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REVELATIONS NICOLE “Nicole?” Vince’s concerned face jolts me from my reverie, his eyes locking onto mine as the room falls into a hushed silence, every gaze directed at me. We’re gathered in the living room of the pack house after returning from the forest. Vince and Vance adamantly refused to let me return home with my family. Surprisingly, they gave in without any fight. Even my Uncle refused to look my way when I questioned their actions. I wasn’t prepared for the news that filled my ears as I learnt many new things about myself. The bombshell dropped earlier still echoes in my mind—a revelation about my parents, the Alpha and Luna of a pack, both murdered by someone seeking me out because of my father's rare status as a Firewolf. And now, I've learned I'm a Firewolf too, a fact that feels both empowering and overwhelming. That’s why the handsome psycho wolf in the forest wanted to mark and claim me. He wants to use me for my powers and to make babies with him. I am not only special. I also am an alpha. An alpha with a pack waiting for me to claim. “Nikki,” Aunt Mabel’s voice hits me before her palm gently rests on my arm. “We know it’s a lot to take in, but we are here for you,” the corners of her eyes crinkle as she smiles reassuringly. “Take your time.” Yes, it is a lot to take in. All my life I have always wanted to know about my parents, but was afraid of ever asking my aunt and her mate for fear of them thinking I don’t appreciate all they have done for me. I am grateful for their kindness towards me over the years. They are the best parents any person could wish for. Not once did they make me feel unwanted or like an outsider. Their strong and genuine love for me is what I would expect from my parents. Yet, I yearned to know what happened to my parents. Did they abandon me? Didn’t they want me? Where are they? Do I have other siblings? And so many more questions haunted me over the years. All questions were answered today as my aunt broke the news to me. Both died, stayed back to protect me. My insides coil into a huge fist of sadness. Grief claws at my heart, aching for the parents I will never see again. I will never see them again. “Brown eyes,” Vance’s voice draws me away from my thoughts, drawing my gaze to him. I am surprised he is talking to me and observe the distance he maintains, the tightness in his jaw, his clenched fists, furrowed brows and the unease flickering across his features. It’s clear he’s wrestling with something, a conflict hidden beneath the surface. Judging by the huge frown on Vince’s face and the hard glare thrown at Vance, I know both are having an argument in their link. “You don’t have to figure everything out right now, Nikki. Take it one step at a time,” he advises, his voice weighed down with the same emotions in his eyes that I noted in the forest. Why am I bothered seeing him like this? Why is he even angry at me? What did I do? “We are all here for you,” he continues, his gaze piercing. “If you need anything, just ask,” The deep longing in his eyes becoming prominent as he speaks, catching me off guard. What is eating him up this much? A whiff of that strange, familiar and disgusting scent on him triggers a surge of anger within me. As much as it angers me, I know I need to push it aside and focus to process everything, to make sense of the newfound truth about my past and identity. “I want to go home?” I announce, rising to my feet. I need the solace of my own room to think. A myriad of emotions passes through the faces around me. “You don’t have much time to think, Nicole,” Torin interjects in a calm yet insistent voice from where he sits crossed legged, arms folded over his chest, head tilted back, with eyes closed. “She can take all the time she wants!” Vance snaps at him, in a frustrated tone. “He can come back anytime,” Torin retorts, changing his position to look at Vince. “We will be with her,” Vance retorts back. “Torin’s right,” Vince intervenes, earning him a harsh glare from his brother. If only looks could kill. “But she needs time to process everything she’s just heard. She needs time to process it all before making any decisions.” “What she needs to do is to train both herself and her wolf for what is coming. You know I am saying the truth,” Torin asserts, looking from Vince to me, his eyes boring into mine as if willing me to agree with him. “She needs to prepare.” My head is swirling with so many thoughts that I don’t have the strength to argue with anyone of them as they argue about me.Top of Form “She will decide when she’s ready. And that’s final,” Vince steps in front of me, shielding me from Torin’s intense stare. “Nicole, you don’t have to make any decision right now. We can figure this out together. Okay?” Behind him Torin mutters something under his breath. “Okay,” I nod, acknowledging his words, and turn to leave, only to be stopped by his next statement. starting to move to the door. “You can’t go back home for now.” My brows fly up in confusion, turning to look at my folks. “Why?” my question directed at both them and Vince. “Now that we know Kaden can control you, you’re not safe at home,” Vance explains. “So, where am I safe?” I ask him, even as his words send a chill down my spine. “For now, you will be staying with us unt…” “No!” I snap at him, my emotions bubbling at the surface of my mind. “My family is quite…” My aunt stops me with a gentle pat on my shoulder. “They are right, honey. You’re safer here with them.” Them? Vance keeps a distance from me and both are arguing with each other. I glance at Savvy and my Uncle. Both were nodding at me, even if Savvy’s eyes were saying otherwise. “But, Savvy can stay with me. Tim too,” I blurt out. “Tim is going to be their Beta tomorrow and will have to be with them at all times. Savvy is his mate and will likely join him,” I catch Savvy rolling her eyes as Uncle Oscar walks up to me, wrapping me in a thick hug. “You will be fine here with them until we sort out this whole Kaden stuff. Stay with your mates.” I nod against his chest. Though, I want to protest more, but know it will be futile and they were saying the truth. I was safer here with my mates than at home where I would be alone by myself. I suddenly feel trapped for the first time in my life. “Okay,” I whisper to him. “Good,” he pulls back and joins his mate. “Take care of her,” he says frowning at my mates. “She’s safe with us, uncle,” Vince replies. “Let’s hope so,” Savvy scoffs, coming to hug me. “Call me no matter what, when or who,” she whispers into my ears. “I will gladly help you claw their behinds till it bleeds.” “Sure,” I giggle as I hug her back. “I will send some of your things over,” she announces as we pull apart, ignoring the deep scowls on my mates’ faces. They heard what she said about them. Savvy ignores them, flipping her hair over her shoulders, walking away to join my uncle and aunt at the door. I give a final wave as they leave and turn back to my mates and Torin. “Where am I sleeping?”
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