Chapter 9

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MATES 1 Mira woke up in the morning, on a bed in the same room as Nicole. A warm hand held hers as she took in her surroundings, and met Savvy's bloodshot, swollen eyes. "Mira, how do you feel?" Savvy inquired, running small circles on the back of Mira's hand Mira's eyes quickly cleared as she recollected what she had seen before passing out. "Nicole..." "I know. Shh...calm down. She's going to be fine," Savvy reassured her, rubbing her arms. "What happened to her?" Mira asked, glancing at her sleeping friend. Savvy closed her eyes, fighting back tears. "She found her mates," she whispered gently. "Mates?! She has two? What then happened?" Mira fired off questions rapidly, shifting her gaze between Savvy and the sleeping Nicole. "They rejected her." "What?! They?" Mira shrieked, her wolf surged forward in anger. "Why?" Savvy looked at Tim who was leaning against a wall, deep in thought. He shrugged when he saw Savvy look at him. She returned her attention to Mira. "Only they know why they did it." "That's cruel. Did she even shift before they rejected her?" When Savvy shook her head, Mira groaned as if someone had stabbed her heart with a knife. "They rejected her while she was shifting." Savvy sniffed, remembering the look on her cousin's face during the event. "She didn't even get to see her wolf." She sobbed into Mira's chest, now the one being consoled. "They were cruel to her. What did she ever do to them? Why?" She sobbed on. Tim sifted through his memories, searching for any instances when Vince and Vance might have mentioned Nicole being their mate, but he found none.. Other than the other night when Billie had spoken about her. Unless... "I think I know what happened." Tim said Savvy and Mira stopped sobbing to look at him. "I have been thinking about this whole situation. They couldn't have just rejected her for no reason, and I am not making any excuses for their actions. There's always a right way to do something," Tim reasoned, nodding at them. "So, what could be their reason?" Mira asked. "Let's leave the reason aside. Last night they seemed eager to join us when you said you wanted to witness her shifting..." Tim started. "Okay...we are following you," Savvy said, wiping her eyes, and waiting for him to continue. Tim found it hard to believe that what he was about to say could be the truth. "What if they already knew that she was their mate." He saw the incredulous looks on the their faces. "They are older than her and..." Savvy began, putting the dots together in her head. "She's eighteen, they are twenty-four." "Who are they? You know them?" Mira asked, getting tired of this 'they'. "It's the twi..." Savvy began. "Savvy." Tim stopped her. "She said no one should know about this." "Mira is no one. She's the only good friend Nikki has had in this pack. So, she gets to know who those assholes are. I am sure Nikki would want her to know." Savvy insisted and turned to Mira. "It's Vance and Vince." Mira gasped, and slapped a palm to her forehead as she hopped out of bed. "It all makes sense now...about what Tim said. They must have known she was their mate. That's why they always made sure she stayed far from them, to make sure the mate bond doesn't grow strong." Tim smacked the wall hard at the truth Mira just revealed. "They knew all this while." "They only followed you home to reject her because they knew it was her birthday. Remember we spoke about it at dinner. Remember how they reacted? Those dipshits!" groaned Mira. "I do now." Savvy nodded, gazing into the distance, feeling more drained by this new truth. "They planned it all out, made her go through hell. Watched how she was bullied and never raised a finger to help her." "I thought highly of them, but with, no...all the respect I had for them just went out of this window." Mira said quietly, pointing to the window beside her bed, and began to perceive a strange sweet smell—burnt wood. She wrinkled her nose, sniffing the air. "Me too...There's no way I'm going to be a beta to those two arrogant and evil assholes." She tossed a look at her mate before walking to Nicole's bed and held her hand. "Nikki, I don't know if you can hear me. I won't serve the people who put you in this condition. They hurt you which makes them unworthy of my loyalty or service." Her eyes watered at the sight of her cousin's sunken cheeks. "Oh Nikki." She broke down again and rested her head on Nicole's chest. "Oh, Nikki." The door suddenly burst open to reveal doctor Mel in an crazy state. Breathing heavy, hair in disarray, his eyes glowing with his wolf out. His gaze swept around the room until it settled on Mira, who had suddenly gone still, and her eyes were glowing gold too. "Mate." "Mate" Both she and Mel said simultaneously and began to drift towards each other. Amidst her pain, Savvy chuckled happily. "Congrats guys!" She clapped as others joined them in the room. Oscar and Mabel were outside when they saw Mel run from the corridor into the room. Thinking it had to do with Nicole, they had rushed after him. Seeing what was happening they relaxed if just for a moment, glad that something good came out of this. Moments later. "I should thank you for taking care of my friend," Mira said shyly to Mel who couldn't seem to take his eyes off his mate. "You don't have to. I am only doing my job," he replied, gently moving hair away from her face, admiring the curves and shapes of each of her facial features. Loving all of them. "Hmmm." She nodded, looking away not believing her luck. Her mate was the hot, Head Pack doctor. Her wolf, Clara, couldn't stop throwing lewd images into her mind. Mel reigned in his emotions towards his mate and focused on the patient on the bed. "Any luck with getting her mate to come see her? Maybe if he sees her like this, he could have a rethink?" No one spoke. Savvy, Tim and Mira knew that could never happen, especially with the new discovery they had just come upon. "Is it that hopeless?" He asked, roving his eyes around them. "Our pack members aren't that callous, last I checked." "They won't do it because they knew she was their mate and waited for her to turn eighteen so that they can reject her." Savvy explained to him. Oscar and Mabel whipped their heads towards their daughter, shocked etched over their faces. Mel c****d his head towards her, unbelieving of what he had just heard. "They? And they knew all these years? I think the alpha has to be involved in this matter. That's a high form of wickedness any wolf would do to a fellow wolf, let alone one's mate." "Vince and Vance knew?" Mabel whispered in a shaky voice, trembling against her mate. "Her mates are the two sons of Alpha Drake?" Mel asked in disbelief, again. "Alpha Drake can't know what his sons did." Savvy said looking at Tim and her father. Tim as a future Beta and her father, a Beta, understood the negative effects of the twins' actions. The news would not only destroy the alpha's family, but could also tarnish his reputation in the pack and beyond. Rejecting one's mate is always at the discretion of a wolf, done either when forced due to situations beyond their control or by choice. But rejecting a mate while shifting or hiding knowledge of who your mate is, and waiting for them to reach the age where they find their mate and shift, was highly frowned upon. The Wolf Council could lay heavy sanctions on both the alpha and pack. A belief strongly based on the fact that a competent alpha would never have such erring members. Let alone if the members are his own sons. The future alphas of the pack. "I still have to report this as a doctor. Her wolf is missing." Mel stubbornly insisted." I have an ethical obligation to do so." "Doc, we know you have to. But you also have the patient-doctor confidentiality obligation. To respect the wishes of your patient." Tim explained slowly to him. "Nicole asked that no one should know about this. We don't know why she did so, but we can at least help her maintain a level of dignity after this traumatic experience." Everyone remained silent. Mel sighed deeply and said, "You're right, Tim. Thanks for reminding me." He said and now noticing that his mate was in a hospital gown. "Why are dressed like that? Are you a patient?" "No, she passed out after seeing Nikki this." Savvy explained. He swiftly moved to her side, checking her for any injuries, the mate bond kicking in. "Does any where hurt? Do you feel..." "I am fine." Mira smiled up at him, holding his hand, and feeling the sparks and tingles. "Let me know if you feel any sensation, okay?" He said. "Okay." Mira answered, blinking, touched by his concern for her. "Something good came out of all this." Tim smirked at the two mates. "I have a suggestion on how to get her out of the coma fast." Mel announced to the room.
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