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Growling Wolves The two brothers left Savvy's house, heading back to their house, brainstorming along the way on how to find their mate. One option is to subtly instigate their father to order Oscar to reveal Nicole's whereabouts, and using the alpha command if he refuses. By dropping hints about Nicole's disappearance. And judging by how much their parents are very fond of their mate, they knew their father would swing into action, immediately. The downside of it could create a huge dent in their father's friendship with his Gamma. They didn't want to cause such friction, especially if the truth eventually comes out. Another is to go all detective with Tim and Savvy. Following them and eavesdropping on their conversations. Which would take time and their scents would give them away as soon as they get too close to the couple. Judging by how Tim had spoken about Savvy and how much she loves Nicole, she would prefer to lose her position as their Beta rather than reveal where their mate is. Even if they begged and groveled at her feet, she won't budge. Technically, she was already protecting her Luna. They could also take the risk of reaching out to their mate's aunt and uncle, seeking forgiveness and have them tell them where Nicole was. Aunt Mabel could be persuaded, but Uncle Oscar would be a tough one to crack, just like Savvy. His strong beta blood would come out, seeking to protect his niece. Lastly, they could just come clean with their parents and face the music. That would be the best option. When everything comes out into the open, there would be no need to hide. Though, each option had it's own downside, none was easy to carry out. "s**t," Vance suddenly hissed. "What?" Vince asked. "Billie just sent me a link, she's waiting for me at home." "s**t," Vince hissed too. "Did you tell her to come over?" "Sorry. I forgot that I asked her to come over today." "She won't be alone, I am sure," Vince groaned, knowing that Millie would be there too. The last thing he needed now was to be alone and think about how to find his mate and not entertain the spoilt gamma she-wolf. "Get her to leave, immediately. We need to talk." "Sure." True to his words, Millie was with Billie. Both sat at the dining table, making themselves at home and ordering the omega maids around. "Vance, honey," Billie shrieked when they entered. "Where did you go." "What's going on here?" Vince asked in annoyance, waving his palm around. "Why is the table set up?" He looked at one of the maids. "Billie and Millie ordered us to..." the maid replied with downcast eyes and folded arms. "That's Lunas to you, fool." Billie snapped at her. "Whose Luna?" Vince asked, narrowing his eyes at her. Ignoring Vince, Billie walked to Vance. "Stop asking silly questions, Vince. You know that your brother has already chosen me." "The first thing I am going to do when I become alpha is to strip you off your rank and status." Angry at her disrespect and disregard for his title, Vince let out in one single breath, with narrowed eyes, looking at the two girls. "Vance!" Billie wailed. "He just threatened me." Vince turned to the omegas, "Have you all had lunch, yet?" "No, alpha." "Take the food off the table and eat, all of you." Vince ordered as strolled to the living room and began to scroll through his phone. "You can't do that, Vince. We are your guests," Billie cried in horror looking to Vance to rescue her again. "Vance, he's telling..." "That's enough Billie, you don't look starved." Vance sighed as he dragged her away to the couch. Millie's eyes never left Vince. "But we are your guests. Your parents never treat us like this," Billie pouted as she followed him. "He's always rude and grumpy." "That's Vince for you. Why are you here?" Vance chose to pretend. "You asked her to come, have you forgotten?" Millie spoke for the first time as she followed them. "I must have forgotten," Vance continued to pretend, holding back a growl from Axel, when Billie jumped on his laps after he sat down. "How could you forget? What's more important than me, your future Luna?" Billie ran a finger from his forehead, down to his nose and stopped at his lips. "The most important person in your life." "Dream on b***h!" Axel growled. "You better push her off us before I s***h her ugly throat." "Calm down, dude," Vance chuckled at his wolf. "What's Axel saying?" Billie asked in a snarky voice. "I bet he can't wait to mate with Lysette." "Sorry, I don't do fake bitches," Axel said. "I already have the hottest girl in the pack." "He's enjoying your company." Vance went on. "Just get them away from here, will you?" Vince groaned into the mindlink. "Let's go talk in my room." Vance helped her up. "What happened to taking a walk and talking?" Vince sneered into the link. "Trust me, bro, Axel won't let me touch her even if I want to," Vance replied as they walked upstairs. "How are you going to deal with that one?" He was referring to Millie who had her eyes glued to Vince as usual. "Like I always do. Ignore and scare her off." "You're a beast." Vance chuckled aloud. "His name is Ares in case you forgot." Vince chuckled back. "Something funny, Vince?" Millie asked, hearing his chuckle "Nothing that concerns you," he replied, glancing briefly at her before turning back to his phone and smiling at the picture he just opened. Millie swallowed the insult. She was used to him being like this to her. It wouldn't be Vince if he didn't shut her up with a rude statement. "I am sorry if I intruded." He scoffed at her fake pretense, "Are you, really?" "Sure, I am. It was totally rude of me to ask that question." She apologised once more, hoping it would suffice for her mistake because with Vince, everything she did was a mistake. "Hmm." He grunted and returned to his phone, spotting a smile at the picture he opened. "May I ask a question, though?" "No, you may not." "Why? I should be able to ask you something." She asked baffled at his blatant refusal. Vince felt tired of this girl's feeling of entitlement over him. "When you ask like that, it shows you believe that you're entitled to speaking to me." "Vince, as my future alpha, I should. And since I am your...I will be..." "Say the word, Millie and I won't hesitate to cut your throat out immediately. I am not my brother who has time to entertain you and sister's bullshit." It was high time he put an end to this nonsense. "You can never be my mate or luna. I don't know what your sister's been filling your head with, but it will never happen. My brother won't convince me." "I...but why?" "Because you're not my mate!" Ares growled out with Vince's eyes flashing a dangerous gold. "I only want my mate!" Upstairs, Billie tried to get Vance to sleep with her. But like he told his brother, Axel kept growling and snapping at her. "What's wrong with your wolf? He's been acting crazy these past weeks." "I guess he's tired, exhausted, actually. Can we sleep? I am tired," Vance faked a yawn, plopping onto his bed. "That's okay, as long as you cuddle me up." Billie giggled. Axel growled once more. "What's up with you, Axel? It's me Billie. Should I let Lysette out?" Billie asked, and he growled louder. "Just ignore him." Vance adviced, closing his eyes, hoping she would just get the hint and leave. "Baby, are you sleeping already?" "Yeah, about to. Do you have something you want to tell me?" Vance asked in his fake sleepy voice. Vince kept bombarding him with links. She laid beside him, resting a hand on his chest and snatched it away when Axel growled again. "Goddess! Your wolf is going feral, Vance." She scooted away from him. Vance chuckled at Axel while sending links to Vince intimating him of Axel's behavior. "Ignore him. What do you want to ask me?". She bit her lips and batted her lids at him. "Have you seen Nicole lately? No one has seen her around." Vance tensed beside her, clenching his fists which she didn't notice. "Why are you asking?" "Nothing, just wondering. It's unlike her to be missing school. Has she been coming to work at the mansion? Has your dad said anything?" "No," he replied quickly, keeping his voice calm. "Can we sleep now?" He was eager to change the subject as something dawned on him. "You know what, since you want to rest, why don't I come back later?" She scrunched her face. "Maybe then, your wolf would be more accommodating." "Good idea. See you later, Billie," he said and turned to his side. "Bye, babe." She dropped a peck on his cheek and shuffled off the bed. As his door closed, Vance sent a link to Vince. "Billie just asked about Nicole." "What?" Vince growled into the link
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