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I quickly made arrangements for something to be prepared just to cover the shame and embarrassment and I went back to the house, I smiled like nothing was a miss... "My mother is hard to predict, it's not like she wasn't happy to see you." I knew he wouldn't ask why he got such a bad reception but I had to defend her and protect her image even though deep inside I felt like I'd put her in a rocket and ship her to mass once and for all. I had never faced such an embarrassment in my life and certainly not the one time i needed to make a good impression. "That's not what it looked like." He insisted and I didn't know what to tell him. The thing is I didn't want to paint a bad portrait of my mother because even I didn't understand why she had shown that kind of behavior towards my guest. Cedric was very mature and respectful that he didn't speak much about the issue though he might have thought my mother hadn't welcomed him as her son in law to be. Everyone I knew had that type of worry as the relationship was bound to fail if the family didn't really approve and especially the parents. I loved Cedric so much and not even my mother's attitude toward him was going to stop me from getting married to him. That evening after getting home from the village, Clara came over, and not having seen me the whole week because of our busy schedule we had a few things to catch up on. Clara was different from all the friends i had, we never spent alot of tome together but she made me look forward to seeing her, she was like that ray of sunshine in my life. everything about her was fascinating and most of her stories were hilarious. whenever I wasn't around her, I missed her and it was nice to finally meet someone who was able to understand me without being judgmental. I got her a cup of tea, clara loved tea and she would have it any time of the day regardless of the weather. she said tea kept her vibrant and i was always ready with a cup of tea whenever she came around. she was on the couch flipping through the channels when I sat next to her and handed her the mug. First things first, she hit me with the news of Rita having been released on bond and there were goosebumps all over my body. maybe it was the fear of what she was capable of doing. How could they let her go just like that?.. I thought to myself amid that conversation and Clara must have read my mind. Clara: the good thing is that she can't come close to you for whatever reason because she will be locked up and for good this time round. she knows she cant dare do such things and i don't think she is that stupid. I made a long sigh. that was not good news and hearing that she had been set free instilled some fear inside of me. Me: we don't know that for sure. Rita is not going to stop until she gets rid of me because she thinks am having an affair with her husband. Clara: are you?. she asked to be certain even though she knew I only had eyes for one man, i had told her so. Me: of cause not. I warned Dom to stay away from me and he is just another pain in the ass. he wouldn't take no for an answer and he keeps showing up unannounced. Clara: Dom is the husband?.. Me: know him?.. Clara: no. I don't. Listen, Rita knows better than to come here causing trouble like she did because she knows that next time she won't be let off the hook. Me: but that next time I could be dead. Clara: it won't get to that, besides I'm here and if she shows up, i will kick her ass. How is your back?.. Me: better, I don't feel so much pain like the past few days... Clara: that's a sign that it's healing.. anyway, I've got to go. I just thought I should check on you. its been a long week and i really missed my friend. Me: you did well. Thank you dearly... have yourself a good night. Clara: you too... When Clara left, I closed the door and went to bed. I was tired from the long trip and I wasn't even in the mood for food or anything. Cedric called telling me he got home and he was missing me already. i smiled to myself at the thought that i finally had someone that could actually miss me. We talked about a lot of stuff and after we flirted for a while he told me that he would very much want me to be his wife and that he didn't want to wait longer... He had thought of every reason that could hold him back from marrying me but he had not found any. Not even my mother who treated him like trash back home would stop those thoughts Cedric: so, what do you think.. do you want to be my baby girl? Me: are you sure that's what you want to do... you don't know me well enough to want to wife me baby. Cedric: I know enough. you ight up my world in a way no one has in a long time and you make me laugh. I'm very observant and if there is anything you are hiding, I would have figured it out already.. are you afraid to commit to a relationship? Me: no. Not at all just that I didn't expect you would really feel that way towards me. i have been in relationships that never really went anywhere. Cedric: I took you to my mum Stella, I don't just do that to anyone... I smiled in excitement. maybe he was really being serious and I needed to let go of my doubts. This was my time, happiness had finally found my address and what was there to be afraid of? People got married and sailed through it right, what would be so difficult?.. Cedric: baby? Me: yes... Cedric: I love you. Me: I love you too... Cedric: you don't have to be scared of anything...I will be here with you every step of the way... Me: I believe you... Cedric: get some rest. I will see you tomorrow... I placed the phone on the charger and lay on my bed. I had the lights on because fear crept in after learning that Rita was on the loose. How did my best friend become the person that was hunting me down to kill me?.. I closed my eyes and tried to push Rita at the back of my mind but a text came through my phone and when I checked it, it was Dom... "Hey, beautiful" the text read and after I read it I ignored it because he was the last person I wanted to entertain and especially at that hour of the night. Maybe it was Rita texting to test me and see if I would respond. Fear women, our minds work round the clock and when we put our minds to something, we don't stop... "C'mon, I know you miss me too. Talk to me baby girl!" Another text read and because I knew the texts wouldn't stop, I put my phone on silent mode so that it wouldn't buzz every minute and after a few minutes I fell asleep... The following morning I woke up, got out of bed then grabbed my phone and dragged myself to the kitchen. Having slept hungry the previous night my stomach was rumbling and I needed something to eat.. I started preparing some tea and when I checked my phone, I had a missed call from Cedric and a text from a strange number so I opened it and my eyes almost popped when I saw the content... "I might not come close to you but that doesn't mean hitmen won't dump your body in a sewer if I pay them well... Stay away from my husband.. last warning"... That text made me numb. The sender didn't leave a name but it was Rita, didn't the detention put some sense in her head?.. I headed back to the living room and called Cedric who told me he would be picking me up later that day. Sundays were my lazy days and I'd prefer to stay in bed and watch movies if I was not going anywhere... Elsewhere Dom woke up that morning and found Rita seated on the edge of the bed staring at him like she had a lot of things going on in her mind. When he saw the look on her face he quickly sat up and calmed down when he realized Rita was not holding any weapon... Dom: how did you get in here?.. Rita: what do you mean, this is my house and I have access to every corner, don't I? He didn't respond... Rita: so, are you ready to tell me who you are seeing or should I carry out my plans?.. Dom: what plans?.. She got up from the edge of the bed and didn't talk to him again... Dom: what plan? Dom asked jumping out of the bed hurriedly following her. Dom: Rita, what plans are you talking about?.. Rita: don't worry about will watch it on news. No one will come in and destroy my marriage as I watch. If I can't have you for myself, no one will... Did Rita know he was going to Stella's place or that was just some tactics to get him to say who he was seeing? Why was she so positive that Stella and Dom were having an affair if she hadn't seen them and if Dom had not spoken to Stella for two years, could there have been another woman that made Rita suspect Dom?.. An hour later Cedric showed up and he was looking all groomed up in his casual but expensive outfit. Cedric came from a well off family and everyone I met from his side had class and that's why it was impossible to believe that he would fall for someone like me. I wore a short red dress which he helped to zip up because the zip was stuck and he kissed me on the neck from the back and I turned to look at him... Cedric: has anyone told you how beautiful you are?.. I shook my head and then made this sad face. Cedric: well it does not matter because the beauty is meant for my eyes only... I smiled and planted a kiss on his lip and that was the first time I confidently did that. Me: where are we going?.. Cedric: it's a surprise. Me: I don't like surprises. Cedric: this one you will like... Me: can't you just tell me? Cedric: do you trust me? Me: with all my heart. Cedric: good, then you don't have to worry about anything.. can we go now?.. I nodded and I picked up my purse but a call came through before we could step out. It was Dom. I looked at the screen and looked up at him... Cedric: umh! you might want to get that. Me: no. It's not will just ruin the mood... I said ending the call and walking towards the door with Cedric following me from behind and just when I pulled the door open, there stood Dom with the phone in his hand. Dom: you are ignoring me.. hey baby? He said intentionally just to annoy Cedric who was looking at me than him all confused. Dom: I can see you have company but umh! I must have forgotten my boxers here the other night. I came to get them... Me: your what?.. Cedric: he said he forgot his boxer here... Do you know the underwear that men put on?... Me: I heard what he said, what the hell are you talking about Dom?. Dom: c'mon baby, I know you are a little embarrassed because of him but you must admit, the other night was just something can't blame me for forgetting my... you know... you were a tigress and that marathon you took me on.. whoooa!.. I slapped Dom so hard and turned to Cedric whose face had turned red. He didn't say a word but pushed me out of his way and walked away and an attempt to go after him failed because he warned me to keep off him if I really knew what was good for me... I stopped following him and watched him leave in a hurry. I turned to Dom and he had this stupid smile on his face and when I walked passed him, I did not know what to tell him. How could he just show up and say something like that, what was he playing at? I had barely gotten in the house when he grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall beside the door and looked deep into my eyes... Dom: I don't care whose feeling I'll have to hurt just to get to you... I'm fighting for what was rightfully mine...I won't give up without a fight...
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