
1367 Words
~Serena's POV~ It’s been almost 13 years and I’m still here, captured. After the attack on my father’s clan, a warlock abducted me. Zedr Bishop. He is a power-hungry warlock who killed my family and clan to get me. Well, to get my powers. He got his hand on me and locked me in his basement when I started creating chaos in his place. Before that, I was locked in a not-so-nice room, but at least it had a bed and bathroom, but here...only these cold walls and the ground are my only best friend. He chained me in silver chains when I tried to run at the age of 12 and I laughed like a maniac after he was done chaining me. That moron attacked a clan filled with lycans, moreover, a royal clan, and still doesn't know that I am immune to silver. It runs in my family's blood, all of us are immune to silver. I can easily break through these shackles, but I don't have the energy or training to fight him or his slaves. So sitting in the corner of this dark basement is the only thing I can do at this moment. In this basement, I only have one door, a small hole from where I can see the moon, but not a full moon as Zedr never let me see one. Some of his slaves say that in a full moon, I will have more power, and I will try to go against him under the influence of the full moon. That’s why he always keeps me in the dark and covers my eyes when there is a full moon. After shifting into my Lycan, he started giving me small doses of wolfsbane regularly to keep my Lycan weak. But he doesn’t know that consumption of wolfsbane for 5 years has made me immune to this. Only a greater amount of wolfsbane can make me weak. Mark the word weak, it can't kill me. Oh, how stupid of me, I didn't tell you who I am. I’m Serena Mathew, daughter of the werewolf king and queen. My dad was a Lycan and my mother was a werewolf. According to my daddy, I’m their legendary daughter blessed with two wolves – a Lycan and a Werewolf. Star is my Lycan and Sere is my wolf. But they are too weak to help. Zedr Bishop is the reason for my ruined life and I want to take my revenge. Revenge for killing my parents, attacking my clan, and revenge for the things he has been doing to me for the past 13 years. But for that, I need to get out of this place as I’m in no state to fight him right now. He has been torturing, beating, and abusing me for years, but I know I will be out of this place. That’s why I'm still fighting and not losing any hope. My dad told me a princess never quits fighting and I might not be the princess I was supposed to be, but I am still my parents' princess and I will get out of here tonight. I have some amazing powers that Zedr doesn’t know I have. Though he knows I have different powers, he is not sure what they are. If I have enough energy, I can mask my scent and can also read others’ minds. This is how I escaped from Zedr last time when he was coming to beat me. I read one of his slave's mind and found out that his lovely b***h had spoken lies about me, that I was trying to escape again, but one of the Zedr men- Dustin, my well-wisher, spoke to him about this and saved me from that beating. Dustin is always concerned about me. He wants me to get out of this place and have the life I deserve. He is a warlock, but still always stands for me. By reading Zedr’s Mind I found out what he was planning to do on my eighteenth birthday and I am going to be eighteen next month. I don’t want to be killed. I will not let him have my powers so he can ruin other lives as he ruined mine. I will leave this place tonight with Dustin’s help. He is arranging food for me and making loopholes in their security so I can leave after midnight. The tapping of feet broke the train of my thoughts and I closed my eyes focusing on the scent of the person. Phew, it's Dustin. ”Hey! How are you?” Dustin asked whispering. I shrugged, “As usual but feeling better than before by thinking that finally, I will be out of this hell”. Dustin nodded, “I have made the arrangements and no one will be at the main door for at least an hour. I’ll be standing outside the basement to give you a signal. Here, take some food and eat right before leaving so you have enough energy to go far away from this place”. “Thank you, Dustin, this means a lot. I don't know how I will repay you for this”. “You don’t have to repay me for anything, Serena, it's me who is repaying you. If it wasn't for your father, my mother and I would have died long ago. I was a kid when we were attacked by rogues near your territory. Your father saved us and we stayed in your clan for a week. King Edward was a wise king. King and queen were great leaders, they were always ready to help. When I saw you here, I had the urge to protect you but failed miserably.” I'm surprised by Dustin’s statement but glad that someone here wanted good for me since I was dragged here. I shook my head and smiled, “You didn’t fail Dustin, you were always helping me and I will be out of this place because of you”. He smiled, “I’ll be more than happy when you will leave this place. I should leave now. Wait for my signal”. I thanked him again and he left. I was waiting for Dustin’s signal when I heard weak footsteps. I scrunched my nose, it was Cassie, Zedr’s daughter. But why is she here? She never spoke to me before but always looked guilty about her father’s doing. “Here, take these clothes with you. You’ll need them after you shift back into your human form. I am glad you will finally be out of this place. You were never meant to be here. I know I never helped you, but trust me, I always wanted to, but I was scared of my father. Please take them and leave. Dustin is waiting. And yes, remove that pendant. It does not belong to your mother, my dad tricked you. It is a magical pendant that will track you wherever you go and it will stop your loved ones from sensing you through the bond.” I blinked my eyes at her. Magical pendant? She shocked and confused me at the same time. I hesitated to take clothes from her but took them anyway and looked at my pendant. I had been wearing it for years. I never thought that it was magical. It was difficult for me to trust her, but I didn't want to take any risks, so I took it off and left it in the basement. When I reached the main door, Dustin told me that Cassie was serious about everything she said to me and she wanted to help. I trust him, so I believed. Dustin told me to run in the west. There is a werewolf clan – Blood Moon Clan, and nobody will dare to cross the alpha of that clan because he is the most feared alpha of the country. Everyone is scared of him and he hates witches, so he might help me to take Zedr down. I took a deep breath, masked my scent, and looked around. When I saw no one, I ran towards the Blood Moon Clan.
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