Chapter 5

1045 Words
Going back wasn’t that hard. After the sudden event that happened, Myrrah and I headed back to my chamber not too long. When I got there, I saw the marriage papers lying on the tray on top of my bed, and beside it, a circular band of gold that is decorated with silver gems that glistens as the ray of sunlight hits it. The ring wasn’t that glamorous or plain, but its design was just right for me. I slowly took a stride towards the bed and sat as I held the papers and the ring in my other hand. Could he save me from that monster? Could he save her from that fate? " Am I really going to die? " Or is there some other way for me to save myself? Could it be this marriage would save me from all this damnation? " Think Kassy, think! Your future is at stake with your choices! ' Something snapped inside me. I was biting my nails on my finger as I seriously thought about my choices. I picked up the feathered quill from the table beside the bed and tried to find the ink but was puzzled when it was nowhere to be found. Glancing at Myrrah with a dumbfounded face and a confused look while holding the quill in my hand, as if understanding what the question my face was trying to convey meant, she answered. In signing some important contracts or papers, your Majesty, in our world, we use our blood in binding agreement. It is a spell in which the parties on both sides agreed to each other's conditions and sealed them in exchange for their lives. Therefore, if one does tricks or does ways of disobeying the conditions, the life of that person will be at stake and they’ll slowly die. " Myrrah informed me formally as she took the needle from a box that sat on top of the bedside table and placed it gently near me on the bed. Yeah, uh—forget it!I just have one question to ask. " It’s just what if... I guess there’s nothing wrong with asking, right? "What is it, your majesty?" "If the other party doesn’t wish to do anything anymore about the contract, what would happen to them?" "They’ll forget that person they signed that contract with," she said, as she took the needle from the box and placed it on top of her hand. If you are ready, your majesty, just prick your finger with this needle, and once it draws blood, just let the tip of the quill touch it and it will magically fill. Outside, the thunder roared loudly as the clouds darkened and the wind became stronger. Well, this is it. There’s no going back. ’ I whispered to myself as I picked up the needle and pricked my finger into it. The blood came out from the small wound and I instantly guided the tip of the quill onto the blood as it magically sipped the metallic liquid. The quill slowly emanates a different heavy aura than before, as it glows red with every passing second. Clutching the quill with nervous hands, I signed the paper in no less than ten seconds. I hissed in pain as the ring finger on my left hand burned as foreign symbols were etched on it. The pain lasted for more than half an hour and the seal was already finished. As I lay down on the bed in exasperation, beads of sweat start to roll down from my forehead. I raised my hand and looked at the seal that was etched on my finger with mixed feelings. My heart began to beat uncontrollably as I stared at it for a long time, fearing that I had made a wrong decision. After a while of exasperating my mind with so many thoughts, my eyes begin to feel heavy as I can feel the drowsiness within me, and I stifle myself from an incoming yawn. Maybe the pain of sealing the contract, exhaustion. I’d already signed the deal. I’m sure now he is aware of it already and is taking actions to save my mom. ’ I said in my mind as I finally yawned. Sleep won’t hurt me, is it? As if defeated by the sleepiness I felt, I surrendered to it and just let my eyes drift as I met the darkness with a peaceful sleep. When I closed my eyes, my surroundings drastically changed and I found myself standing in front of a big familiar tree, yet I hadn’t seen one like it before. Its long vines were hanging, and the tree was filled with leaves that were the shade of light pink. I looked at my surroundings and realized I was in some sort of endless, endless forest. "Hello? Is everybody here? " I called out loudly, breaking the silence in hopes that someone or somebody might answer me, but my expectation turned into dismay as my actions became futile when my voice was the only thing that answered my call back. Oh come on! I thought I could sleep comfortably now! Guess who’s going to die from sleeping now! " I mumbled under my breath while throwing a fit because of my frustrations. My heart almost leaped out when a voice started to talk from somewhere I couldn’t see. Its voice was soothing and calming to hear, like a voice lulling you to sleep. Be calm, I am not here to hurt you. I need you to save him. The unknown voice said. "Save who?" I asked as I searched around my surroundings looking for the owner of the voice that was talking to me, but instead I found a magnificent sword that had a purple gem attached to its pommel on the hilt and its blade was covered with rust. The sword was plunged deep into the boulder, creating a crack in its opposite direction. I took a stride towards the boulder and examined it carefully. Just as I was about to touch it, I suddenly jolted out of nowhere and woke up, only to be startled as I came face to face with the tantalizing pair of golden eyes of my newly-wedded husband.
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