Chapter 4 Annie's POV

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Before I knew it , it was time for work again. I spent the whole day with Kate and, true to her word, we just relaxed around the pool and then hit the saunas , before I cooked us some food at her apartment. I loved Kate , but her cooking. Well , I felt sorry for whoever turned out to be her mate. He would definitely need to send her to some sort of class or something. That girl could even burn heated soup in a microwave. It is honestly a skill to be that bad. Kal was standing at the door when we got there, smiling at us. " Hey Kal " I said, going to his side and hugging his big frame. He dropped a kiss on my head and pulled me in with one arm for a hug. " Hey short snack , you'll be happy to know that d**k won't be around tonight. He got reprimanded in training today for being still drunk. He must have carried on his party after I sent him packing. He has to run laps the entire night as punishment. " I looked up at him shocked. " What an i***t , how much must he have consumed to still be drunk ? "Wolves sobered quickly and took a long time to get drunk. Kal let me go and shrugged. " He probably put the bottle down on the way to training. Why they haven't kicked his ass out of here yet I will never know " he huffed in annoyance. I nodded in agreement with him. " Thanks for letting me know Kal , at least I won't be bothered tonight " I said, pleased. He looked at me. " You want company running home tonight ? "he asked. I rolled my eyes. " Kal, I can get myself home " I laughed, but the look he gave me said not a chance. Knowing it was pointless arguing, I just walked past him , knowing he would be waiting for me when I finished. I heard him and Kate greet each other behind me and then the stench of the club hit my nose. It wasn't unpleasant. But the aroma of the wolves' s****l desires here was always strong , mixed with food and alcohol. To a human , it would just smell like the food that was served here during the day. Going to the locker room , we both changed into our work uniforms and we were talking to a few others when the wicked b***h of the west stormed in. Megan's eyes scanned the room before solely landing on me and zeroing in. She stomped up on me with the least professionalism in the world and snapped in my face. "You, your till was one hundred down last night, Annie " she snapped at me. I reared back to get her out of my face and looked at her confused. But she didn't like the gap I had put between us and stepped back in. " I assure you it was not " I told her , as much as she thought she intimidated me, she didn't. " Are you calling me a lair , I checked it and it was down " she poked me with her finger on my chest and it was pissing me off. I looked at Kate , she counted my till up for me. I was always right with my money. I wasn't accusing Kate, not by a long shot. But she counted it for me. " I am not calling you a liar , what I am saying is my tills are never wrong. I am not a thief, so what are you implying ? "I asked, looking back at her. She sneered at me " I am saying it is down and your piss poor Annie " she hissed with venom. And I have to admit that did sting a little, but not because of what she was accusing. It was more embarrassment over the fact she would shout that I was poor around. " I counted her till for her , and it was right ", Kate said, stepping up to the side of us. Admitting something that will definitely get us both into trouble. Megan snapped her eyes at Kate and pointed back at me " You counted her till ? "Kate held her head up and nodded , no f***s given. " I did , and it was spot on to the penny. I even remember the exact number. seventeen hundred and thirty-four point twenty-five . Spot on , you know my father works high up in accounting, right ? For the Wolf King. So you know math was the one thing my father made sure I got right too. Are you questioning my accounting or my fathers ? " there was a challenge in Kates' steady gaze. She even went as far as c*****g an eyebrow. " I watched Kate count it too. I was counting mine at the side of her. Annie's, till was defiantly right ", Della added in a meek voice , Della wasn't the most confident, so it shocked me she would speak up too. Megan growled and Kate hit her with the last insult " Maybe you need lessons from my dad " she added, and I almost couldn't hold back the laughter. Megan looked at us all, a look of hatred passing over us all. " No counting each other's till I catch anyone else doing it your sacked and I will report you to the wolf king as theifs " she span on her heel but not before she threw one last look of pure evilness my way. When she was gone, I looked at Kate in some state of shock. " Annie, that till was definitely right , I don't know why she hates you this much or what you did to piss her off yesterday. But it even has her making s**t up now " I believed Kate , I would believe Kate over anyone. I looked at Della and smiled, " Thank you ", I said to her and she shrugged. " It's not a problem, I know it was right because Kate counts out loud and it was putting me off counting mine ". She smiled at Kate. And Kate laughed " I'm a natural chatterbox , I like the sound of my own voice, or so my mum used to say " she adds, which cracks us all up laughing. I laughed, but then as we calmed down I sighed " I may have to look for a new job , it is obvious she wants me out of here "I said, looking at where she had departed. " No way , you will not bow down to her , she's a b***h and one day someone will see that and boot her ass out of here. Maybe we should all make reports about her to the Wolf King ", Kate sneered, looking the same direction too. I shook my head and grabbed my apron. " Let's just ignore her " I said, grabbing Kates' hand to pull her out of the changing rooms. " Ignore her. That b***h just called you a thief Annie. " She practically screeched. " I need the pay checks Kate , this job pays well with its tips ", I said quietly, so I wasn't shouting out I was poor like Megan had done. The fight left Kates' body , allowing me to drag her out easily. " I told you to move in with me, Annie , or I can look for a two bedroom with you ", she suggested. Looking back at her, I gave her a pointed look. " And move out of your building , no way. You love that building ", I told her. She pulls herself to a stop , nearly pulling me over because I wasn't expecting it. I turned to look at her to ask what the hell she was doing. She was looking at me with a fierce look. She pulls her hand out of mine and plants them both on her hips. " I would go out of that building in a heartbeat for you, Annie, and you know it , I can even start thinking of buying with my inheritance. It is about time I grew up and did something with it. I can buy a place and you can move in as my lodger. Why won't you just accept my help ? Would I be that bad to live with ? " she asks. Sighing, I ran a hand down my face. " No Kate, you wouldn't be bad to live with. But what if you find your mate or I do , then I will have to mess around to find a new place. It could be any mate you find yours and you won't want me hanging around like a third wheel when you do. Trust me , I am OK Kate. I get by , and my place isn't so bad. The Alpha King has been cleaning up the neighborhood lately , hopefully not so well that rent prices go up though ey ? " I smiled at her, trying to lighten the mood. She finally let her hands drop and she rolled her eyes at me. " Don't get cute Annie. It doesn't work on me " she said, stomping past me , and I couldn't help but smile as I followed after her. I was so concentrated on her , I didn't see the big brick wall that stood in my path. I literally hit him like a rock and fell back on my ass. Looking up , my mouth dropped open at the sheer size of this man. A man I kind of recognized. The scar was what made me believe it was really him. Conrad. The Alpha Kings Beta and right-hand man. He glowered down at me with a deathly glare that made me shrink back. " Watch it " he sneered. Someone walked behind him , causing a whoosh of air. And that was when I smelt something that intoxicated me. It was a masculine scent like pine oak mixed with something earthy. It made my wolf Bailey perk up in my head. " Mate " I whispered, looking up at him. His lip curled up " Nice try ladder climber , your not my mate " he growled and I felt like he had slapped me. But as I looked at him I didn't feel any attraction to him at all , which was wrong, all wrong. Getting up, I stepped closer to him and inhaled. No, his scent was wrong. But the other smell was on him. He growled a deep rumble " What are you doing ? " he snapped, stepping back. " Your not my mate ", I said with wide eyes looking up at him. " But you have been with him " his eyes narrowed at my words. " Get to work " he snapped before he turned and dissapered through the crowd. Before I could question who he had been with.
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