Part four: The party

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Sometimes, talking to my mum is like talking to a wall. For the past two weeks, my mum has not stopped talking about my going-away party, which she was planning. To hear her talk, you will think I am a rocket scientist going to space. For those two weeks, I have been moaning, wailing, screaming and arguing that I didn't want a going away party for my mum, but my words seemed to be falling on deaf ears, or hers seemed to be leaking. You know, enter from one ear and seep out through the next. Whenever I hear my mum talk about the party, whether the people she wants to invite or the ingredients she has yet to get, I wince badly, like I have an aching itch in my ear. One thing I hate most in life is attention. I am timid and conservative and tend to stay under people's radar, but when a party is being thrown in your honour, that is kind of hard to do. Though I put in everything I had in protesting against my party, I still lost to my mum, who was insanely determined to throw this party. Today is D-day. Yep, finally, it is time for the party. My mum, the party planner, had her itinerary for the day's activities. Spending time together as a family doing things we love in the morning and then the evening will be for the party. When we returned from our outing, I escaped to my room. I am on my bed with my back to the slightly rough sheets, staring up at the dull white ceiling in my room, ignoring the bustling activities happening downstairs. Yep, people have begun to arrive for my party. If you are wondering what I am doing, well, I am hiding. Since my mum decided to ignore my words and went ahead with her party, I decided to spend the next few hours locked away in my room until everyone was gone. Daniel, if you don't come downstairs, I will go up there and drag you by your ears! The loud threat from my mum and the sound of hurried footsteps heading my way caused me to fly off my bed, almost stumbling on my feet as I tried to reach my wardrobe. I was lazying about in my underwear, and knowing my mum, that threat wasn't empty at all. I threw my wardrobe open, picked the first thing that my hand could reach, hurried inside the clothes, and was just done buttoning my shirt when the door flew open. I sharply looked in that direction with my heart in my throat. I have never tried to stand my ground on anything because of my mild personality. I tend to cave to other people's desires, especially my parents, so trying to boycott my own party was a first for me. And going by the way my heart is pounding within its cage, I assure you I won't be attempting it in the future. My scared expression turned to one of slight irritation at the sight of my sister standing there with a furious look in those green eyes and her hands on her waist. " Mum wants you downstairs, " she hissed at me, probably angry that Mum made her come up to call me. " I will be right down, " I grumbled, sounding unhappy. I didn't want the party. I heard a chuckle and glanced at my sister, angry that she found my plight funny. " What? " I growled harshly, facing her with my frame a little stiff. " Nothing. " I arched my brow high up to my forehead when another loud chuckle followed her answer before she tried to hide it by appearing serious. I shook my head. I didn't have time for this, so I might as well get downstairs and finish it. I headed for the door, ignoring my sister, who began to snicker uncontrollably when I passed her. I walked into the living room to see some of our family and friends, and some church members were already there. I ducked back into the room and took another route to find my mum. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum busy with food preparation. Ordering everyone around. My heart skipped a beat when I realized that this was turning into such a big party. I froze at the doorway, watching the whole thing. It felt like a zoo in the kitchen. My shocked eyes met those of my mother. " Ah, Daniel, you are finally..... " The rest of her words trailed off as her eyes took me in. She blinked twice and opened her mouth to say something, but nothing happened. " Daniel darling, why are you.....? " Her words were cut off when Caleb burst into the kitchen in his usual exuberant manner. " Dan, Grandpa and Grandma are here, and they want to see you. " When I heard this, a smile broke my face. I love my grandparents to pieces; they are my father's parents. I turned to follow my brother, forgetting the question my mum had tried to ask. She tried to call me back, but I was already making my way to the living room. In my excitement to see my grandparents, I forgot all my anxieties about the crowd currently inhabiting our living room. " DaDa, Nana! " I screamed like I was still a four-year-old and rushed in their direction, my face all smiles. My grandfather was the first to greet me. His wrinkled, life-worn face broke into a wide smile that made him look ten years younger than his ninety years. He opened his arm wide, and I didn't waste a second to fly into them. My grandfather was a tall and bulky fellow, and my siblings and I always enjoyed the safety and warmth of his broad embrace. I inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. He smelt like mint and tobacco with a little bit of spice. My grandfather was a tobacco addict, but my grandma didn't like it, so to humour her, my grandfather took to biting mint leaves whenever he chewed his tobacco. After I pulled away from my Dad's strong embrace, my grandma was there. Our hug wasn't as heartfelt as my grandfather's, but I smiled at her with my whole face. My grandma was a beautiful woman. You can see that she was a beauty in her younger days. Despite being a farmer's wife, she had this elegance you see in ladies of the high class of society. A blush appeared when Nana pushed away slightly to run her eyes over me. She does this every time they visit. My brow drew together in confusion when I saw her frown. " Nana, is everything alright? " I asked, a little disconcerted. " My darling, why did you decide to wear your clothes backwards today? "she asked, looking at me in confusion like she couldn't comprehend my odd choice. I blushed to the root of my hair, which worsened when I heard a lot of snickers behind me. " Bro, today is already memorable enough; you didn't need to try and make it so, " Caleb teased, touching my shoulder. Just like his twin, Caleb is tall for his age and almost the same height as me. I shook his hand off my shoulder and turned to leave the room with much dignity I could mutter. While I was walking past, my eyes met Julia's. She was chuckling. I recalled her amusement up in my room, so that was why she was smiling. I glared at her. If I were a violent person, I would throttle her for allowing me to make a fool of myself. In short, I am greatly tempted. When I returned downstairs, the living room was bustling with laughter and talk, and more of my family members had arrived. As soon as I walked in the whole noise died down and it grew silent as a grave yard. " Here comes our young priest, " someone yelled from the crowd, causing me to flush. Resounding applause and cheers from my family and friends brought a smile to my face. I went around saying hello to my family members, wincing once in a while when I received a strong shoulder pact that nearly sent me tumbling to the ground. Let's say some family members were too enthusiastic in their greetings. My earliest embarrassment was all but forgotten as everyone had fun. Talking, laughing, and drinking. A few minutes later, my mum and some of my aunties came out of the kitchen to announce that the food was ready. "It's about time, " Caleb grumbled. I was about to swallow Josh, " he said, playfully throwing his arms around his twins' slim shoulders as we all made our way to the front yard. Because of the number of people who showed up, my parents decided to eat outside to accommodate everyone. We all settled down around the long table set up outside. The Rev Fr, who was also present, stood up to bless the meal, and then everyone dug in. " Son, you have to slow down, " my grandfather said, getting the attention of everyone at our table. We all looked in the direction of who he was referring to. My brother Caleb was gobbling down his food with so much enthusiasm as if scared that the food might develop legs and run away from him. We watched him for a few seconds before he realized his eyes were on him. He stopped with his spoon filled with food halfway to his mouth and looked up. " What? " His words were significantly muffled because he heard his mouth stuffed with bread. " Don't be a pig, C, " Julia muttered with slight irritation while the rest of us shook our heads at him. When Caleb continued to look clueless, my grandfather spoke again. " Is not going to develop wings, " he joked, pointing at his plate. Caleb's face flushed red when he realized what we were discussing, and we all laughed. " Darling, don't mind them. Go ahead and enjoy your food; you are still a growing child, " my grandma said fondly, coming to his rescue. " As long he doesn't choke on it. " My grandfather's voice was low, but we all still heard him, which caused another round of laughter. After that, the meal continued in happy silence, with someone saying something or two. With everything on the table consumed and people's bellies filled, we all relaxed back to chat. Mum has always known how to entertain, and being a good cook, she meant that people were never disappointed when they came to our house. One of the many things I will miss when I leave tomorrow for priest school is my mum's cooking. The sound of someone hitting a cup pulled my attention, and I wasn't the only one. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to my uncle Josh. Yes, my brother was named after him. Though my parents tend to claim that it was purely coincidence, Josh, who is so enamoured by our uncle, believes otherwise. Uncle Josh is my dad's cousin and a great doctor. He could have had his practice in the city because he was that good, but he chose to return to his hometown. When asked why he chose a small town instead of a big city, his answer struck a chord with me. He said that he wanted to give back to the city that helped shape him. Ever since he came back, the town has never regretted having him around. So, I, too, decided that no matter where life takes me, I will always return to this place. The people in it made it feel like home. My brother Josh admires his namesake that he plans to go in his direction to be a medical doctor. This is a secret I know and no one else in the family. I don't know why, but my siblings and people have a tendency to confide in me. Maybe it is because I intend to be a priest. When my uncle started to speak, I got out of my wandering thoughts and started listening. "We are all gathered here because one of our own will be going off to be priest, and soon our little town will get its own priest. Well done, son; we are very proud of you and know you are going to make us proud. Cheers to Daniel. " " Cheers!!! " the crowd chorused. I blushed so badly at being the focus of attention and revelled in it. I looked in my parents' direction to see them with big smiles on their faces. I smiled in my heart. It pleases me that I can make them happy, and I hope that I never do anything to disappoint them.
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