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VANCE My fist smashes into the table in front of me in frustration, after Vince cuts off our link. She has an admirer all these years and we didn’t know. Another wave of anger washes over me, and this time I release a loud growl as I lift the table and smash it into pieces. Splinters scatter over the podium where I stand alone, breathing heavily. The meeting was going to start any moment from now. The students would start filing in, seeing me in this state. But I don’t care. I run a palm over my hair, feeling like tugging it out in despair. She has an admirer? Another male has been eyeing her? How come we never noticed him? We have never seen her with another guy. She’s someone one can term a triangular person – home, school and work at the mansion. Only changing course to help at her aunt’s shop. So, how did we miss this admirer of hers? The sounds of footsteps echo outside the door, indicating the arrival of the students are here. I turn just as the door opens, and the face of a male student pops in. “Alpha Vance,” he greets me warily, his eyes scanning the floor and taking in the broken table. “Come in. Everything is fine,” I wave him in. Others spill out behind him, filling the seats, casting wary glances my way and whispering among themselves. “I am sure you all know why we are here today,” I begin, looking round the sea of faces before me. Some nod, some replied in the affirmative, while others kept straight faces. Among those that kept straight faces is Millie, surrounded by her goons who looked just like her. Fake and plastic. How did I never notice how fake these girls were? What made me think Billie was fit to be my Luna? What Luna qualities did she possess? Ever since I have been with her, I have never seen either her or her sister show any quality that qualified them as Lunas. They were either being harsh or insensitive. And this was the girl I allowed to bully my mate? This was the same person I went to immediately after rejecting my mate? The one I chose over her. I close my eyes, shaking my head as the feelings of shame wash over me. I am thoroughly disgusted with myself. Worse, this same girl changed my scent to hers in her quest to be my Luna. Something that has made my mate hate being around me. She made Nicole feel disgusted at me. A thought drops in my mind. Did Billie know Nicole is our mate? Is that why she added her scent to my cologne? To make Nicole hate my presence? The puzzled faces of the students meet my eyes, waiting for me to continue my speech. Clearing my throat, I continue. “A fight happened yesterday at school. I need to know what happened and how it happened? Who would like to start first?” My eyes roam the crowd, stopping at a cute she-wolf, smiling brightly. Beside her sits another she-wolf, looking sullen, a sharp contrast to her counterpart’s cheerful demeanor. “Yes, you,” I call to the smiling girl. “What’s your name?” She stands to her feet, not losing her smile as she replies, “Tina, Alpha.” “You have the floor, Tina,” I urge her, noticing Millie and her band of evil friends hissing at Tina. This makes me know Tina was going to tell the truth. “I was with Luna when the Ashton girls came over to our table…” Tina begins, pausing when Millie scoffs loudly. My brows rise in surprise and shock. Tina called Nicole ‘Luna’. “Luna,” Millie spits, scoffing again. “Unless you want to join your sister in the dungeon, I suggest you shut up and don’t interrupt Tina,” I growl a warning to her and her friends. “Continue, Tina.” “Thank you, Alpha,” Tina chirps and starts to narrate what happened. Listening to her, I experience a whirlwind of emotions. Hearing how the two girls spoke nastily to my mate makes my blood boil. I regret not dealing harshly with Billie. Maybe I should allow her sister to join her, since both of them committed the crime against my mate. The only respite I have is hearing how Nicole defended herself, title and pack. She stood her ground against the bitches. She was already acting like a Luna without knowing. Every Luna must defend her title and pack in the face of any threat or challenge. “Thank you, Tina,” I smile at her. She looks genuinely happy, and I wonder when Nicole became friends with her. I have never seen the two of them together. “Millie? Care to add to what Tina just said?” Millie crosses her arms across her chest, fuming. “I have nothing to say to what this goody-two shoes said. My sister and I only did what we did based on the relationship between us and your brother.” “Which brother?” Vince’s steely voice asks as he enters, a storm brewing on his brows, his jaw clenched as he walks to her, throwing Millie into panic. I had sensed him before he entered. “I am my brother’s only brother, and I don’t remember ever saying there was a relationship between the two of us,” he says, not breaking his stride. “You…we…he…” she sputters. “Stand up when I am talking to you!” Vince releases a deafening bark at her, swiping the empty chairs in front of him away, closing the distance between him and her. Millie frantically jumps to her feet, shaking and whimpering. “Enough of this insolence from you and your sister,” he spits out the last word with so much spite and releases his aura. Millie’s whimper was not the only one filling the air. “Look into my eyes,” he commands her, peering down at her. “Do not look away.” Millie’s eyes widen in fear and surprise at his command, unable to disobey him. I know what he’s about to do. Seeing the distress of the other students, Vince pulls back his aura, the students sighed in relief. “I will not tolerate you or your family disregarding our warnings anymore. As of now both you and your sister are demoted to omegas.” The loudest gasp in the room comes from Millie as she releases a loud and painful whimper, cradling her head in her palms as the command hits her and her wolf. Loud growls escape her lips as she falls down to the floor, shaking violently, her body adjusting to the effects of the command. The people around her give her a wide berth as they watched her transformation. Apart from commanding a wolf to do something using the Alpha command, an alpha command can also lower the rank of a ranked wolf. Demoting a wolf to a lesser rank changes the natural programming of a wolf. It’s a painful process as the two entities are getting separated. It’s a swift process that blindsides the wolf. They don’t see it coming. No wolf ever sees it coming. This could make a wolf go feral because they are no longer in touch with their wolf, they don’t have that natural connection with their original wolf. It’s like receiving a new wolf. It takes time for them to acclimatize with the new wolf. Most wolves don’t connect to this new wolf and this is why they go feral. Only if they remain with their pack, under the authority of the Alpha that commanded them, will they overcome this problem. Unfortunately, most wolves, being unable to handle their new wolves, go feral. They are either let out of the pack to become rogues or put down. When demoted, a wolf loses not just their position, but their strength, and wolf. “Remove the chairs around her,” Vince orders as Millie trashes on the floor. He squats down beside her, observing her. IN THE DUNGEON Billie felt an invisible hand massaging her hair softly as she sat down, still chained. The hand reached down to her scalp, brushing past her roots and breaking through her skull. “Ow!” she winced in pain, squeezing her eyes shut, as the hand became many hands, reaching into her brain and somehow finding where her wolf resided inside her. “Carla!” she called out as a loud yelp reached her from her wolf. She felt something rush through her hitting her wolf on all sides and the next thing she saw was the hard surface of the floor. “What is happening to us?” she asked, trying to hold her head in her palms as she began to shake on the floor. “Lysette!” yet there was no response from her wolf. A knife seemed to pass through her and her wolf, separating them, creating a deep void that terrified her. “No!” she screamed, her voice different from how she knew she sounded. The void, an emptiness so empty she could see it and felt herself falling into it. “Lysette,” she called out in panic, to her wolf one last time. There was no reply. Her eyes grew wide with, her panic rising. Only one thing could cause this kind of emptiness. Her wolf had just been demoted. She had just been demoted. “No!” she roared as her natural strength failed her and something began to creep out of the void, reaching out to latch itself to her mind.
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