2022 Words

All three of us adjourned to the bathroom, and the rest of that day found us doing our best to recuperate exhausted nature. Longing for another spree at Phoebe's cottage, I knew I must keep myself from excesses, so tried my best to remain quiet, going fishing or riding to pass the time: but at night I lay thinking of Phoebe and her three little girls. The idea so took my fancy I was mad to get at them. At last the suspense was ended, and I found myself one day at the cottage door, with a basket of nice things requisitioned from the housekeeper, which she had packed up for me. Phoebe, as soon as she saw who it was, throwing her arms round my neck, "Oh, you dear Percy, to think I have you again! but it's so unlucky, dear, you can't touch me to-day," she said, kissing me as ardently as eve

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