1066 Words
FINALLY! Drake scanned the faces in his office. Now the office of his sons. “I called you all to discuss something important to Malia, myself,” stealing a brief glance at his sons, “…and our sons.” He noticed the different expressions on the four faces before him. “As you know, Vance and Vince haven’t found their mates, a concern for Malia and me. We’re suggesting they take a chosen mate.” The twin alphas didn’t look shocked like Oscar, Mabel, Savvy and Tim did. Instead, Vince and Vance appeared ashamed, baffling Drake. “Alpha…” Oscar began to speak. “I think—" “Let me finish, Oscar,” stopping his ex-Beta. “We all understand what a mate means to our kind. Our mate is the other part of us.” he noticed Savvy smirking at the twins. “The one that completes us,” Drake continued, his voice firm. They need a mate. Not just for themselves, but for the pack as well. They need a Luna. Someone with the right temperament, loving, kind and the ability to connect with the people.” Drake went on. “Thank the goddess that Vance was smart enough to end his relationship with Billie.” “Congratulations, Vance. You dodged a silver bullet,” Savvy said cheekily, earning a mock salute. Earning her a glare from Vance which she shrugged off. Malia and Drake chuckled while her parents gave her disapproving looks, while Tim rolled his eyes, shaking his head at his mate. “Do the alphas have someone in mind for the position of their Lunas?” Mabel asked the twins. “Err…we…” Vince scratched the back of his head, exchanging a glance with his brother. Both unsure of what to say. “We…” “If you haven’t, we can have a ball, inviting potential candidates for them to choose from,” Oscar supplied a solution. “I am sure they will find perfect candidates at the event.” The twins swung their eyes to him in alarm and Tim restrained a chuckle. “That won’t be needed, Oscar. We have the perfect candidate for the role, here in the pack,” Drake announced anxiously. “Malia and I have always wanted this to happen. Seeing how close we are with you, it has always been our dream for our families to be closer.” Savvy c****d her head, frowning in confusion, trying to decipher Drake’s words. Malia took a deep breath before jumping in. “A wish we never knew the goddess would fulfill until now. Please, don’t think we are doing this out of pity, but because it is what we really want.” Her eyes darted around the family, catching their varied reactions. “We were thinking they would end up with chosen mates, but the goddess had other plans. She made them second chance mates to the one person we’ve been pinning for them to have as a mate.” The room buzzed with curiosity, and Mabel couldn’t hold back her question. “Who is this person, and what is her connection to us?” “It’s Nicole. Vince and Vance are her second chance mates,” Drake announced with unrestrained joy, a wide smile plastered across his face. “What?!” Savvy’s incredulous shriek echoed through the room as she stared at the twins in disbelief. “Is this true? You’re her second chance mates?” “Like Malia pointed out, we’re not thinking so out of pity. It has always been our dream for Nicole and the them to be mates.” “Unbelievable,” Savvy broke into a fit of laughter. Alpha Drake was in for a huge heartbreaking surprise. Malia and Oscar remained in silence, exchanging stunned glances. “What makes you think so, Drake?” Oscar asked. “Alpha wolves are known to show fierce possessiveness towards their mate. You saw what happened today.” Oscar shook his head. He felt sad at his friend’s assumption. “What’s funny, Savvy? I know how their relationship with her is and they are ready to change. As they should,” he turned to Oscar. “I called you all to not only to inform you about this, but to get your blessings and help to speak to Nicole.” Looking at his sons. “I think you should say something.” Frowning at the strange behavior of his sons. Were they ashamed? Or was it something else? His gaze rested on Savvy who was still recovering from her fit of laughter. Oscar sensing the need for clarity, took a deep breath and looked at the twins. “Alphas, I think it’s only proper for you to tell your parents the truth.” Drake’s eyes widened, his curiosity piqued. “What truth?” “I think they should tell you themselves, Drake. The truth about them and Nicole,”” “Vance? Vince? What truth?” Malia asked, shifting her gaze between her twin sons. Vince rose from his seat, his expression tense as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He had anticipated this day, but hoped to speak with the family before everything came out. Vance was right, they should have told their father the truth, the day he had assumed they were Nicole’s second chance mates. How can he face their parents? Vance, his silver eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and inevitability, knew that the moment of truth had arrived. If only Vince had allowed them say the truth. “Will somebody say something!” Drake roared, impatiently. Vince turned back to face his parents. “We are not Nicole’s second chance mates.” “What do you mean? I saw the way you were possessive about her, arguing with her…” Drake spurted out, unwilling to accept the revelation. “That’s because you were assuming based on the tension between us,” Vince interrupted, his alpha aura seeping out. “So, why were you like that around her?” Drake pressed, refusing to believe he was wrong. “Because we are her real mates. Her first mates,” Vince confessed, sending shockwaves into the hearts of his parents. Malia gasped loudly, clutching the chair handles. Drake felt air sucked out of him. Vance rose up, joining his brother. “We are the mates that rejected her.”
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