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Where Is She 2? "You have no right over her anymore," Tim declared, amazed at how quickly his exhaustion had melted away. "Watch what you say next, Tim. You may be our beta-to-be and a friend, but Nicole is..." Vince began in a calm yet steely voice. "You two are so unbelievable," Tim scoffed at them. "How can you still want to claim her, when you had three years to do so?" Vince and Vance were dumbstruck upon hearing that Tim knew their secret. "You thought we wouldn't know that?" Seeing their shocked faces further confirmed the truth for him. "How could you?" The sound of a car horn caught their attention. It was Alpha Drake at the wheel with Luna Malia beside him. He parked the car on the road, looking at his sons and Tim, sensing the seriousness in their stances and the scents all three were emitting—anger, disappointment, and fear. "Everything all right, boys?" Drake asked as he turned off the engine. He looked again at the three. Vance waved at his dad. "Nothing, we were just discussing with our beta-to-be," Vance said in a neutral tone, glaring daggers at Tim, who reciprocated the hostile look. "Alpha, Luna," Tim greeted the two. Drake tore his eyes away from them to look at the house. "Where's everyone? Did they travel?" He asked, pointing to the house. All eyes turned to Tim, who hastily prepared an answer. There was no way he could lie to his alpha if put under the alpha's command. "Oscar and Mabel took Nicole to the Sandstorm Pack to visit his people," he directed his gaze to the twins. "Savvy's at my place, sleeping." "When? He didn't inform me," Drake asked, looking back at the house. "It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, I guess," Tim offered again, still gazing at the twins. "It's been a long time since he's seen them. I guess a visit is in order." Drake said, yet felt slighted that his Beta didn’t inform him of the visit. "When do you think they will be back?" Malia asked from inside the car. "They should be back by tonight. Why, Luna?" Tim asked. Drake answered as he walked back to the car, "There's a meeting of alphas coming up, and we need someone to cater for the event." Frowning at Tim, he added, "What's with you? Patrols are keeping you up all night, or is it your mate?" He winked at him with a smile tucked at the corner of his lips. Tim gave a wide smile, "Savvy can be a handful." "You two should choose a date for your mating ceremony. It's getting too long, especially since you're both going to be these two knuckleheads' betas." He grinned affectionately at his sons. "We will, Alpha," Tim obliged. "See you later, boys." Drake threw over his shoulder as he entered the car. "Bye, boys." "Later," Vince said, while Vance waved at them. Drake started the car and was about to pull back onto the road but stopped and turned back. "What about Nicole? Did she find her mate?" Tim smiled at the question, enjoying how the twins squirmed on their feet. "No. I believe that's why her uncle and aunt took her to his former pack. She's planning on going around the packs, searching for her mate." His mind-link was full of growls from Vince and Vance, which he gladly ignored, chuckling. "Pity. I wish her mate was from our pack." Drake looked at both of his sons, regret swiped across his face. "But the goddess knows best." He pulled the car back onto the road and sped off. Tim turned back to the twins, only for his face to connect with Vince's fist. "What the hell, Vince!" Tim yelled. "What the hell was that about her searching for her mate?!" Vance yelled back at him. "Because it's the truth. Is that why you almost broke my jaw?" Tim massaged his jaw, which thankfully didn’t crack. Vince must have held back. "Where the hell is she, Tim?" Vance asked. "Why? You want to reject her again? There's no such thing as a second rejection or a rejection done while shifting," Tim stated angrily. "Where is she, Tim?" Vince asked. "Like I told you both, she's out with her uncle and aunt!" "Why didn't Savvy go with them?" Vince asked. "Oh, so you suddenly remember that my mate and your ex-mate are very close." "Don't call her that," Vince warned him, while Vance growled. "You both rejected her! Didn't you? Stop growling at me, Axel." "Bullshit!" "She's still ours!" "How? Pray, do tell me. The best you two can do is to leave the poor girl alone, like you've done for the past three years." "It's none of your business," Vance growled at him. "It is because she's very important to my mate. The two of you clearly stated that day that you had no intention of accepting her. You waited three years...time that is more than enough to have either accepted or rejected her." "She wouldn't have felt it then. She had no wolf," Vince stated, defending their actions. "And it makes it easier now?" He chuckled. "Unbelievable!" "You have no right to look down at us. We know why we did it," Vance quipped. "And that's your business. My business is my mate, and I don't want her to be at loggerheads with you two if she finds out that you're asking about Nicole." "Do you think you or your mate can stop us from seeing our mate?" Vince asked. "I don't care what you think. Just let her go," he said in irritation. "Are you sure they'll be back today?" Vance asked. Tim sighed in exhaustion. "Do you want to know my answer to your question? The one about Savvy and me?" He was tired of answering their questions about where Nicole was. "Are you still interested because we don't want to lose her?" Vince said. "Why don't you want to lose us?" "What the hell, Tim?! What are you insinuating?" Vince exploded in anger. Tim shrugged, "I don't trust you guys anymore. If you could keep something like this from me for three years, what stops you from doing something like that in the future?" He sighed inwardly as he realized the truth about what he said. Could they still be trusted? Do they deserve his loyalty? Savvy was already sure she wasn't becoming their beta. "That was different," Vance pointed out. "How?" Vince approached his friend, "Tim, you've known us for almost our entire lives. You can trust us. What happened was an action we thought necessary." "It was necessary to reject your mate? Why?" "Are you still going to be our beta or not?" Vance asked. "Not if you're taking that tone with me," Tim replied. "That's not what I meant, Tim." Vance quickly apologized. "Are you doing this because you think it will get you in Savvy's good books? To make her change her mind so you can learn more about Nicole?" "Of course not, you fool. We are only moving on with the plan." Vince smacked Tim softly on his shoulder. "Come on, Tim. You know you and Savvy are the best we have. We can't afford to let you both go. This issue with Nicole shouldn't scatter our plans." All three remained silent. "Let me speak to Savvy about her plans regarding that. Though I know she's made up her mind. Let me speak with her." Vance released a relieved sigh, "thanks, man." "Thanks." Vince patted Tim's shoulder. "I should be going; Savvy's already jamming my link with worry. I'll see you guys later." "How about hanging out in the den with us tonight, as usual? Come with Savvy." Vance offered. "I can't. We have a date night at my place. Movies, food, and you know that three-lettered word that makes you feel good all over." "Shut up and go." Vance growled jokingly at him. "Blushing, Vance? From what I know, you're a pro in that area. You too, Vince." "You're stupid. I wonder how Savvy ended up with you." Vince nudged his brother, "Come on, let's go." "Later, guys." Tim waved as he entered his car and drove off. The twins had their eyes on the car, following it until it disappeared from their view. "What do you think?" Vance asked. "I don't believe he is telling the truth." "Me neither," Vance agreed.
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