2027 Words

"How kind of you, Master Percy, who could have told you that? I'm all right, and the girls have gone to see their grand-mother at Becton and won't get home much before dark, so I'm alone; no-one ever comes so see me. Thank you so much. Won't you come in and sit down for a rest?" "That I will, Phoebe, and I feel done up carrying that basket. You might draw the cork and give me a glass of port, and a drop will do you good." The cork was soon drawn, and she drank to my health with her "Best respects to you, Master Percy. How you have grown, I shan't like to kiss you now." "Why not, Phoebe, what harm can it be? I have often sat on your lap and kissed you when my mother was here, and I mean to again." "Oh, no, it isn't proper only with little boys. They're harmless you know; now you're so b

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