A not so bad day

2099 Words

AVALON For two hours he was gone. Right now, I was at the training center, having left on my own. Or rather taken by his men since he instructed them to. But he was not with me. I tried to ask questions but nothing was told me. He was just gone without a word and I couldn’t stop worrying that something serious might have happened. I hope he’s okay. I prayed, forgetting that I was once again where I nearly died. And when the realization hit me, I realized that it was too late to leave even if I wanted to. “Avalon, wow, you’re here.” My trainer Max spoke upon seeing me, completely sealing my fate. There goes my chance to escape. I could have left if I wasn’t comfortable staying, but wouldn’t that mean that I was letting my trauma win? I couldn’t let that happen even if it was just a day.

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