4. Silver Claw Pack

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Nina’s POV. I opened a teleportation portal from my room in the castle to take me to my room in Willowsfield. The moment I stepped through I saw the familiar room, the bed, my close and everything was just as I had left it. It has been a very long few weeks since we left this house. That was when I thought my boyfriend was going to hunt us down. Back then witches and warlocks were the enemies. Not just to the wolves but every creature under the supernatural council. It was only a few weeks ago we left here in a hurry in fear that Mateo who was an Alpha, would send word to the council of our existence. It felt like a lifetime ago but now, just two weeks ago, my brother Asher had taken his place as king. An alliance had been restored between my kind and those under the council. There is only one part of agreement my brother had negotiated with with the council that we haven’t had word of yet. And that was the whole situation with different species being mates. Discovering that he was my mate and I was his, was probably the reason my siblings and I were still alive. However, now that the council knows my kind has survived they didn’t want another war. Instead they agreed to let us join the council once again. No more then ever they need us since they know of the existence of demons. Which is another matter I need to discuss with my brothers when I return later today. I walked out to the front of the house and pulled out my phone. Before I could call my mate a familiar car pulled up in front of me. A huge smile formed on my face as the window rolled down. “Good morning princess.” Mateo teased. “Need a ride?” My mate added. “It seems you’re the one that needs a ride.” I teased back. “It is my car after all.” I had almost forgot that I had left it at his place that day things didn’t go so well between Sally and I. Mateo chuckled at my words as I opened the door and got in. “So, what are we doing today?” I asked. “I wanted to ask your permission in person first.” Mateo began and I stopped midair with the seatbelt I had just pulled over. “Is it bad?” I asked as I began to feel nervous. “Well, I wouldn’t say introducing you to my mother is bad.” He says in a sarcastic tone before he gave me a smirk. My eyes widened as I look from my seatbelt to the revision mirror. I turned the mirror to see my face as I looked at myself. My mate began to laugh at my actions as he pulled my hands into his. “You look fine the way you are and beside, my mother would adore you no matter how you look. I didn’t not intend to meet with my mates mother since we aren’t showing each other off for everyone to see. “Is it even safe?” I asked as I reminded him of our situation. “It’s just my mother and she knows already that you’re a witch and my mate. She also knows of the mating law and she wouldn’t tell a soul about us.” He reassure me. “What if the council finds out? They seem to be showing up every-time you and I want to spend time together.” I asked in a worried tone. “Don’t let paranoia get to you. They have been showing up to meet with your brother and I. You always come along with your brother so we could see each other but that don’t mean they know. We have been careful and besides they seem destructed by your brother trying real hard to make an alliance with the others. I’ve already agreed with your brother on everything and the others would for the same soon enough.” He explains before he puts his hands on the steering wheel and takes off. “Your right. I’m probably just overthinking it.” I said as I lean into my seat. The rest of the drive to his pack house was silent. I don’t ever remember being this quiet between us. My thoughts wonder off to what his mother would look like. I never once thought that in this lifetime I would be mated to a wolf, an Alpha wolf. And never did I think I would meet a current Luna of the largest werewolf pack in existence. The silver claw pack, I would soon see what a pack house would look like. Soon enough we came up to to huge gates which opened the moment Mateo rolled down the window and they saw his face. “Welcome to the Silver Claw Pack.” He said as we pulled up to the drive way. We both unbuckled and got out of the car. I stared at the building in front of me as my mind wondered off in thought. It almost looked similar to Sally and Sam's house and definitely not too far from their parent's property. However, it was way bigger than the twins' home. It was like a castle in the middle of nowhere. My mouth was open in shock. Although my home was a castle itself, I have never seen a pack house or even a castle this big. I was aware that the pack house was huge with many rooms that could fit unmated wolves and some high-ranking warriors as well as the alpha, beta and gamma families. Mateo had briefly explained to me how they choose who can stay in the pack house. The ones that are mated or have a family would have their own house that is on the land that belongs to the pack. It explained why Sally stayed with her parents but Sam lived here with Mateo. I also heard about it in the stories that grandma Alice used to tell before the forgetting spell had taken those stories from me. She had mentioned visiting many werewolf pack houses during her tour. As she said, when a new king or queen assented to the throne of the royal coven, they would tour all covens as well as our allies' homes. She had also mentioned the homes of dragons, vampires and werewolves, but Fae’s and Wendigo’s were way too old and had barriers that prevented any visitors that were not their own kind. At that time, the memory of my grandmother entered my mind. I still cannot believe that a forgetting spell was cast on us to forget her. All we remembered was our parents and that we were royals. The memory of our grandparents was completely erased. Grandma Alice’s image appeared in my mind as if it was just yesterday I had last seen her. However, the face of our grandfather was slowly fading from my memory. I would have to speak with grandma Frances, hoping she had some pictures of him. It had crossed my mind and I wasn’t sure if another forgotten spell was cast on us to forget what he looked like. It didn’t matter though, I'm sure there had to be an image of him somewhere. An image of both my grandparents or maybe even all of them together. Thinking of grandma Alice made me remember that I was given the same gift as her. Over the last few months with grandma Frances in our lives, I slowly realised I could sense auras and emotions from others. If there was any chance of remembering our grandfather's face, I would remember. Whether it was in a dream or a photo, I just had a feeling that I knew I would. We have lost many families without realising it and all because of a spell. The question I was asking myself, is why? Why was there a forgotten spell done in the first place? There had to be more to it than my twin sister being kidnapped. If there was any chance in finding my twin sister that I had lost all these years, I knew for sure that I would find her. I would do everything I can to find her. “Hey,” Mateos' voice took me back to reality. “Where are you?" He came to my side of the car and wrapped his hand around my waist as he raised a brow of concern. “Nowhere.” I forced a smile onto my lips, although I convinced myself that I was alright. "You sure?" He asked. "You seem to be somewhere else." He added while staring at me. "I'm alright," I lied. "I'm just tired." I quickly added, as if that was the reason for me staring into space. My mate was clearly not convinced. Thanks to my control over my gift, I was able to sense his concern. Thank you, grandma Alice, for your therapy journals or diary or whatever they called it back then. I silently praised my deceased grandma through my thoughts. Mateo let out a sigh. "You know you can tell me anything, Nina. I'm your mate and I am here for you." He reassures me. I was about to open my mouth to confide in my mate when he went stiff with worry, followed by the concern voice of Ryan. "The council members are here, they just arrived unannounced and said they need to have an emergency meeting. Your mother is with them right now.” Ryan said as he came up behind Mateo.
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