Chapter 3: Twice In One Day

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Jade I stood there, tongue-tied, not knowing what to say until I heard him ask. “What are you doing here?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. His eyes looked very cold, and he wasn’t smiling either. I looked at his inked arms once more, and my eyes landed on his broad chest, which made me gulp. For the first time, I was feeling a warm, wet pool down there as my core clenched. “I asked a question: What are you doing here? I thought I told the guards not to let anyone come to this part of the club.” He grabbed me roughly by my arm and was so rude too. “Let me go,” I said, freeing my hands from his. Such a rude fellow; he may look nice, but he’s got a very nasty attitude. “I asked, What are you doing here? I hope you're not one of those little beggars trying to get my attention.” He said eyeing me up and down. What? Is he okay at all?? Did I look like a beggar to him? I immediately punched him in the arms. “Ouch,” I screamed in pain. This guy had very hard muscles, and punching them was no fun thing. I looked up to see that he was funnily looking at me, and I could clearly tell he was waiting for a response from me. “As you can see, this place is clearly a restroom, and I came here to ease myself,” I said with an eye roll. I couldn’t believe my knuckles still hurt a little, and the guy didn’t even feel a little pain at all. “Next time, ask questions for your good, and don’t go running around where you’re not supposed to.” He said with a chuckle and made to leave. Wait a minute, does he seriously think he was going to ridicule me and then go away so easily like that? I wasn’t going to allow it. “Hey, I wasn’t the one who asked you to have s*x in a toilet. If you knew you were going to be so ashamed of getting caught, you would have just done that in the convenience of your home, but I’m sure you don’t have one.” I said, and I brushed him aside so I could leave. Even though I didn’t wait or turn back to confirm, I was so sure that he would be stunned to speak, and that made me so happy. I found my way to the bar once more and met Layla serving a customer. “Where have you been? You took so long and got me worried, thinking you must have missed your way.” She scolded immediately after she was done serving the customer. “I’m sorry about that; I just got lost in my thoughts and forgot what direction you asked me to take. I ended up going right though and using the toilet there. “You what????” She asked in shock before I could complete my sentence. “I said I went right and...” “I heard you well the first time. I mean, why did you forget to go left??? My goodness, Jade, what have you done?” She asked, cutting me off once more. “Relax; it’s no big deal, okay? Although it was a bit secluded, I found the toilet and used it. Also, two couples were having s*x in the toilet, which was so gross. And after I got out of the toilet, the guy blocked my way and asked me what I was doing there.” “He was so fine and dreamy with big, strong arms and tattoos, but he was equally rude and nasty, so I gave him a piece of my mind and walked out,” I said, pausing to catch a break from filling her in on the details. “Did you just say you took your right, used the toilet, and met a guy with tattoos running down his arms?” she asked in shock, making me wonder why she was acting that way. "Uhm, yes, what’s the problem?” I wondered why she was acting so weirdly. “Oh no, Jade, I think you just met Xavier.” She said. “Who the hell is Xavier, and why are you worried that I may have met him?” I asked, wondering why she was so worked up in the first place. “Xavier is the owner of the club, and he’s very ruthless. He never smiles too and only visits the clubs on Fridays like this, and during his visit, the right part is off limits and secluded from outsiders that aren’t the girls he brings in to have a good time with.” “I’m wondering why his guard was not guarding the place and how you even managed to make this mistake. He must have been the one you saw in the toilet.” “Oh goodness gracious, Jade, I’m going to get into so much trouble because he’s going to find out you came to visit me, and I might even get fired.” She said fidgeting a bit. “Relax; stop getting yourself worked up over nothing. I am certain that this Xavier of a guy wouldn’t fire you because if he did, where is he going to see another staff as beautiful as you?” I said, smiling. “I’m being serious here, Jade; Xavier is not one to be messed with. He’s ruthless, and I hope and pray that he's in a good mood today because I wouldn’t want to get fired because of your mistake.” She said with an eye roll. “I mean, he just f****d, and he didn’t still look like he was in a good mood; does that mean you’re done for?” I teased and the look she gave me made me want to just disappear. I hope he wasn’t even going to fire her over something as small as that. I was happy for my best friend. She loved working here, and I could listen to her talk about how she met a very good customer who gave her a huge tip all day. I wouldn’t want to take that from her. We talked for a while, and I was beginning to feel really tired, but Layla kept on whining about how she wanted us to go home together. Luckily for me, my dad called, and I knew it was time to go home. I bade Layla goodbye and set off to get home. I stood in front of the club waiting for a taxi, but it seemed none were forthcoming. I didn’t want to use a ride because I was still trying to save money, so I stood there waiting for a taxi to pass by. A very beautiful black G-Wagon, which I was assuming was the latest piece, drove out of the club. The car was a really beautiful one. Whoever was driving the car passed me and spilled water on me, staining my white tee, and that drove me crazy because I had spent quite a few dollars on the tee shirt. I picked up a stone nearby and threw it at the car, and it landed straight in the glass. Oops. The car made a screeching sound and came to a halt, and two armed men immediately came down from it, dragging me towards the car. “Leave me alone!” I screamed, trying to free myself from them. I tried my special trick on them, but these guys were damn too strong, and I couldn’t even get them out of their grasp. They dragged me to one of the windows in the car, and it swung down to reveal the occupant. “YOU?” I screamed in shock when I saw the occupant; he also looked a bit surprised to see me as well. “Why did you throw a stone at my car?” He asked with a stern look on his face. “Your driver spilled dirty water on me, and now my clothes are ruined. I spent 150 bucks on the white tee alone.” I replied, staring daggers at him. “Wait a minute, you threw a stone at my G-Wagon just for clothes that cost a measly 150 bucks?” He asked, laughing, making me wonder why he was laughing. I thought Layla said he rarely even smiled, so why was he laughing now? "Boss, what should we do to her?” One of his ugly-looking guards asked. They looked like they were ready to pounce on me any minute. “Nothing,” he said, and they both looked at themselves in surprise. “Leave her alone and get in the car; let’s go; we don’t have all the time in the world.” He said this after looking at me for a minute. The guards obliged, and they immediately drove off, leaving me standing awkwardly on the road. I was about to open my phone to book a ride since no taxis were forthcoming when a strange number suddenly called me. “Hello?” I spoke into the phone once I picked up. "Baby, please forgive me.” The person at the other end of the line spoke, and I immediately dropped the car and blocked the number. I knew right away it was Martin, and I was already growing tired of his constant calls. Oh dear, can today get any worse? I just couldn’t wait to lay down on my bed.
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