Chapter Thirteen : Daddy Kinks And Ditching Friends

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Today, my buddies and I planned to go out and play. We traveled to the river side in full speed in my junk which was a pathetic excuse of a cycle. Kyle was in the back seat and Peaches was sitting in the huge basket at the front. I had specially attached a massive basket for her accommodation since she was tiny and could fit in it if she sat cross-legged. We arrived at the river side and I noticed a polished, white car and the silhouette of a man sitting over the rocks. I parked my cycle and helped Kyle and Peaches get down. "Who's that?" Peaches asked and pointed at the silhouette while Kyle shrugged. "Let's find out," I said blithely as we all galloped towards the silhouette, giggling all the way. "Brownie?" Clark turned around and sighed wearily. I clasped my hands in delight and squealed. "That's so awesome you're here, the more the merrier!" I exclaimed and hastily introduced him, "Brownie, meet Peaches and Kyle, my buddies. Peaches, Kyle, this is Brownie my erm . . . " "Nobody," Clark cut me off. "And I'm Clark not Brownie." The kids giggled and I narrowed my eyes. Peaches beamed at him. "We're going to play. Bownie, join us!" Clark stared at me and I shrugged casually. "Yeah, come on." He looked surprised since he couldn't believe that I was asking a twenty three year old guy to play. He got up while shaking his head in disbelief. He was about to walk back to his car when Peaches and Kyle tugged at his shirt. Clark looked down at the pouting kids and narrowed his eyes, thinking of ways to get rid of them. However, Kyle and Peaches climbed all over and attacked him. They went over him like little, cuddly monkeys and sat over his shoulders easily. Clark helplessly stared at me and I rushed towards him. I tried to pull Peaches who slid down and clinged to his arm. She complained, "Tell him to play with us or I won't leave him!" "Yes!" Kyle added as he swung his arms over Clark's neck. "Come on Brownie, they are insisting," I said in a whiny voice and he groaned. "Attacking to be specific. But, fine," he muttered and Kyle and Peaches quickly hopped down. They grabbed the wet mud from the ground and threw all over him. I too picked up a chunk of wet mud and threw randomly, it hit Clark's face. Clark glared and charged towards me. I tried to run but he grabbed me and wrapped his strong arms around my waist. I kicked several times but he continued to carry me. He tossed me roughly over wet, sticky mud and I squealed in surprise. To his pure shock, I rolled over the soft mud in delight as Clark gawked at me in astonishment. I hurriedly got up and before Clark could run away, I hugged him tightly, smudging all the mud over him. * * * After playing for a while, we jumped into the river to get rid of the dirt. I helped Peaches take a quick bath in the shallow water while Clark helped Kyle. It was adorable to watch Clark wash the dirt from Kyle's face who scrunched his nose in disgust. Kyle shook his head in an attempt to not let Clark wash his face and pouted. Clark frowned and he pouted too. I started giggling and Clark realized his actions, he sulked. They both looked cute together, like father and son. "You'll be a good daddy," I teased Clark. "What?" "I mean not in the kinky way, but an awesome father. You know to handle kids pretty well," I said and grinned to which he scoffed. "We should go home," I suggested and looked around. "But how will we go back?" "Don't know," Clark mumbled. I looked longingly towards his polished, white car and dashed towards it. Clark quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him roughly. "We will not go in my car and dirty it with the muddy s**t," he hissed and I shivered. I was pressed against him- my back against his front as I could feel his hot breath fanning over my neck. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kyle and Peaches staring at us, their eyes wide as saucers as they resembled the meerkats from the Ice Age movie. Clark let go of me and I flashed the kids an awkward smile before leading them to my cycle. * * * "No, I'm not sitting on that," Clark grumbled. My rusted cycle stood in front of him, timid and old. "Then how should we go back home?" I asked as Kyle tugged at my wet shirt, gaining my attention. "We have Coco and Peggy nearby. We can go back on them," he suggested. I explained to Clark that Coco and Peggy were Kyle's horses and their shed was a couple of farms away. We proceeded towards the shed and on the way, it started raining heavily. We huffed and puffed as we finally arrived at the shed. "We should wait here till the rain stops. It would be difficult for the horses to walk in the rain," I said sensibly and Clark agreed. I was showing him the horses- stroking their shiny coat of hair when I noticed Kyle walking towards us. "I love Peaches," Kyle said innocently and my eyebrows rose high up. "What? Why?" "Just like Bownie loves you," he replied and I grinned. I nudged Clark playfully who ignored me, but I could feel him turning rigid beside me. Kyle ran away and I jogged after him. Before I could stop him, he cupped Peaches cheeks and quickly placed a feather like kiss over her lips. "Holy s**t, no, he didn't just do that," I muttered, anxiety crawling on my head. "Why? He just kissed her, so what?" Clark asked curiously. "Because---I know exactly what's going to happen," I said worriedly and my predictions were unfortunately right. Peaches pushed away Kyle and crossed her arms. Kyle stumbled and stared at her for a while. His eyes welled up in tears and he ran towards Clark. He hugged Clark's knees and Clark ruffled his hair. "Hey man, it's okay. It happens," Clark said to Kyle sadly. I blinked rapidly at him and bolted towards Peaches to calm her anger. I tried to explain to both of them and thankfully as time passed by, the kids forgot. They were playing together again like nothing had happened. It was still raining heavily and I was getting bored and restless. "Come on, let's go out! It's raining!" I exclaimed and pulled Clark. "That's the exact reason I don't want to go out," he mumbled. "We want to come too," Peaches and Kyle chirped in unison. "No, you guys will catch cold and your parents will be upset with me," I explained to them and they booed me, but didn't protest. I dragged Clark out in the rain who hesitated. "Oh my god, this is so much fun!" I squealed and splashed the water from the puddle over Clark. He glared at me- his usual one and I bantered, "Take that stick out of your ass Brownie." I forced him to dance with me and merrily hopped here and there like a child. I laughed and did my best to make him smile- that was my goal. That had been my goal all along. He didn't smile though. I gave up tiredly and after a while we went back to the shed. "Where is Peaches and Kyle?" I asked worriedly went towards the back of the shed where I saw Peaches and Kyle sprawled over the haystack. They were sleeping peacefully with Kyle's tiny arms over Peaches. Fricking cute. "Aw, aren't they adorable?" I gushed and glanced at Clark. He nodded faintly as we both warily picked them up and even in their sleep, they were clinging to Clark. Their grip on his arm was so tight that they refused to leave him. I frowned when I realized how they suddenly got attached to Clark. Clark carried them, Kyle over his back and Peaches in his strong arms. I quitely guided the horses out of the shed. The rain had stopped and the lush, green grass glistened in the sunlight- the water droplets shining like diamonds. Peaches and Kyle both woke up slowly when I made them sit on the horses. Both of them demanded to sit on the horse Clark was sitting. Kyle held Peaches who was holding Clark's waist tightly as I roughly pulled them. I was annoyed as to how suddenly they liked Clark more than me. I mean we were best buddies and suddenly they ditched me. "It's okay, let them sit here," Clark said as I was pulling Peaches towards me. She was about to cry so I hurriedly left her. I loathed when she cried- she was worse than a witch. "Fine!" I huffed and sat on the horse. The kids smiled mischievously and I was about to yell at them when I heard a low noise from Clark. I realized he was laughing too- that deep, rich laugh of his with his head tossed back. The sunlight streamed over his brown hair which now looked bright orange. "You bloody buddy thief! You snatched my best friends!" I shouted and kicked the horse in vexation. The horse suddenly started to sprint and I wobbled. I was almost falling off the horse as I cried, "s**t, oh my, s**t! Brownie! Help me please!"
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