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"Wake up Stella", I heard a voice as a hand shook me vigorously then I woke up checking my surroundings all panicked and stuff. I was sweating profusely and when I opened my eye and saw Clara, I hugged her and clung to her for a minute... Clara: it's okay, you must have had a bad dream. I couldn't believe the experience I had just had was all a dream... Me: I saw her, she shot at me... Clara: you saw who? Me: Rita.. it was so real. She sat beside me and had a worrying look on her face.. she asked me to go to bed but I couldn't. Rita tried to kill me in real life and she tried to kill me in a dream too. Maybe it was a sign that the fight was not over, not just yet. Clara: you can't continue living in fear, Rita was taken by the cops on my watch and I'm sure she's not getting out of the police custody any time soon. She will be taken to court and she will answer for her actions... Me: why are you being this nice, I thought I locked the door, how did you get in?.. Clara: while you were at the hospital, I got your spare key. When I knocked and you didn't open it, I opened the door and let myself in. How are you feeling?.. Me: I don't know honestly. She made a sigh. Was Clara an angel sent to watch over me, all my life, I had no one who had treated me this special? Clara went back to her house a few doors from mine then came back with some food for both of us. She served me and we both ate as we talked some more. Clara had been married and now divorced, what I didn't understand was how such a young and beautiful lady could have not settled in marriage I mean isn't that what every woman would want? How could she be divorced at just thirty eight years?.. I didn't ask since I didn't want to be judgemental, she might have had a good reason for walking out of her marriage. Clara had no kids and she told me her life was a book that she would let me read one day... whatever that meant... After having dinner and talking and laughing out my stress, Clara went back to her house to catch some sleep and so did I after taking my medication... The holiday ended, this time for real and the following day I was on my way to work trying to change everything hoping whatever happened in my dream wouldn't take place in real life. I wore different clothes from what I wore in my dream and also didn't use a cab but public means. I got to my desk and thank God there were no flowers, I mean it would have been nice if the dream didn't play out like it did but all the same, I was okay not receiving flowers. I never did my entire life. I sat by the reception going about my daily business when my phone rang and when I picked it, it was the deep voice that sent butterflies roaming in my stomach, it was Cedric on the other end of the phone... Cedric: you never called... Me: yeah, I got busy over the weekend. How are you?. Cedric: I'm easy, how was your weekend?. Me: it was great. I said sparing him all the details of everything that had happened... Cedric: I'm glad it was, so what are you doing this evening, can we have coffee later on? Me: uumh! Cedric: say yes, don't create plans that are not there... Me: I was not going to and yes we can have coffee in the evening. Cedric: what time do you leave work? Me: around 4:30. Cedric: awesome, I will be picking you up by 4:35... Me: okay. Cedric: have a good day beautiful... Me: Thanks, you too... I ended the call and almost screamed but remember where I was and calmly sat back trying to act normal I mean being asked out on a date of whatever sort wasn't a normal thing for me... Growing up, I wasn't the girl every guy wanted, I mean with all this beauty, I only attracted men who wanted to sleep with me and after that, there was nothing serious, I'm not social and that means I'm not outgoing either, everyone must have thought I was boring, I mean I did and the fact that my own mother thought I was old and una attractive made me believe that's what every man out there saw or maybe I was just bewitched. No man serious man wanted to claim me and those who did were people I couldn't make serious steps with in life. Maybe that was the beginning of all the misfortunes... "Don't you know how to talk to men or the same bad tone you use when talking to me is the same tone you use on them?" My mother once asked and I was surprised that there was a tone to use when talking to me. Why weren't all these seduction rules and relationships taught in school like any other subject?.. That afternoon I got a text from Dom asking if I had gone back to work because he was told I wasn't in the house. He said he wanted to see me and when I didn't respond he called but I never received his call. Dom was in my past and I wanted it to stay that way... At around 4:20, Cedric called and told me he was already at the parking lot waiting for me, I'm not sure how I really felt but I had water fill my stomach and this was really happening. Someone was really taking me on a date. I was excited, I felt like calling someone and letting out my excitement but at that time, I had no friends, not one that could share in my Joy. A few minutes after 4:30 pm, I went to the parking lot and when Cedric saw me, he got out of the car and spread his arms for a hug and I hugged him back. Cedric: you look beautiful. Me: thank you. Cedric: I love your perfume too, I love a woman who smells nice... He said opening the door to the car and I got in feeling confident about myself hoping Cedric was not just flattering me. See when you have suffered rejection many times in your life, you don't know when someone genuinely likes you or they are using whatever they have to get your attention only to get dumped after. I was excited about the date but not too excited to forget myself... We drove to town, talking and briefly getting to know each other and one thing that caught my attention was how intelligent Cedric was. He had a great sense of humor and he knew all the right words. Not a minute in that car was I bored and when we got to the coffee shop, he treated me like a real gentleman. Opening the door for me and letting me walk in with his hand resting on my lower back as if he had already claimed me. It felt nice for him to pull a chair for me and when he sat across me, his smile warmed my heart. Cedric: this is one of my favorite joints. Me: it's a nice place. Cedric: are you sure you like it? Me: yes. I love this particular table by the window, it has a nice view... He made an order and picked up our conversation from where we had left. Cedric told me he had seen a potential wife in me and I laughed, not that it was funny but it's in the way he said it. He didn't go beating around the bush and I knew he was serious when he told me he had been looking for that woman he could finally wife and when he saw me, he knew I was the one. Me: you don't come across like a man who has no woman in his life. Cedric: how does a man who has a woman in his life look?.. Me: different. I said not being specific and he smiled. Cedric: how do I prove to you that there's no woman? Me: you don't have to, I will take your word for it and if there is, I will know. Cedric: fare enough..tell me about yourself... I did tell him whatever he wanted to know leaving out the misfortunes. I heard someone say do not open up too much pouring out everything on the first date. If you didn't have a kid that someone needed to know about before you went further, the rest was good as a mystery that he would look forward to unfolding. The date was fun and I knew I had hit the jackpot when he said he would love to see me a little more often. Me Stella Mari, someone wanted to see me often, I think the devil must have taken a rest on my case. That evening Cedric dropped me home and have not completely healed from the wound Rita had inflicted on me, I needed to rest as the pain was still there... I was barely settled when I heard a knock on the door and thinking it was Clara, I opened it without asking who it was and in walked Dominic... Me: what the hell?.. Dom: who was that man who dropped you off? Me: how is he any of your business plus what are you doing here? Dom: you didn't pick up my calls. Me: that's because I was trying to ignore you but it seems like you are not sharp enough to realize that, what do you want? Dom: to talk!.. Me: I'm listening... I said taking off my shoes and my earing and then heading to the kitchen to fix myself some tea. I know I just had coffee but I was a tea person and I couldn't do without tea. My kitchen was an open kitchen so I could still see and hear from Dom. Dom: don't you miss me at times? I looked up from the cooker and he was approaching the kitchen. I didn't respond to that. Dom's eyes had a way of mesmerizing me and getting me to do stupid things like fall in his arms and kiss him. I was not available for those kinds of games anymore and maybe the reason why I was still single with no one talking to me seriously was that I allowed them to play games with me. Dom: baby girl look at me. He said taking my hand in his and rubbing the top of it with his thumb. Dom: you know I'm not going to go away unless you talk to me. Me: there's nothing to talk about. I'm beginning a new chapter of my life Dom and you are not a part of it. Dom: don't say that, you know I'm the only man you ever loved, you told me that. Me: but you still went ahead and married my best friend. Dom: I was weak. I should have fought for us, I should have... Me: stop!.. it's late for the I should have. It's been two years Dom you have a family and I'm trying to build my life now. I pulled my hand from his and tried to walk away but he hugged me from behind and held me tightly. In Dom's arms, I was always weak and he always found a way to make me bow down to his wishes. Dom: I love you, you know I do. He turned me to face him and he pulled me in his arm and he kissed me and feeling how he was going at it, I didn't stop him. I had missed being kissed and held as he did and for a minute I let down my guard for the man who had broken my heart when he chose my best friend over me. What was I doing? I pushed him off and landed a hot slap on his cheek. Me: get out Dom... Dom: wow!.. He said massaging his cheek as he walked towards the living room to find his way out... Dom: what a way to say you love me too... Me: hey Dom, He turned to me... Me: stop coming here... He walked out without a word... A few months after going on serious dates with Cedric, he told me one afternoon that he wanted to introduce me to his mum and two brothers. Cedric had no sisters and that could explain why he had been so gentle with me. The thing is I was now sure about Cedric and he was the type of man I had been praying for only that I never told anyone about him and especially my mother because I wanted to be sure that Cedric was really serious with me because what I didn't want from my mother was a basket full of insults and anyone who ever got hated with their parents for no reason knows exactly how it feels to have no pillar to support you in a time of crisis. Cedric was easy as he said he was. He was soft on the inside yet tough on the outside. He was a hopeless romantic and made sure there was a rose on my desk every day when I got to work. I don't know how he pulled that but I was always looking forward. Cedric picked me up at my place and when I walked out my bedroom door, he couldn't stop staring. I liked a man who looked at me like Cedric did like I was the only thing he could see in the room. I on that day wore a long curvey black dress that ran all the way down, then made a nice burn on my hair and accompanied my look with very simple yet elegant accessories. If you are a lady and especially a receptionist, you have to know how to dress because most people judge you by the way you appear first. Cedric: wow!.. Me: you like?. Cedric: I look amazing my queen. He gave me a peck on the cheek and I nervously held his hand and looked into his eyes... Cedric: you seem nervous... Me: I am... Cedric: you shouldn't be. My family Will love you. Me: I hope so. Cedric: relax... I took a deep breath and we left for his place... The drive to his place was rather uncomfortable. I didn't know what to expect in the introduction bit and a lot of things were going through my mind. What if I got rejected by the family, what if they thought I was old and not good enough for him... Cedric grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and the other rested on my arm then we locked hands as he stole a few glances at me and I nervously smiled back... Cedric: look I know just how uncomfortable this could get but I got you... if you get to my house and don't feel appreciated, we will leave okay? I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder for the remaining part of the drive... The car pulled up by the parking lot and after Cedric parked he got out and came to my side then opened the door and I got out and took his hand. He walked me to the door and then opened the door and this time he got in first and followed from behind though he still had my hand in his and for me, it was an assurance that he was in control... When we got in, everyone was excited to see me and it wasn't just his mum and brothers but his aunt too, a sister to his dad whom he introduced as Sandy.. in the group, Sandy might have been my worry because she was not as excited as anyone else. "Welcome my dear, my son was right, you are beautiful." That comment made me a little bit more relaxed and his brothers had their girlfriends over so at least it wasn't entirely awkward as I thought it would get.. Cedric winked at me across the room and I blushed off a bit before one of the girlfriends came and sat next to me. Her name was Ivy and she was dark skinned and very beautiful. His skin was smooth and shiny and she was the only dark skinned person I had met who wore her color with such confidence. Her dimpled cheeks made her white teeth attractive and for a minute I thought brown skin was overrated. Black was beautiful... Ivy: you really must be so special. I have never heard Cedric speak highly of any woman as he does you. Me: yeah, Cedric is a charmer are you sure he was talking about me? Ivy: positive. He loves you. I have been around long enough and I have never seen him so excited about just any other girl. He is a rare gem you might want to hold so tight... I looked at him talk to his brothers as their laughter filled the room and I smiled to myself. Me: I have no intentions of letting him go... Shortly after we were joined by aunt Sandy who had started warming up to me but still there was something so off about her... Ivy didn't leave my side and I could tell that Sandy's presence bothered her too. She eventually asked me to go help her set the table and we left Sandy seated by herself. Cedric's mother had been in the kitchen with the other girlfriend and Emily was her name... "Here she comes" Cedric's mum said and she told me that she had been looking forward to seeing the woman that her son couldn't stop talking about... "You and Cedric will make beautiful babies". She said cupping my face in her hands and hugging me.. this wasn't a bad reception after all. Now I was sure that Cedric was the man I wanted to marry. The dinner went well, better than I had expected though Sandy left a bit early and it was just us. The two girls were very friendly and after all, was done we exchanged contacts and promised to keep in touch though I connected more with Ivy who already thought we could have lunch together sometime... A few weeks after the visit to Cedric's place, he proposed marriage to me and I said yes. Knowing my mum would find out about the engagement even if I didn't tell her, I decided to visit her and even organized for her to meet Cedric who being a gentleman left my mother a good amount of cash and that was the beginning of my constant headaches... "Your mum, she didn't seem so excited about me coming to see her.. didn't I meet her expectations?" That question made me sad, just to think of how welcoming Cedric's family had been when I visited. Before going home with Cedric, I had sent some money home for my mother to get someone to prepare a meal because the drive was long and we'd be hungry by the time we got home but to my shock, there was no sign of fire in that house. There was no food and my heart broke for my man... I felt hated and the excitement of taking my love home faded, I felt a few tears fall and my mother didn't care about how to hurt I was. This was the same woman who had told me stuff for not bringing a man home. What could I have done to her to spite so much hate?..
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