Chapter 5 Axel's POV

1981 Words
My head was splitting with the amount of f*****g paperwork I had been looking at all day. My own fault , I was particular. I also had massive trust issues , and I trusted no one but my right-hand man, Conrad. That was only because he had been with me from the beginning. I hired people to do jobs and then re-checked everything they did anyway , so what was the f*****g point? When I took over this realm , it was a s**t show. Debt upto it's eye balls with the other realms , trade deals not paid for. But the old kings purse had a very pretty f*****g penny stashed away in it. The dodgy bastard had money stashed everywhere. It had taken me ages to find it all. Offshore human accounts , with different names on the accounts, you name it. The humans hadn't wanted to hand it back at first. Until I had turned up at the doorsteps of their prestigious buildings and stated the law. Shifters and humans lived with each other , but the law set years ago was that we kept our worlds very seperate. A wolf could not create children with a human , unless that human was their mate. Casual s*x was, by the by, a person's own choice. Money and trade all separate. The last thing the humans had wanted was a wolf or any other shifter climbing their social ladders. The banks should never have even taken the money. Once I showed proof it came from a wolf , they couldn't ship it back to me fast enough. I funneled every bit of money he had hidden back into the realm , and started buying businesses so the money stayed in the realm. Paid people a descent wage and they were happy. Sitting back in my chair , the room around me was dark. The only light coming from the one on the desk that shone down on the paperwork I was going over. And the lights from the realm down below that shone through the window. Standing up, I went to it , and looked down on the realm. I was a ghost to all of them. A shadow , of gossip and myths. It had to stay that way. I couldn't be anything more to them. If I show my face too much and my image gets into the wrong hands. Well, they wouldn't all want that king. Or the ramifications it would come along with. Some would say I live a lonely life , but that is how I like it. I wasn't good with people. My anger is always bubbling on the surface. My demons rode me too hard and too present to allow myself around them. One wrong look would have me snapping necks. One comment I didn't like and their hearts would still be beating in the palm of my hand and their bodies would drop lifeless to the ground. My wolf and I were tortured f*****g souls , bestowed onto us by many in what I liked to call our past life. We weren't them anymore , but I was f*****g fooling myself. Of course we were, that was why I hid away. The door opened behind me and I knew who it was , by his scent and the fact he was the only person that had access to this room. " What did you find out ? " I asked , in my deep voice. Conrad shut the door behind him , making the room soundproof again ,even to Wolf's hearing. " Nothing much. I didn't find the group there " he growled out with frustration heavily in his voice. " You'll go again tomorrow night , let the i***t off of his punishment after tonight and see if he turns up with his friends. " I spat out. " Will do , Axel , I'm about to ask you to do something weird. But I need you to come and see if you pick up a scent on me " he sounded a bit hesitant and that wasn't like Conrad. Conrad was as ruthless and as confident as I was. Turning, I looked at him. He was slowly approaching me. " Why would you want me to .... " my words cut off. He wasn't even close to me yet and I was hit by a scent that had my d**k going hard in seconds. Vanilla and wild flowers assailed my nose. " What the f**k is that ? "I snapped, storming over to him and taking a deep inhale. The scent made me feel high. " s**t " Conrad whispered . " That was how she reacted when she bumped into me. I thought she was a ladder climber faking it " he growled. " What the hell are you talking about Conrad ? " I asked, stepping away from him and the scent, so I could actually concentrate. " Axel , you know what it means when you scent something that sends you into a frenzy " I shook my head. Of course I did , but this can't happen. The fates would not be dumb enough to give me a f*****g mate. They would be damming her to heart break. " Who ? "I snapped at him , the walls or my demons closing in on me because of the sheer panic I was in. " A waitress at the club " he answered carefully. Conrad knew the signs of when the darkness was taking over. My wolf perked up in my head , the prospect of us having a mate making all sorts of desires run through him. And in turn me , even my wolf was a dark , posseive dominant f**k. I growled at him, warning him to back off, we would not nor ever would we be pursuing her. " Ludicrous human, why would we not be? You smell her. She smells f*****g divine, and she is ours " he growled back in my mind. I looked at Conrad, who watched me warily. "It's time for you to bring me the witch ", I snapped at him. He knew what I wanted the witch for. We had both discussed this before. For if either of us ever scented our mates. Precautionary measures we had agreed needed to happen. He nodded his head and went to leave the room. When I called his name, turning away so he couldn't see my face and the disgust I felt that I was about to say this. I grit my teeth trying to stop myself from saying it. But it came out anyway. " find out who this girl is , everything. I want a file on her by sunrise ". There was a pause. I could feel his eyes drill into my back. " Get out ", I growled at him, letting my alpha aura spread through the room like a poison in someone's veins , until it hit the destination it intended to land the final blow to make someone submit to it. The last thing I wanted to feel right now was his judgment that was rolling off of him in spades. When I heard the door slam shut , I went around to my desk and sat down, opening up my laptop. Pulling up The Wolfbane file , the club, I knew Conrad had been to visit tonight and all of its files. I pulled up the employee register, and started to aimlessly start scanning through files and pictures of all of its employees. It was morbid curiosity and a distraction at the same time to stop me crashing into a spiral. I flicked through one female after another , their pictures doing nothing for me. Until I flicked past one and had to go back to it. Sitting back in the chair , I took my fingers upto my chin and stared at the photo. My d**k hardened again in my trousers , just like it did with the scent. I knew it would be her. Her that Conrad brought me information back on. I glanced across at her name , Annie Myers. " Annie " I purred out, enjoying how it rolled off of my tongue. Images of me having her tied up and whispering it in her ear as she begged me to be merciful flashed through my mind. " Just kidnap her and keep her locked up as ours " my wolf taunted in my head. " Shut up " I snapped at him and he sulked, going back into the corner of my mind. Lifting up a remote from my desk, I pointed it at the surround sound music system I had set up in here and turned it on. Playing the dark rock music much too loudly , but it helped drown out the thoughts from taking over. My fingers itched to start tapping on the computer to start finding every detail of her life out. But that would me getting too invested in this girl. Instead, I slammed the laptop shut , pulled out my bottom drawer and pulled out the bottle of tequila. I had it stashed in there. Screwing the lid off, I drank from the bottle and stood back up. Going back to the window , I started to basically pour it down my throat. One bottle became two bottles. The laptop behind me taunted me like a bully in a playground, calling me weak. After that, things got hazy. I wasn't aware of anything until I felt someone nudging my shoulder. I shot to my feet in fight mode. Sending the chair I had at some point, sat on crashing back and breaking with the force it hit the wall. My vision blurred , and as it straightened out Conrad was standing there with a folder in his hand. But his eyes was looking down at the laptop screen. " I don't know why you ask people to do things for you , when you just go do it yourself " he mused. Unbothered by the fact I was raring to kill someone stood behind him. I walked forward and on the desk and the laptop screen were pictures of her , not just the one from her work file. Other pictures with friends , on her self and selfies. " How did you know this was the girl I saw ? "he asked, confused. " I didn't , but I guess it is her. Right ? " I choked out groggily. He nodded, opening up his file and throwing it on the desk among the other papers I must have printed off. He clicked a few buttons on the laptop screen and swore under his breath. " What ? " I asked him, looking up from the file that had the same employee picture in it. " You sent the girl two hundred grand last night , how many bottles did you f*****g go through ? " he snapped. I looked down and saw four empty ones and another half bottle on the desk. " Shall I get this taken back out of her account ? "he asked. That was when I remembered something from last night which had sparked me to do that. Her accounts showed she was broke. Her history was she was an orphen. In my drunk stupor I had reasoned it was the least I could do for her, seeing as she would never have a mate. Unless I got killed and the fates graced her with a second chance one , the thought made my stomach churn and it had nothing to do with the tequila. " Leave it " I snapped, before I stormed out of my office, leaving him and his disapproving ass behind.
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