
1708 Words
“Oh.” I say. If Logan helped, who knows what he did to our meal! I quickly look at Theo, who immediately tenses. While Nick grips his silverware tighter. “Well, before we all dig in, please let me taste it first, just to be safe.” I say with a tight smile. Natalie frowns, but my father nods his head. Luckily, he’s very cautious when it comes to other packs. “That would be best,” He says calmly. I glance at Theo, who looks overly concerned and goes to protest, but luckily, Nate, being the proud brother he is, pipes up. “Nikki is well-trained at detecting poisons in foods and drinks; she has saved many lives that way!” I smile at the praise and take a small bite of mashed potatoes. I give a quick nod signaling that they are fine and move onto the next item. I quickly make my way through all the food on the table without problems. I quickly turn my attention to the drinks provided. I first try the water and give the signal that it’s ok. I then turn my attention to the wine. It is a brand I’ve never seen before and quickly realize that it isn’t ours. I pour a small amount into my cup and take a quick sip. I swish it around and notice a bitter taste. I know wines can be bitter, but this is different. I quickly spit out the drink. “Nobody touch the wine!” I growl out. “Somebody tried to poison us!” my fathers voice booms. I turn to Theo and his eyes are glowing blue. I can tell he is beyond pissed. By the look on his face I can tell Logan picked out the wine. “Who dares to poison us?” my father glares at Theo. “You brought this wine with you! Did you plan this all along? Was it your goal to get rid of me and my family?” Theo stands up and slams his fists on the table. “How dare you accuse me?!” He shouts. “I am your King!” “You brought poison into my home! You could have killed my family!” “I wouldn’t dare hurt your family!” ‘Nikki, you need to do something about this!’ ‘Nick, what am I supposed to do?’ 'You know what you have to do.’ 'I don’t know if that’s a good idea!’ 'It’s the only way dad will calm down' ‘He will be pissed' ‘That’s a risk we need to take!’ 'Goddess fine!’ “Stop this!” I yell. Everyone goes silent, and their attention turns to me. I take a deep breath and look my father in the eyes. I can sense Theo’s unease, but this needs to be done. It’s my only option on how I can resolve this. The only way my father won't tear him apart is if he knows the truth. I hate the idea, but I must do what needs to be done. I know Theo won't like the idea, but I also know he won’t stop me. “Father, Theo isn’t the one who tried to poison us.” “How do you know that?” “Why would anyone try to poison their mate or said mate’s family?” I ask. Confusion crosses his face and I shrink into myself. “What are you talking about, Nikita?” “King Theodore is my mate,” I say. Everyone gasps. I look over at Theo, and he just stares at me wide-eyed. I knew it was a bad idea, but at least the fighting stopped. “Why am I just hearing of this now?” “Because it’s a dangerous and delicate topic,” I say sternly. “And why is that?” “I…” “Because of the threat we are facing.” Theo jumps in. I mouth the words thank you, and he just nods his head in response. “So, what was the plan, hmm? Just hide this and pretend nothing was happening?” “Yes, for now at least,” I say. “That’s horse sh*t!” I turn to my brother, surprised by his sudden outburst. “Nathaniel!” Tanner says with a disapproving tone. “If your mates, you can’t just turn away from each other and pretend that nothing is there!” “It’s not like that!” I cry. “Really? Explain it to me then, because how I see it, you guys don’t want to claim each other.” Theo growls at the implication. “I would never reject her! She is my mate, your future queen! We weren’t going to say anything, so we could get rid of the current threat. Her life would be in danger if anyone found out! You know this!” “Nikita, how do you feel about this?” my father asks in a calm voice. “I agree with Theo, we get rid of the threat and pretend that nothing has changed while we fight for what we want.” “If that’s what you want.” “Alright, so only the family knows, we don’t talk about it. Nothing changes.” “Agreed.” I hear everyone say. “Just one other question.” Sh*t, I know where this is going. “Have you told him?” “Yes, that’s how I know who our enemy is.” My father nods his head and turns to Theo. “Since the cats are out of the bag, what do you suppose we do?” Theo looks visibly shocked; he gestures to everyone to take their seats and we do. ***Theo’s POV*** After everyone takes their seats, I take mine. This was not how I expected dinner to go. Why would Logan try to poison the Evergreen family? What would he gain? “As Nikki said, we know who our enemy is. I have sent one of my men to find out if it's true.” “If Nikki saw it then it’s true!” I look at her sister and see the determination in her eyes. “I understand, but I need proof. I can’t just accuse someone of such an allegation.” “I get that your majesty, but she is your mate! You should believe her without any hesitation.” Natalie pipes back. Goddess, I understand why they don’t like me now, but I’m doing this for her protection! Can’t they see that? I want her more than anything. I’ve had dreams of her for months! It hurts having her so close yet so far. This is not how I wanted things to go. “I do believe her; I believe every word. But I need more, as the king I need all the evidence I can get.” “Alright.” “So, what’s the game plan?” Tanner asks. “Well, at the end of tonight I will head back to my pack and I will do research. As you already know Alpha, there is a pack of rogues nearby that need to be dealt with, so continue as planned. I will have my men work on finding more about the threat we face, and I will stay in touch.” “That’s not what I care about!” Tanner says, shaking his head. “What do you mean?” I ask. “What do you plan to do about Nikki?” He asks. I look around the table, and it seems like everyone wants an answer. I catch Nikki’s eye and see how embarrassed she is. I’m glad she has such a supportive and caring family. “Well, we need to eliminate the threat, then I plan to make it known that I have found my mate. At that time, I will make sure to win her over and make her my Luna.” I say while looking at her. I watch as she blushes. “Will you keep in touch with her?” “Yes, but it will have to be discreet, if anyone finds out about her… well you get the picture.” “Are we really in that much danger? Are we really so close to a war?” Blake asks. “Unfortunately.” “Well, I believe that’s enough about that. Let us enjoy the meal before it runs too cold.” Thomas says as he gestures to the food. “Of course.” As everyone begins to fill their plants, I notice Nikki staring off into the distance. I understand how hard this is for her, meeting your mate only to be told you can’t be with them. I know that it is harder on females than male wolves, but I know she understands that her safety is on the line. “Nikki?” I turn and see Nick tapping her shoulder. “Hmm?” “Are you alright? You haven’t touched your food.” “Oh, yeah I’m fine.” She gives him a fake smile and turns her attention back to her food. I watch her for a while as I eat my own meal. Of course, she is beautiful, but the sadness filling her eyes and shadowing her face just makes me want her even more. It's painful to see her like this and not be able to do anything about it. “I’m going to get rid of this wine.” She says as she stands up with the bottle. “Be careful Nikita.” Her father gives her a slight warning as she makes her way to the kitchen. I watch her every step until she is out of sight. If only I could go after her! I hate how we ended our conversation in the woods. And I hate seeing her so distraught. I can’t even imagine how much she is suffering because of this. I know it's only going to get worse from here on out, but I will make an effort to comfort her and get to know her. I will eventually make her mine. I will do everything I can in order to be able to mate with her.
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