all day was none other than Renee. Because she walked right in like she had been watching, or rather she had been called over. “You filthy liar and a thief…” her voice rang as I stared the receptionist down. The hairs on my back stood at attention at the sound of her voice. It sounded a lot like Livia’s. It gave me memories I desperately wanted to have buried. “…I will have you locked up for this little stunt you pulled…” “It was you, wasn’t it?” I threw in my own question at her. “All day I had been trying to get a few things for myself and I kept getting sent away. It was you!” Now my voice was loud, and the security gathered around me, ready to throw me out from the looks of it. Scream at them, Ava. My mind said to me. Tell them who you are. Renee knows it, they should too. It screamed at me again, but I didn’t want anyone to know that I was mated to the Princes just yet. So I snapped out of the thought. “How did you even know that I was here, or that Merrick gave me his card?” She didn’t answer, instead, her face contorted into a scowl, and she pointed a finger at me. “Who f*****g cares how I know? For two years, I was engaged to them, and I was supposed to be mated to them, but they never cared about me. Not once has any of them given me their card, and you think you can enjoy the benefits that are mine?” Her hands were in the air one second and the next pain shot through me from my face. My head whipped to the side from how hard she smacked me in the face. I lifted a hand to touch my burning face. Now I was pissed. I charged towards her, but I was held back instead. “Take her away and teach her a lesson she will never forget. I want that stupid face ruined so much they won’t want her again. No one should want her!” Renee yelled and moved aside while I was hauled up. I struggled, or tried to. There were four men against a petite woman like me. It didn’t mean that I didn’t try, however. “Let me go!” I yelled, but they didn’t. Instead, they dragged me away when I refused to move, they didn’t even have the decency to carry me. We got close to the door and by now, there was not only a crowd inside the store but outside of it as well. “Unhand my mate right now!” A voice rang as soon as we stepped outside. The men, buffed as they were, froze where they stood, but they did as they were told. And maybe it was the fear they had because I felt it too. There was a tone in Merrick’s voice that just told me that he was more than pissed and there was going to be consequences for this. But that was not all. There was another type of anger, much deeper than what we heard, that got the men to unhand me and to step away from me. Renee and the receptionists were now outside and they both looked like a deer caught in a headlight on the side. Asher stood behind Merrick, and his eyes were right on me, and a scowl rested on his face. “What the f**k happened here?” Came his voice that had everyone shaking in their boots, myself included. Here we go, was my first thought upon seeing both men.
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