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AWAKE 2 NICOLE “Stop it, the two of you,” Vince wades in, rising from his chair. He approaches me. “Nikki…” “Don’t call me that.” The door opens and a male in a white coat enters, smiling when he sees me. “Ah, my patient is finally awake,” he walks up to me and reaches for my hand, shaking it. “Doctor Mel. Nice to finally meet you, Nicole.” “Me too.” He looks friendly and good-looking with his dark-brown hair, black eyes and slim build. “How do you feel?” he asks as he starts checking me. “Any pain anywhere? You gave us all quite the scare.” “No,” just the one in my heart. “It wasn’t my intention to scare anyone. I just happened to be a puppet in the hands of a creator who obviously didn’t do her homework well enough,” The two alphas drop their heads to their chests. He brings out a pen-like flashlight to look into my eyes, “hmming” and “ahhing” as he checks my them. He puts back the flash into his pocket. “Can I go home now? I feel okay,” really, I did. “You look okay, except for the wound on your side,” Mel says, pointing to my side. “Do you remember how you got it?” Of course I do. That damn witch branded me for someone. She was going to take me to him. I reach under my clothes to feel the wound and find it bandaged. “It’s a strange wound. More like a mark,” Mel explains. “Nicole,” Vince’s voice brings me back. His grey eyes full of worry and concern irk me, irritating me further. Why can’t he just have the same look in his eyes­-the one I know them for. “I don’t remember anything,” there’s no way I am going to tell the two of them what happened. I don’t need their pity or help. “Are you sure?” Vance asks like he knows I am lying. Well, he can think what he likes. I don’t care. “I am sure,” I say glancing in his direction but avoiding his eyes. I turn to Mel. “Can I go home? Can you please call my cousin, Uncle or Aunt for me?” I have been trying to mindlink them but haven’t been able to. “They will soon be here,” Vince replies me instead. “Can she eat?” He asks Mel. “Yes, she can. I will have someone bring her food,” Mel answers as he writes in his file. “I will come back to check on her.” “Thanks, Mel.” Vance says to Mel as the doctor leaves the room. I hug my knees, burying my head into them, ignoring the pain on my side. I wish they would just leave. I want to see Savvy. I have a lot of questions to ask her. “You probably shouldn’t stay in such position because of the wound,” Vance says. As much as I want to snap at him, I know he is right. Opening the wound would cause me to show weakness at the pain. Something I would never give them. I stretch back my legs under the covers and begin playing with my fingers. I try sending a link to Savvy but still couldn’t. I can feel their eyes on me and their raging emotions of fear, remorse and fear. A nurse comes in with a tray of food. “Thanks, Vince says, taking it from her. His brother pulls out the bedside table and both start to arrange the food for me. Anger courses through me as I watch their movements. These are the Stone twins! They don’t like me! They rejected me! Why are they arranging food on a table for me? “Stop!” Both paused looking at me. “I can arrange my own food. I don’t need the two of you to do that for me.” “We want to,” Vance gives me a smug look, simmering my anger. “I don’t want you to.” Vince touches my arm, sending sparks and tingles over me. ‘It’s nothing.” “Please, let us do this for you,” Vance touches my other hand, and the same sparks dance over my skin. “Don’t touch me,” I shrug my shoulders, pushing their hands away as I close my eyes and inhale deeply, trying to ignore the feelings I have been suppressing. Both pull away from me but linger nearby. “Can you please move back? You’re suffocating me,” Yes, they are stealing the air away from me with the pull I feel towards them. Since I woke up and looked into their eyes, something seems to have snapped into place inside me. When I felt those sparks, I felt the pull stronger. Their voices too. That’s why I have been avoiding their eyes and resisting their touch. This is the mate bond working. “Sure,” Vince says quietly. Why is he so quiet and soft towards me? Where’s the cold and stoic-faced Vince Stone I know? And the Vance Stone who always shows his mean streak towards me without flinching? “Better still, you can both leave. I don’t know why you’re both even here. You don’t even like me,” I refuse to meet their eyes. “Don’t tell us to leave, please.” Vince begs, attempting to reach for my hand, which I pull away sharply, feeling the hospital room getting smaller, full of tension as our emotions swirl round it. I know them to be normally composed and distant, now they stand before me with an unusual vulnerability, which I find myself hating. “Why?” Meeting their grey eyes with my brown ones, feeling the intense pull of the mate bond with them. “You know why, brown eyes.” Raising my face to his. “Don’t call me brown eyes! My name is Nicole,” the first time, he called me that, I felt my knees go weak and a warmth settle over my chest. I hate that the term makes me vulnerable to him. I never want to be vulnerable to either of them. They hate me. Right now, their sober grey eyes are infuriating me and, at the same time drawing me in. I don’t like the strength of this pull. It’s scary. I hate how my heart is beating. “Nicole, we can’t leave you alone.” “Yes, you can. You did already.” “Yes, we know, brown eyes, but it was…” Vance starts to say, inching close to me, but I stop him. “You already rejected me! Remember?!” The tears I have been holding back are threatening to fall any moment from now as the pain in my heart grows. I don’t want them to see me crying. “Please, just leave.” Seeing Vince’s eyes soften with regret and Vance’s cloud gaze cloud with remorse, breaks my heart further. “Nicole…” “Leave!” I swipe my hand over the table, throwing all the food away. “Just leave!” I bend my face away from them as the tears stroll down my face and my body starts to shake. I hate myself for breaking down in front of them like this. I hate that there’s something pulling me towards them. Vance comes close to touch me but I stop him. “Don’t touch me. Go to them. They already believe I don’t deserve anyone as good as you two.” The memory of that day in class roars from the archives of my memory like a thunderous wave and smashing into my already fragile confidence. I see their faces as they said the words. Their sneering faces and mocking voices. I chuckle, biting my lips, wondering how true the girls were. They must have a straight line to the goddess. Did they tell her to prank me with these two? Prank me on my birthday with Vince and Vance Stone as my mates. The hottest males of the pack. Heirs to the Firestone Pack. One of the richest and biggest packs in all of the werewolf world. Could this be another prank? The two of them pretending to care for me like they are doing right now. If it is, why am I being punished? Did I offend her in some way? Or did my parents? “Who are you talking about?” Vance asks, confusion furrowing his brow, bringing me out of my teary thoughts. “Who said that to you?” “Is this a prank?” I ask, gazing at both of them as they crowd round me again. “You’re here to continue the prank?” “What do you mean?” Vince growls, his grey eyes turning stormy, almost silver. His body shaking as he reaches for my hand and holds tight when I try to pull it away. “Why should we be pranking you?” “Did your girlfriends tell you what they said to me?” “Girlfriends? Brown eyes…” “Stop calling me that!” I yell at him, feeling so much cheated.
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