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DEALS "I know who their mate is." Billie jumped off her seat to join her sister, standing in front of Beth. They shared shocked looks before turning their attention back to the omega. Beth noticed the horrified expressions on their faces and knew she was on the right path. She didn't expect today to bring her such good luck. She was making her rounds, about to enter a certain patient's room when she heard the juiciest news she had ever came across. The twin alphas had found and rejected their mate. Who else to share this with than the two arrogant and pompous girls in front of her. "You know her? Who is she? Tell us," Billie demanded in a strong voice to show her strength and status. "Ah request first," Beth replied, leaving their fronts, shaking her head, standing her ground. "Give me what I want, and then I will tell you her name and where she is right now." Their eyes glazed as they conversed through their link. Then turned to her, their eyes hard and determined. "We will double the usual amount," Millie offered. "No. Make it five times," Beth rejected her offer. "We can only get such amounts from our parents," Billie called Beth's bluff. "Not going to work, ladies. I know you can afford that and more. Just look at your clothes and jewelery. It's the alphas we are talking about here. Any time, now they will be in charge and you will become their lunas," Beth knew the exact words to say. Apart from being pompous and snobbish, everyone in the pack knows how much the girls want to be mates with the alphas. "How sure are we that your information isn't fake?" Billie asked again. "You don't know. And the lack of not knowing will give you both headaches and nightmares," Beth shrugged her shoulders, picking off invisible particles on her dress. "We can always have our father seek you out and command you to tell the truth," Millie raised her nose high, snickering. "You are one of our spies after all." With a blank look on her face, Beth said, "And I will simply deny it." Looking from one to the other again, getting tired of hearing their insults. "I don't have all day ladies. Deal or no deal?" "Fine, we will transfer the money to your account..." "Do it now." Beth cut her. The twins glared at her before reaching for their phones to initiate the transactions. Beth's phone pinged twice as the alerts came through. Spotting a wide and happy smile, as she read them, the omega said, "Her name is Nicole Bennyson..." "Nicole!" Both girls shrieked simultaneously, mouths dropped open and brows creased in both shock and anger. "That trash!" "Yes, Savannah's cousin. You know her?" Observing their expressions. "No!" growled Millie. "It can't be. They belong to us," she huffed, pulling at her sleeves. Ignoring Beth's question, Billie asked, "Where is she?" Her face contorted, radiating raw fury. "In the hospital in a coma. Apparently, they rejected her, hence the coma." Another set of worried glances passed between the twins. "When did this happen? How do you know this?" Billie probed. "Midnight...early this morning, I guess. Her entire family is there with her right now," Beth replied, flipping through her phone for a picture. "See for yourselves." She extended the phone to them, to see a picture of Nicole on her hospital bed. The twins gasped in horror, covering their mouths. "Why is she like that?!" "That means they rejected her on her birthday." "They don't want her obviously." "This makes our work easier." "The goddess wants us to be their mates." "...Vance must have come to me straight from rejecting her." As Beth listened to them, she felt a pang of guilt for what she had done. She felt pity for Nicole, especially given her current condition. No one should have to endure what Nicole had gone through. The poor omega girl had no say in who her mates would be. If anyone were to blame, it was the Goddess. For whatever reasons the alphas had for rejecting her, taking these two arrogant bitches as Lunas wasn't a better option. Their type only cared for themselves and the perks the title held. Just like their whole family. "... something for us." Both girls were looking at her, waiting for her to answer a question. "Did you say something?" She asked, coming out of her thoughts. "We have an offer for you," Millie tapped her phone on her palm, a wicked smile on her face. "It won't come free," Beth said. "We will pay you handsomely." "I thought you didn't have my kind of money?" Beth smiled back. "Let's hear it." Both shared a look and nodded at each other. Then Billie turned to her. "We want you to help us with her." THE HOSPITAL The hospital reception was filled with the usual amount of people, waiting to see the doctors or for loved ones to come out. "I thought you just left?" One of Beth's female colleagues, Nyla, asked. She was part of the team Beth had handed over to after Beth's night shift. "I forgot something in my locker," Beth replied, smiling as she walked past the nurse's station. She walked down the corridor leading to where the hospital rooms were and located Nicole's room. Peering in through the small glass peephole, she saw that no one was with her. She left the door, walked back to the corridor she had just left, and made another turn to the doctor's area where she picked a white lab coat and put it on. When she put her hands in the large pockets, she felt something hard and plastic in the left pocket. She smiled as the object in she just found made her job easier. Coming out of there, she made a series of left and right turns that led her towards the drug room. She looked left and right for anyone and with her worker's ID card, she swiped herself inside the cold wide room. The chills from the air conditioner seeped into her bones like the fear of being caught, seeping into her, for what she was about to do. The drugs were arranged alphabetically, from the left to the right on rows of metal stands with spaces in between for movement. The A's were on a stand, going back to the end of the wall, as did the other letters. This made it easier for her to know where to go to straight. She walked to her right, stopping at the stand spotting a bold W on the top. Trailing her fingers down, she stopped when she came to the letters WO and picked up three small vials filled with yellow liquid. She slotted her hand into the pocket of the stolen coat and brought out the syringe in it. She tore the pack, fixed the needle to its tip, and removed the needle cap . She took one of the vials from the three and began to draw the liquid into the syringe. She did the same with each vial, ensuring that she took the same amount from each vial. Satisfied with how much she had in the barrel, she returned the the vials back to their stand. With what she did, no one could detect the missing quantities. It would be put down as factory error. That's even if they detected. She covered the needle and dropped the syringe back into her pocket. Slowly she cracked the door, her eyes scanning for any signs of movement. Satisfied with the silence, she shut the door quietly and hastily left the place, finding her way back to Nicole's room. Like before, she cautiously peered in through the peephole before entering. Not wasting any time, she retrieved the syringe from her pocket, removed the needle cap and plunged it into one of Nicole's IV bags. Her eyes fixed on the swirling yellow liquid mingling with the clear white IV fluid. Footsteps sounding in the corridor had her heart racing and she hurriedly injected the remaining liquid, but her hands shook, causing the syringe to slip from her fingers, landing on the bed, dangerously close to Nicole's head. The door opened and Savvy walked in, heading straight to Nicole's side.. "How is she, doc?" Savvy asked, looking from Nicole to the female doctor who for no reason couldn't meet her eyes. Piquing her curiosity. "Still the same. Hopefully, she will wake up soon." Beth replied with an unsteady smile. "I'll take my leave now." With that said, Beth hurried out of the room, hastily shedding the lab coat as she down the corridor. "Stop!" A female voice roared from behind her, and she didn't need to turn around to identify the person. Bursting into the crowded reception area, she crashed into people but didn't stop running. This was her ticket out of this life. Out of this pack. No more spying. No more insults. She had the money to live a better life anywhere. Those were the thoughts that kept her going as she fled the hospital, weaving through traffic, ignoring the shouts from drivers drivers and the thunderous footsteps of the female running after her. She was familiar with the layout of the place around the hospital. This gave her an edge over her pursuer. She raced into a bustling restaurant, jostling both patrons and staff as she made her way to the kitchen. Creating chaos there also, ignoring the yells and sweet aroma of food being made. The back door of the kitchen led to a narrow alley, on the right of it was the very road she had just sprinted through. She calmly walked to the road and blended into the crowd, her heart still pounding with the adrenaline of her escape.
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